jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Clothing Company $25 per shirt

Hi everyone!

My company is called Seminole Ave and we specialize in selling polo shirts with palm trees embroidered on them! We are very small and just started out.. Go give my website a view and see what you think if your interested!


S-Corp for Investing Activities Only

Hello fellow members,

My brother and I are thinking of forming a Delaware corporation and electing it as an "S-Corp", to invest in equities, bonds and option trading. We will not do any kind of business through this entity other than our investment plan.

The company's initial capital contribution will be from my brother and myself, split 50/50.

All future income of the company will solely be from capital gains/losses through trading in stocks and options, dividends and interest payments.

Is it advisable to form an S-Corp. to do investing only, and is "Portfolio Income" allowable for an S-Corp?

Lastly, what type of bookkeeping or accounting software shall we use to keep track of our investments, financial statements, and tax filing software?

Thank you!



Should I pay someone to form my LLC?

My question is in the title. There are a myriad of websites (legalzoom etc.) that can form a LLC in any state that you want for just a few hundred dollars and I am wondering is that a service that I should use? I had heard that if the ish really hits the fan, a lawyer can tear through one of those website assisted LLCs. Is there any merit to this? Should I just pay a firm who specializes in this sort of thing? Does anyone have any experience in this manner? Thanks.



Need beta testers for video delivery portal


I'm new to the forum - hopefully this is the right place to post this.

Our company needs 5 more beta testers for our new video delivery technology, which is starting in mid-November.

No sales hype here - there is absolutely no cost involved for our beta testers. You will be able to deliver video directly from your website - without linking to third party sites such as YouTube.

You can set whatever rules for viewing you choose - allowing you to have both public and private videos on your website. There is more functionality than I can list here - and we are planning to add functionality based on the input of our beta testers.

I'd be happy to forward more information to those interested.

Thank you all.

Kind Regards,

Steven Bruce

eKco | Under Construction




I am looking to engage with any bloggers that like to write about new technology.

If this of interest I have a good scoop for you.

kind regards,



Offshore Company Agents

Good Afternoon,

My name is Daniel and I work for a Gibraltar based company providing corporate services. We provide incorporation's of international business companies (IBC’s) primarily in Gibraltar where we have our head office, but also in many other tax efficient jurisdictions around the world, such as Delaware, Seychelles, BVI, Nevis, Panama and Belize to name just a few.

If you would like a chat about the services that we can offer you and find out how you can save you and your company tax in a efficient and legal manner. You can email me on or PM me on Small Business Forum

Have a nice day! :)


Using An Offshore Company To Save Tax!

Good Afternoon,

My name is Daniel and I work for a Gibraltar based company providing corporate services. We provide incorporation's of international business companies (IBC’s) primarily in Gibraltar where we have our head office, but also in many other tax efficient jurisdictions around the world, such as Delaware, Seychelles, BVI, Nevis, Panama and Belize to name just a few.

If you would like a chat about the services that we can offer you and find out how you can save you and your company tax in a efficient and legal manner. PM me or contact


Offshore Company

Good Afternoon,

My name is Daniel and I work for a Gibraltar based company providing corporate services. We provide incorporation's of international business companies (IBC’s) primarily in Gibraltar where we have our head office, but also in many other tax efficient jurisdictions around the world, such as Delaware, Seychelles, BVI, Nevis, Panama and Belize to name just a few.

If you would like a chat about the services that we can offer you and find out how you can save you and your company tax in a efficient and legal manner. PM me or contact


mercredi 30 octobre 2013


I am C khuzwayo.I lived in China, and I am new in this forum.


Retail Location Selection Service for Small Business

We are starting a new retail business here in Southern California and are looking for a company that specializes in evaluating potential locations to identify those that will maximize profits while minimizing expenses.

Problem: So far, the only replies I have gotten off of the 10 or so companies I have found that advertise this state that they only work with large companies, factories, large employee groups, etc. We are not that big.

Question: Does anyone know of any companies ..or a way to find such companies.. that work with small retail businesses to help them find the best location to setup shop?

I am also open to any advice from members of this forum regarding location selection.

Thank You.


New startup, loan question


My wife and i started a new business, and i sadly didnt get a small business loan. I used some credit cards, our saved money. We are now strapped for cash. Is it possible to now try and get a loan which i should have done before startup?

We need to purchase some more inventory and possibly pay off the personal credit cards we maxed for the business purposes.

any suggestions?


