dimanche 31 août 2014

The right business for me

Hello everyone. Currently I am 15 years old. My uncle recently purchased my dream car, a Nissan GTR. He has taken me for many rides and I have locked down that car as my dream car. My question is, what business is right for me? The car is about 50-80k used. Should i start a product business, or a service? I have just recently started a lawn mowing business which i plan to expand. I made about 7-8 hundred dollars this year. I also want this car while i am sort of young(25-30). Does anyone have any tips, or ideas for what i should do? And also, i dont want any comments say a 4000 dollar car gets you to point a to b so why buy such an expensive car. Well since second grade i have been dreaming about cars. My uncle works at a honda dealer as a mechanic. I dont know how he has such a nice car and house, but i want to be like him someday. I will work as hard as i need to to accomplish my dream. Please help.;)

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