dimanche 26 avril 2015

The End of Dextron

Well it's official ladies and gentlemen. Dextron has been shut down...

I know, I know it's sad. But save the tears. I'll tell you all about it, and don't worry, I'm gonna need some advice so please sit down and grab the popcorn.

I'm not going to point any fingers, it was both our faults. We really couldn't stick with and create a solid (not patented) concept. That always put some weight on our shoulders. On top of that, the motivation was...pathetic to say the least. Me on the other hand, I'm so ambitious my goal is to be Elon Musk, but my partner didn't have anywhere near the same spark. For the past month or so it's been him talking about this new job he has and college. He's going to be at this job only for the summer, then he's going to leave for another larger company called Pratt and Whitney. Basically, we started to argue because he underestimates how challenging starting a company is, and he wants to work on the company after work and on the weekends while I dedicate day in and day out. Of course, I'm not going to do that, I want a partner just as dedicated as me. I asked what was more important, he said college and his job, so I told him that this partnership probably won't work out. We decide it's time to split up and do our own thing, Kulin (good friend, I'll explain him in a minute) finds out, and next thing I know I'm strongly considering completely abandoning Dextron and its name, and starting a different company, this time with Kulin.

Kulin, who I mentioned before, is just as ambitious. He didn't start Dextron, and is waiting to be apart of it when my house is done being built (he's been texting me constantly). As I mentioned in previous posts, Kulin is a former colleague of mine who comes from a long bloodline of businesspersons. His great grandfather started a bakery, his grandfather took over that bakery until it was bought in the mid-1980s, and his dad started a computer company in his early 30s. Kulin is going to be going to school to get a business degree like me, so of course, this works out great. Plus we're closer in age (9 months apart), so the age isn't as crazy as before.

So basically, Dextron is done. It's not longer a sole proprietorship or whatever we were before. So, R.I.P. Dextron.

For now, I shall begin a new journey. I shall start this company properly. No more dicking around! No more waiting and relying on one person! I shall start what I originally wanted to do (but Ryan thought it was stupid, yet in reality it was pretty badass. He just wanted to do 3D stuff), and I shall ben referred to as Owen Musk from now on. Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll need some more advice.

Now comes the whole reason I just wrote that entire post. Where do you think I should start after the business plan? I know that always comes first lol. What should I do differently?

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