vendredi 29 août 2014

I have a way to solve rat problems without poisons or traps. How do I proceed?

A long time ago, a dog called the rat terrier was invented. It is a dog specifically bred to kill rats. You pump smoke into the rat hole and as soon as rats come pouring out the rat terrier kills them.

This eliminates the need for poisons, rat traps, and unlike the traditional ways the rats are removed the same day the exterminator shows up.

The problem is, I'm an expert on dogs, not pest control. I can train a dog to find rat holes and kill rats, but I read that the pest control guys will locate where the rats got in the house and seal it off. I have no idea how any of that is done. Do you think not sealing off the entrance will be a deal breaker with most people?

How do you think I should set my prices? A traditional exterminator charges $250+ for rats, but he also seals off the entrances. I was thinking a pay per performance rate of $50 for the first rat and $10-20 for each additional rat.

How hard should I push the "green" thing? With no use of chemicals other than the smoker, this is an environmentally friendly business.

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