Looking for Website Hosting

Drive customers to sign up at What could be better than offering a great service to those that visit your web site, and making a healthy sum on the side for doing so? You send them our way, we'll do the rest. Compensation will be provided.

Offer value-added hosting services based on Rack Wizards best-in-class infrastructure

Provide first level technical support to your customers

Provide billing and accounting support to your customers

We are a true partner committed to helping you grow your business. Your customers will appreciate our guaranteed uptime and the highest level of security and performance.

The Rack Wizards affiliate program is perfect for businesses that want to earn commissions every month for handing off sales. Simply promote Rack Wizards products that naturally complement the products and services you already sell.

Contact us today to learn more.


mardi 29 octobre 2013

purchase into existing company

Hey Everyone,

I need some advice or general guidance. I currently work for a small health care company. It's owned by 2 owners with 50/50 ownership. One of them is leaving had the other owner has offered me an opportunity to buy in. I don't think I can afford the asking price (%50) of the company. What are my options besides a massive lump sum loan? I really believe the company has a great chance to grow and mature into a profitable company.

1) Since I work there, does becoming a partner gurantee me some sort of salary?

2) Is it typical just to write a check for half the company and sign the agreements? or can it be phased in over 2 years (making monthly payments)

I've always wanted to build my own business but this opportunity came up and it's right in my ally.

What kind of questions do I need to ask before I make this agreement?

Is it even worth the risk to invest in a company?

apologies for my ignorance.


New bookkeeping business: Can I lease my vehicle to my business?

Good Morning!

I am working on getting my own bookkeeping business going and my husband (from Ohio) was able to lease his truck to his business 4 or 5 yrs ago in Ohio and had the same thought for my new business but we are in FL. I have read that some states require you to have a dealer lic but can not find anything that says if FL requires it.

Does FL require a dealer lic to personally lease a car/truck?

Can I lease my truck to my company (registered as a LLC) for part time use (50% business, weekdays, 50% personal (evenings & weekends)? I will be putting company name & info on the vehicle soon and it will be paid off from the bank in 2 months.

If not, what is the best way to deduct for the wear & tear & maintenance of the use of the vehicle?

Thank you in advance for your help!!!!!


lundi 28 octobre 2013

Soccer business paperwork

Hi,I am originally from Romania and lived happily married in North Carolina since 2001.I am coaching soccer ,and I did start my own little tutoring so called business. I do want to expand a little ,by creating a mini soccer club with players between age of 8 and 12.I am in process to contact Parks and Recs in order to obtain fields. But here come my question...can anybody give me a clue ,or a link ...what papers do I need to have in order to have my club affiliated, basically I want to know what papers do I need to have for the club as a existing business ,so if I go and talk to anybody in order to obtain fields, or sponsorship what papers do I need to show them. I hope my questions are not confusing. Thank you. Any idea will be really appreciate it.


Survey on Small Business Loans for School Project

I have a school project in which I need to survey small business owners and their ability to borrow money and their experience doing so.

I only need a couple of more responses and would greatly appreciate it if you could fill out this short 10 question survey on Surveymonkey.




employee interview questions

I will be doing my 1st job interviews with (2) potential employees this next weekend

0 experience with giving interviews

the job is just a basic laborer type job, so the only qualifications are


show up on time

work fast

learn quickly

what questions should I ask?


How do you empty your PM folders

My PM folder is full and I got an error message trying to send one. I figured out how to highlight them, but I couldn't find a way to delete them?


dimanche 27 octobre 2013

I am new here. I purchased "leased" a popular coupon book business... A bit nervous

Hello Everyone,

on 10/18/2013 I purchased the rights to a very popular coupon book business it is part of a franchise, I get all the tools and special pricing as well as their popular name. I feel I have a VERY GOOD CHANCE to make this very successful!! since 10/18/13 I have 20 that want to advertise with me.

We offer great pricing ( about 1/2 of my competition) and at that if I do this right I can make a decent profit. BUT..........

it takes about $3500.00 before I start making profit, this is monthly.

BUT the other guys that own other franchises like me are doing pretty well.

I have good days where I LOVE IT.......... and others that it scares me because I need to collect 3500 monthly before I make a dime!! that 3500 covers my distribution, printing costs, graphics costs, leasing of the name and special rates I get from the company I am working with and leasing this from.

