samedi 16 août 2014

Opinion on Marketing

Hi everyone!

This will be the first business for us to own, but the franchise that we are buying is a company I have worked for, for 14 years. I know the business like the back of my hand, just not the owning a business piece (I worked for the corporation). Where we are opening our franchise it is a "start up" territory, only starting with 9 clients. I will be solely focusing on the business while John is still working his current job. We will not hire any employees until we have enough to where I'm to busy to do it all. We have the opportunity to market for new customers prior to our official open date.

Do you feel I/we should learn, have a solid understanding of owning the business/taxes/payroll/ etc prior to marketing and expanding? Or market right away, grow fast and learn as I/we go?

Thank you for any advise or opinions you have!

Christina and John

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