mardi 26 août 2014

Want to start some kind of business. HELP

Hello everyone, my name is Eric. Ive read about all of the sucess stories that come with starting your own business, and i want to make that come true. I am 15 years old, and have had a dream since i was 7 of having an expensive, loud, attention-grabbing car. i believe that i can make this come true if everything goes well. i have been thinking of many business ideas, and have ruled out services. So i narrowed it down to products. The one that grabbed me the most were iPhone cases. I picked iphone cases because they will never go out of style, and we will always need some kind of case for our phones. But i need some help choosing the right approach to start my business. Ordering from china seemed risky, but also seemed like a good low budget start. I am up for anything that a business may throw at me, and want to get moving on making my dream come true. Any tips anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated as well as other product business ideas that have a low startup cost that can grow bigger later. Thank you for taking your time to read this.



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