I did this because I have sold for a competitor in the past (only 7 months) but I did well, and their prices and distribution are much worse than mine. I also got laid off and cannot find any decent work that pays anything close to a livable wage.......... I would love advice on this fear that comes and goes........... I am doing "ok" 2 weeks in and have 20 commitments and cash just not the 3500 I need to make any profit!!

I hate working for all the other vendors before I earn a profit... I sure hope I can do this.... I really welcome advice!!!

Thank You


Business Overview

A dirty establishment is a sure way to lose customers. But who in an office or store has the time--or the inclination--to get in there with the cleanser and scrubby sponge? The answer is nobody. But if you like making the world sparkle and you're not afraid of elbow or any other kind of grease, then you can lather up a good living with a commercial cleaning service. You can take the usual route to squeaky-cleanness with familiar products, or you can go green and use only environmentally healthy products. The advantages to this business are that you can start on a shoestring and, provided you're not one of those rare cleaning-challenged people who leave things more streaked after a good mop-up than before, you don't need any special skills, background or experience. Another plus is that this is an ideal part-time startup business because offices and stores want you to work after hours, leaving you plenty of time to maintain your present job until you get established. To shine at commercial cleaning, all you need is a steady supply of good old-fashioned elbow grease coupled with a knowledge of cleaning products and how to use them--especially if you're going green. (Janitorial supply houses are good sources for both materials and advice.)


Should I Study a bit before starting? Where? What?

Hi, I'm considering leaving my career and opening a small business instead. Would you recommend that I take a managerial or a business course before I start? Mini MBA? Basic business accounting? Any recommendation on where and what sort of course I should do?

Also -would you recommend an industry specific courses or do you think a generalised course would do better?

Are there any specific skills like Accounting and financial planing that I must have?

Any thoughts on the subjects are much appreciated.


samedi 26 octobre 2013

Adding New Member to LLC

So, the situation is this:

-2 Member LLC (51% / 49%)

-We are adding a new member so that (51->15,49->45,40)

What is the best way to have this transaction happen? What are the tax implications? The LLC is 2+ years old. The interests were unrestricted (no vesting), so we never filed an 83(b) election. The membership interests for the new member will also be unrestricted. So, I assume not need for an 83(b) election. Let's assume we look for capital later on and they want restrictions on our interests, we can file an 83(b) election then?

Sorry for all the questions! Thanks in advance!


What is better online fax service or fax machine?

I am trying to get a fax service but trying to decide which is better.... online fax service or faxing using a fax machine?


Feedback about website

Hello guys,

We are in the phase of launch of our company into market. I need comments and feedback about our website. Website is in Danish and in English language but our main website is danish website. It will be great to have feedback from you guys.

you guys can comment on any thing related to website. For example, design, content, etc,.

Danish : MA Medicals

English: MA Medicals

Thanks in advance.

Muhammad Ali.

Copenhagen, Denmark.


vendredi 25 octobre 2013

New Business Model - Opinions Please?

Hi Everyone

New member here, I'm connected to a new small business called Frillo. Here is a video that sums us up. Feedback from customers has been that when they get it, it's great, the struggle has been convincing the masses.

Any opinions on the pricing model are very welcome, looking for some honest feedback.




How to respond to email

What is the best way to respond to emails with short term time demands? I'm talking about request "I need this in an hour" or "I need this today' (sent at 5:30pm) and other similar requests. I do want to provide my customers with the best customer service, however there are many time when I offline. Not only am I not at my computer, I my be in an area without internet (gasp). Part of me wants to respond with "Hey idiot, if it is truly time dependent then pick up the phone and call. You have our number."

Rant warning beyond this point -----------

What type of idiot would send a time dependent urgent email??? Yet I am finding this more and more prevalent in today's business culture. If something is truly time dependent isn't it logical to pick up the phone, talk with the person directly and be assured they did get the message. Sending an email is like putting a postit note on the bulletin board and hoping the person reads it within the next hour. Is this a sign of being lazy or just a means to pushing the blame on someone else.


jeudi 24 octobre 2013

Architecture Turned Art

This is interesting and different. A British artist by the name of Alex Chinneck turned an abandoned building into a something of a work of art. You have to see it, but the idea is he recreated the building's facade to make it appear like it apathetically slipped down. Called it Salvador Dali meets British row house.

It's hard to describe, but it's worth clicking the link and checking out the images.


