mercredi 15 avril 2015

How and when does a distributor or manufacturer get paid by a retailer?

So here is the scenario: Let's say a manufacturer is offering a new brand of shampoo to a retailer. The retailer, just a small individual store, is interested in purchasing a small amount of the new shampoo, such as 20 items to test in their store. Here are my questions about what to do next:

Does the manufacturer send a blank purchase order to the retailer before the order is shipped?

Or does the manufacturer send the product along with a bill "To be paid upon receiving the product"?

Do retailers place orders online and should a manufacturer refer the retailer to place a PO online?

When does the retailer pay for the product, before they receive the product or after?

And what is the most common payment option of retailers for their goods from distributor/manufactures?

In short I would like to know what is the best way to get a product/money exchange underway that benefits both parties and that is most common practice. Thank you for your patience.

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