mardi 19 août 2014

new employee annoys me

I hired a new guy this week....after 6 weeks of looking he was the best i could find

boy is he annoying....i cant stand the guy in many ways......i work with him all day long and have to listen to his BS all day

his work is decent if he would just shut up...

not sure what im going to do with him.....he is talking too much with homeowners too......which i cant have....he goes on and on with his BS to homeowners...he isnt just answering questions from homeowners...he starts the conversations so he can say the same BS stuff over and over.....he want everyone to know his business....arrrrgggggg

also he isnt putting stuff away very well...he throws my tools all over the place and ive been cleaning it up...that will stop tomorrow going to make him clean his mess up before the job is done...i will inspect it all......

today he even left his garbage between the front van seats

he also left a full can of soda in his lunch box between the seats ontop of my water and folders (its a pile between the seats, not a nice storage place)..when i went to get my water i tipped his box over and yellow liquid went all over everything...he got to eat a soaked sandwich..

its only his 2nd day.....i hate to fire someone because i dont like them, but its looking like i may have no choice..

how do you tell an employee to stop talking to homeowners??? how do you tell him to stop his BS talk??? will hurt his feelings for sure.....its offensive for someone to tell you that you talk to much and keep telling strangers your stories

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