Apps R Us Group

Just won an App though a company called Apps R Us Group advertising on a real estate app and gotta say Im impressed had a few calls from the usual pests trying to sell me a app a couple of months ago for almost 2 grand and wasn't interested at all ....

Now I won this one and not going to lie feeling very tech savy with my company logo as an icon on the screen of my iphone lol but Im not the quickest with technology and was looking for ideas on marketing it from other business owners who have already been done this path .... all advice is welcome :)


where can i get details for my business

hi all,

i have a plan to start a MLM with food products. is it possible in India. if so, where can i get full details about this project.

thank you.



Hi all

hellow forum members,

i just found this forum by searching for business minded people to discuss my ideas. i hope i'll get good opinion.

thank you,



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We are the best producer of HIGH QUALITY fake and real documents. With over a billion of our documents circulating around the world. We offer only original high-quality passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, birth certificates, stamps, visas, universities diploma and other products for a number of countries like:

>> Contact e-mails:

General support: menath8015 @

Tel; +23751691779


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Contact us at or call +23751691779 for more information.


Purchase High Quality Passports, Visas, Driver's Licenses and Id's of Denmark

We are the best producer of HIGH QUALITY fake and real documents. With over a billion of our documents circulating around the world. We offer only original high-quality passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, birth certificates, stamps, visas, universities diploma and other products for a number of countries like:

>> Contact e-mails:

General support: menath8015 @

Tel; +23751691779


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Contact us at or call +23751691779 for more information.


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We are the best producer of HIGH QUALITY fake and real documents. With over a billion of our documents circulating around the world. We offer only original high-quality passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, birth certificates, stamps, visas, universities diploma and other products for a number of countries like:

>> Contact e-mails:

General support: menath8015 @

Tel; +23751691779


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Contact us at or call +23751691779 for more information.


Website Feedback #2 ;)

OK! So I've finally soft launched my site and new branding. Some tweaks are definitely going to need to be made.

For now I'd like you to take a look at what I have setup. Give me your first impressions.. be as harsh as you like but let me know how I can "fix" it.

Also let me know if any of the portfolio pieces are poo poo and I should remove. I will be adding more to some of the categories as they are scarce.. but would greatly appreciate comments on them.

I have some questions with respect to personal work. I do a lot of painting, drawing of characters, landscapes.. mostly kind of macabre.. they usually involve skulls, "timburton esque" stuff.. surrealism etc.. Is that something I should KEEP OFF the site? IE I am thinking of adding a link somewhere to a behance or another site that will collect some of this stuff?

In any case, I'm excited to introduce the new branding and site: Great design creates brand connections ‹ WozcreativeWozcreative


Need advice from experienced business people

Hey everyone,

I am looking for some advice about starting business. Need people who knows what business is and someone not from my environment (as I tend to think some people says go for it just cause they feel they should say it and others say its crap just because they would never want me to do it for their personal reasons :) ).

I want to do this ecological grocery shop. Im thinking part of it could be unpackaged. We would promote this idea very much. Then have business with local producers/farmers. Also have little café in the same premises, a cosy place where everyone would be welcome to have a cup of nice tea/real coffee with their friends, family or a book they want to read. Wouldn't be much of food, thinking about salads and soups and home made cakes. For kids would be special menu, where we would make salad look like a head of lion, or jungle :) so they are interested in eating.

I live in one of the Scandinavian countries and as an immigrant find a lot of things I miss. I would love to do yoga, so was thinking that we could arrange morning yoga class with green tea and little bit of meditation for the day. The café would be decorated with local artist works, and anyone who likes it could purchase it.

How does that sound for anyone? Does that cause any kind of positive or negative feelings?

Thank you so much, I am looking forward to some answers. I am tired of just thinking and developing the idea, I need to do it, or forget it...

Carrot x x x


mardi 22 octobre 2013

Ways to verify an international order

Hi Everyone:

We have a small home based business that is on the internet. A week or so ago we got an email from someone in Sweden who was interested in placing an order to be shipped to Sweden. I've googled the guys name, address in Sweden and didn't come up with anything. He gave me a freight company to ship via and when I google them they don't come up. I emailed the freight company for a quote and their email is a yahoo email. They gave me an appropriate quote but said they would need a wire transfer for the shipping costs. The guy is going to give me a US based CC to charge to. It would be the biggest order we've filled and of course would love to have the business but if anything is not legit, we might not sustain the loss. My CC processing company said to get as much info as possible including the CC bank phone number and confirm the CC is good. Can anyone suggest other things to ask/do to confirm this is legit. I'm just being paranoid I know but don't want to be left with a big loss 5-6K.



