jeudi 14 août 2014

Question regarding RESALE OR SELLER'S PERMIT...

I'm considering using my permit in a different industry and build a different website.

1. Do I need to notify the BOE? I remember I wrote down "online retail" when I applied for the license to cover me in case I ever want to sell different things.

2. Vendors who require a copy of my license, what do they do with it? I mean do they report every single item and quantity that I buy to the government? I want to know how seriously I must take the rule of "no personal" use. If I buy 100 dvd players, and I end up selling 90 of them. I gave away several to friends, and I used one for myself. Will men in black show up at my door?

My goal is to have several websites selling things I'm interested in. A website selling sporting goods, a different website selling tools, and lastly, a website selling Asian theme gifts. I'd like an umbrella website, which explains who I am, which is a online retailer of different industries, and then provide links to the different stores I've opened.

Just curious if I need a different seller's permit for each industry, and curious about how strict the "no personal use" rule is. How would they know I didn't sell all 50 basketballs and that I shoot hoops on the weekends with one of it. Do they have a record of everything I buy like Big Brother?

Please advise, your advice is much appreciated. Thank you.

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