mercredi 27 août 2014

How do you measure your stats? Visitors, Uniques, Hits, or Page Views?

I've heard people make the case for both over the years. Some say Unique visitors is what matters, but as we all know you can't measure accurately by Unique IP address since many people can be on one IP address as well as 1 user visiting multiple times in a 24 period is still counted once. And you can fake Unique IPs with a script.

Hits, from the old glory days when that was the only measurement, we all know are worthless as an accurate measure of actual visitors.

Visits are all requests for pages no matter if they are from the same users.

Page Views are just that. How many times your pages were loaded/requested by all users.

For traffic measurement I watch the page views, time on site, and bounce rate more than anything

Which metric do you all use as a measurement of your site's daily traffic and/or popularity, and why that one?

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