Here to Help

Hello Everyone!

We created this account to help small business owners with any questions they may have about marketing or advertising. Being a small business ourselves, Every Merchant wants to see small business owners succeed in their markets.

There will be experts of a variety of topics who periodically sign in and answer any questions you may have.

For those who are curious, you can also visit our site at

I hope we can help out!


Offer free assistance

I would like to offer a free ebook. I am not sure were to post this thread.



Should my business partner and I bring in more partners?

I have a small business that is 3 years old that I co-created with my business partner. Our business is constantly evolving and as a result we have doubled in size (staff/clients/income) each year since starting. We are nearing the point where we are going to fill our business to capacity (we are a service based business vs. product) and will either need to look at a larger location or a second location.

We are considering bringing our two most talented staff members in as equal partners in our business with the intention of having them open a second location. These are smart, motivated, hard-working, creative and trustworthy individuals.

My question is: Is there a better way to grow our business than bringing in these individuals as partners?

Important piece of this is that our profits are not at a place where we could support a full time manager. Opening a second location would require a lot of work and needs to be done by someone who is okay with the benefit of that work being a long term investment.

I'm happy to answer any questions that would help you answer the question or give insights.

Thank you!!


Hello all from San Antonio


Thanks for allowing me to join this forum. I have just started my local consulting group (Supervisor Training Network) however I have many items yet to complete. Long days and nights but worth every minute.


Hello all


Excited to be here, to learn and to contribute.

I enjoy business and hope to help those with my knowledge and gain from others.


Equity Investor

My husband is starting a business. His father decided he wanted to invest in the business and give us the start up money of $40,000. He would have a 20% equity share in the business. His father has told us he has gone to the bank several times and keeps telling us it will be 3 weeks. He also wants to give us $25,000 first then in a month, give us $15,000 etc. because of tax purposes. We can't figure out what he is doing because we have never heard of a loan taking this long or a loan where they don't give you the full amount up front.

We have met with him weekly and he has been very excited. We met last week to start work on the equity agreement as we are keeping this "all business." I am starting to worry. It seems like he is stalling. This is the second time he has delayed the opening and my husband told him with this delay, we will have to wait until February to start the business bc of regulations, etc. He is saying the weeks til the first payment but has not said a firm date. Would you be worried?


lundi 21 octobre 2013

Hello from West Virginia.

First, let me say thank you to the members of this Forum. There is a lot of information here and I am glad to have this resource available.

I started The West Virginia Food Locker program due to the growing amount of homeless, poverty stricken and hungry people in my state. 320,000 people in West Virginia live 200% below the poverty line. That is a staggering amount of people who can barely afford to feed themselves and their children from week to week.

The reason I am coming to this forum is because I really need to find ways to network, open up the exposure to my program and get it out there to all the people of the web. We are a 100% donation supported business and I am extremely interested in connecting with organizations, individuals, groups and anyone else who may be able to A) Help raise awareness B) Help Crowd-Fund our programs C) Contribute time/knowledge to the programs and D) Give valuable support, advice and information to further grow this organization.

The West Virginia Food Locker is about to launch it's second "Crowdfunding" campaign in hopes to raise enough money to purchase real property in West Virginia to grow our organization. The information can be found here: West Virginia Food Locker | WvFoodLocker

Once again, thank you all for your valued opinions and assistance. I look forward to talking with all of you!


The Future of Google SEO

If you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed Google has been making a lot of changes lately in how they rank web pages. An article I found recently takes a look at some of the changes to offer thoughts about where Google's heading. The article, 6 Major Google Changes Reveal the Future of SEO covers as you might guess 6 recent changes.

  1. Not Provided - Google has removed a lot of keyword data in Analytics and will remove the rest before long

  2. No PageRank Update Since February - PR used to update 3 or 4 times a year, but it looks like we may never see an update again

  3. Hummingbird - an algorithm change that looks beyond keywords and more at conversational speech

  4. Google+ - Google's social network seems to be playing a larger role in ranking

  5. Authorship - a way to associate content on any site with the person who created it

  6. In-Depth Articles - a new feature in search results calling attention to in-depth articles

The focus is moving away from tactical seo (increasing page rank, emphasis on keywords, etc.) and moving toward more strategic things like understanding the people who visit your site, creating the best content and experience you can for those people, becoming an authority on your subject, and becoming more visible across the web. In addition the emphasis is being placed on good site architecture, and semantic markup.

