mercredi 8 avril 2015

Staring My Own Business

Hello, I have experience doing some SEO with my fathers business. I enjoyed the experience and liked helping him out and want to do the same for others. Consequently I have decided to start my own SEO agency specializing in local SEO for small businesses. I would like to give back to this forum for helping many people out and offer my services to all you business owners, since I am just starting out my prices will be pretty low so I can get more clients and gain experience. I hope this is not coming off as spam, I just am offering some help to small businesses for a lower price, and to gain experience for the future. If you are not interested in my services I would really appreciate it if you could let some fellow business owners know about my service and I will give you a 10% commission and you would be helping multiple people out! If you are interested or know somebody who would please reply to this thread and send me a message. Again I am not spamming or trying to be annoying, I simply want to help people and gain experience. Thank you!

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