vendredi 4 mars 2016

How should I start a clothing store

Hi all,
I m very glad to find this site!
I have been a fashion designer for over 10 years not counting the 4 years I took off to become a stay at home mom. After going back to the work force, I find myself have to start over.. Pretty much from the bottom, and I m not happy...
I m a very hard worker, I have the experience and passion for fashion,
So now I want to pursue my long time dream to open up my own clothing store.

I want to open up a retail store that sells women's wear ( targeting young women) with affordable, fashion forward casual career wear.

I have been looking at this area in New Jersey ( highland park) it's a small trendy town, with a lot of restaurants, fitness/ yoga, and a few niche shops, with about 5 clothing store, but nothing like the stuff I want to sell.

Now I just have a few questions since I really don't know much about the business end of opening a business ...
1. I have about &10,000 in saving , I know I need much more than that , I guess I will have to get a loan from a bank?
2. I called up one of the corner space for lease, he wants $3500 for 1950 S.Ft, I thought might be too big for my store, but he said it was negotiable .. How much Can I negotiate to?
3. I have been researching for wholesalers/ suppliers, but what's the best way to get a good supplier?

Eventually I want to sell my own designs.. But that will be after my store start making some profit, then I can use that money to launch my own line...

Any suggestion in how should I go about it?

Thank you so much for reading my long post,
Any feedback are welcome!

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