In some respects I don't like losing some of the information like the keyword data, because it can be a great help in understanding what people are searching for. On the other hand I know how to properly architect a site and I understand semantic markup and generally think the better we create content and build sites for real people the better the internet will be.


Anyone willing to be briefly interviewed?

I am a high school student who for an economics class needs to interview small business owners. As you all know, high school life can be pretty cumbersome and to make my life easier I have decided to put my questions out in the most efficient way, on the internet.


If you could answer the questions there, and maybe a few not listed (dependent on your business) that would be appreciated:o.

Attached Images


What is HTML 8 ?

Someone asked me today if I designed websites using HTML 8 so that it is retina ready. I am of course aware of retina displays and compatibility, but I have never heard of HTML 8.

Last time I checked HTML 5 was just getting standardized, moving to 5.1 and 5.2 by 2016.

Where did she get HTML 8 from?


Paying contractors

Hey guys. Sorry if this has been answered before. I searched but didn't find anything.

I just started a business, kind of by the seat of my pants, and just started making money. I have a couple people that are working with me and I agreed to pay them a percentage of the sales. I'm in CA, one guy is in MO and the other guy is in Brazil.

I guess my question is, when it comes time for tax season, do I need to treat the money spent on the brazilian contractor any different than the american contractor? How do I report this on my taxes? And do I need to fill out any official forms to send money abroad or can I just do a standard bank transfer?

Feel free to correct me on anything I ask that doesn't make sense. I'm completely brand new to this and expect that I am doing a lot of things wrong.


New investment

Recently got a business up and running smoothly in the United States a lot of work still needed but steady as she goes......


Hello from Central Florida

Good morning!

A little bit about myself, I am a stay at home mom of 3 wonderful children, a recent college graduate with my AS in Accounting and AS in AgriBusiness and working on starting my own Bookkeeping, Payroll & Tax business.

I live in the heart of horse country surrounded by more greenhouse's than you could believe and figured that having the AgriBusiness degree was my best bet to specialize in what I love most, horses (besides my babies and hubby of course)!

I found this site when I Googled a tax question and seems like there is a lot of useful information here. I've A'ced most of my college classes but man there are a lot of real world situations that are not covered in the books :D!

I look forward to getting to know others, helping out when I can and possibly asking a lot of questions!

Have an amazingly, wonderful day!!!!


Online Invoice Software


I'd like to share and introduce you INV24 free online invoicing software.

INV24.COM has been developed for simple and easy invoicing. Our software has many great features like: invoice archiving, convenient sorting, intuitive navigation, goods organizer, user friendly interface, automatic invoicing. For the accountants we have following discounts on all packages depends on how many clients you'll bring.

1-100 clients: 25% off

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500 + clients: 50% off

Price for the 1st package on the market (for the convenience of the basic functionality, the most popular package): $ 19.95

Price for the 2nd package on the market (automatic billing): $ 9.95

Contact us for further information! Thank you!


dimanche 20 octobre 2013

Partners take percentage of work I do.... ??

Hello everyone, this is my first post. I wanted to bring this to others before I seek legal council, if needed.

I am a partner (papers have not been signed and I'm still waiting on the legality of that, but have acted as such for several months) of a very small virtual assistant company. I've been with them for nearly two years.

The two partners are husband and wife. Husband is active duty military and wife has a full time job with the city. I am the only other 'employee' and work the business full time. Of course, the wife would argue that she does all the behind the scenes stuff, like writing the business plan.

My question is that currently I am concerned with how I get paid. I only get paid for client work I do. Right now I make about $40 a week on a regular basis, but I get random projects worth more. We are about to start doing grant writing where I'll be paid big money and the issue is going to REALLY expand.

After a recent argument, I finally got the other two partners to agree to put 10% of money earned into a business bank account (currently money earned goes to our own incomes... anything business related like marketing comes out of pocket). From the remainder, 80% goes to me, the one doing the work, and 20% goes to the partners.

My husband and I argue about this and I haven't been able to find work, even though I have a Master's degree, so this is the best I can do... hope for future projects. But once I start writing grants, I'm going to be essentially paying their bills (she complains how they are hurting for money... as am I considering I make $40 a week!) so she's looking forward to when I start writing grants. Grants are going to bring in lots of money and a large portion will go to them and I'm the one who does all the work. **Note... she has not directly stated I will pay her bills... but let's just be honest... it goes into their pockets, not the business. **

When we had our argument, they said they get profit because they started the business and if there weren't any profit to them, what's the point of the business? Being someone who has never owned or started a business, I don't know how to properly argue with that.

So please.... help me out... is it fair that they get a portion of my income when I'm the one doing the work? How is this supposed to work?

Thank you


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employee handbook?

ive decided to write a employee expectation sheet myself for my possible new hires

instead of taking a generic one I decided to just make a list of Expectations/Goals/ Instant dismissals

its just a simple #'d list that fits on 1 page and the employee signs the bottom

since im a union contractor the union already has a contract/ mine is pretty much covering things like dress code ,attitude and side jobs

what do you do for your company with your employees? anything I can get a copy of?


Business Proposal

Respected Sir/Mam,

We are representatives of a United States blue chip company and we are looking for a few key people to partner with to build business teams around the globe. We provide free training and business development plans throughout.

Briefly, the company has been manufacturing and marketing its innovative products for the past 30 years. Our products are currently marketed in 54 countries worldwide. It is a public-listed company listed in the New York Stock Exchange and awarded 5A1 rating by Dunn and Bradstreet. We have also been acknowledged as Forbes Top 5 Most Trustworthy Companies in 2010. Our products are being used by a good number of Olympic teams as they have been endorsed by the Olympics Committee.

With regards to the above, we are looking for a serious, business-minded person to be a part of our team and further expand our business. Anyone interested kindly mail us for further enquiries and clarifications. We hope to hear from you soon.

Thanking you and looking forward to a mutually beneficial business partnership.


Looking for Business Partners from all around the globe

Respected Sir/Mam

I represent a United States blue chip company and I am looking for a few key people to partner with to build business teams around the globe. We provide free training and business development plans throughout.

Briefly, the company has been manufacturing and marketing its innovative products for the past 30 years. Our products are currently marketed in 54 countries worldwide. It is a public-listed company listed in the New York Stock Exchange and awarded 5A1 rating by Dunn and Bradstreet. We have also been acknowledged as Forbes Top 5 Most Trustworthy Companies in 2010. Our products are being used by a good number of Olympic teams as they have been endorsed by the Olympics Committee.

With regards to the above, I am looking for a serious, business-minded person to be a part of our my team and further expand the business. Anyone interested kindly mail me for further enquiries and clarifications. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thanking you and looking forward to a mutually beneficial business partnership.


Looking for a Sole Distributor/Importer in the Middle East and India

Respected Sir/Mam

I represent a United States blue chip company and I am looking for a sole distributor/importer in the Middle East and India. Being a sole distributor would mean that you would be pioneering and bringing with you our business ideas and technologies into these countries. Put another way, you will be tapping into two HUGE markets. I would like to inform you that there is NO capital and NO stock involved on your side in this process. All you have to do is to find clients who want to purchase our products, inform me of the order, wire transfer the cost of product and shipping cost and I will ship it out to you. You have the liberty to sell to your client at a price to suit the market demand.

I would like a serious, business-minded person to be my partner. Anyone interested kindly respond to this post for further enquiries and clarifications. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanking you and looking forward to a mutually beneficial business partnership.


Business Ideas

Respected Sir/Mam,

We are representatives of a United States blue chip company and we are looking for a few key people to partner with to build business teams around the globe. We provide free training and business development plans throughout.

Briefly, the company has been manufacturing and marketing its innovative products for the past 30 years. Our products are currently marketed in 54 countries worldwide. It is a public-listed company listed in the New York Stock Exchange and awarded 5A1 rating by Dunn and Bradstreet. We have also been acknowledged as Forbes Top 5 Most Trustworthy Companies in 2010. Our products are being used by a good number of Olympic teams as they have been endorsed by the Olympics Committee.

With regards to the above, we are looking for a serious, business-minded person to be a part of our team and further expand our business. Anyone interested kindly mail us for further enquiries and clarifications. We hope to hear from you soon.

Thanking you and looking forward to a mutually beneficial business partnership.


Business Ideas

Respected Sir/Mam,

We are representatives of a United States blue chip company and we are looking for a sole distributor/importer in the Middle East and India. Being a sole distributor would mean that you would be pioneering and bringing with you our business ideas and technologies into these countries. Put another way, you will be tapping into two HUGE markets. We would like to inform you that there is NO capital and NO stock involved on your side in this process. All you have to do is to find clients who want to purchase our products, inform us of the order, wire transfer the cost of product and shipping cost and we will ship it out to you. You have the liberty to sell to your client at a price to suit the market demand.

We would like a serious, business-minded person to be our sole distributor/importer. Anyone interested kindly respond to this post for further enquiries and clarifications. We hope to hear from you soon.

Thanking you and looking forward to a mutually beneficial business partnership.


samedi 19 octobre 2013

Fluid Business Plan Template

A few weeks ago I found this article with a business plan template, specifically meant for microbusinesses. I thought some people might find it useful.

What I like about this plan is that it isn't meant to be a formal thing you follow absolutely. It's more a series of questions to answer that serve as guides for your business. The plan is structured into 7 sections as follows.

  • Info Sheet - Yo provide a quick overview of your business

  • Value Proposition - Describe what your business does and make a compelling argument why it will succeed

  • Market - Who is your product or service meant for?

  • Business Model - How will your business provide a financial return?

  • Key Assumptions - What must be true for your business to succeed?

  • Marketing Strategy - Based on the market you defined, list ways you can reach various segments of your market?

  • Revenue and Expenses - What are expense and revenue potential?

The article openly suggests the last section on revenue and expenses is the most difficult to predict and forecasts should be taken with a grain of salt.

Again, this plan is not meant to be formal. It's more some questions to think about to help you plan a business. Most sections above offer a few questions you might choose to answer to get at an answer to the overall question. The article also suggests monthly reviews of the plan as it's meant to be a living document to guide your business. Aside from the first section, which is meant as a quick summary, the other sections are fundamental things every business has to deal with, regardless of whether or not you create a plan.

Hope it's helpful.


vendredi 18 octobre 2013

I developed product and could use some marketing help.

I developed a product called Magnetic Chat ( They are magnetic letters, numbers and characters designed to go on cars. I'm sure you have seen magnetic bumper stickers but my product allows you to say whatever you want to say on your car and can be changed as often as you like. I put a lot of money into product development and legal fees for patent and trademarks. Unfortunately, I don't have a large marketing budget left and could use some help with inexpensive marketing ideas. I have a good following on Facebook but that has not translated into as many sales as I would like. Any help is greatly appreciated. The product is great for teenagers who love writing on their cars, it is also good for small business owners who would like to promote their business on their car but then take it off when necessary. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Attached Images


finally going to hire an employee----moving forward next week

as most of you know im a 1 man plumbing business since 2006 now

talked about hiring for 3 years, but done nothing

sales up every year

finally at the point of exhaustion and its not fun running the business anymore...its a chore because it takes so much of my time

my back has been having issues for a while.....then I had a injury which pinched a nerve which gave me a Charlie horse in my right bad it made me double over in pain....went to 2 chiropractors, 2 emergency room visits and 1 normal doctor....I was on 3 types of pain meds.....all this happened 2 days before my yearly Florida vacation

it all lasted 7 days until I was able to walk....I used a wheel chair at Disneyland and had to walk bent over to get on rides

now im back home and back to work.....I physically cant do the heavy lifting by myself anymore (42 years old) physically broke

So!....ive decided to hire a 1st or 2nd year apprentice.....basically someone I can use for cheap labor and train to be anal like me about his work......its going to cost me $50,000 a year if I do not make any increase in sales....which kills me.....since that's all out of my goal is to have some more time to make calls and to increase sales a bit....1 or 2 new customers can make that $50,000 back + my homeowner service calls are always increasing too(word of mouth)

im scared....its something new.....its probably taken 3 years and a back injury to over come most of the fear

now here's the question!

I rarely work 40 hours a week....sure if you count bids and office time I work 50-60+......but in the field its 30 hours on average...some weeks 40-50...some weeks 10!!!!!

WTF do I do with my not laying him off every other week

yes I can have him wash the work van, organize and clean the van.......I can have him painting my shed or kids play set.....shoveling snow, cutting lawn, pulling weeds....but at some point there will just be nothing for him to do.....and its going to be a weekly thing.....paying someone for doing nothing

sure it will cut my week hours down by 10-15...which gives me time to sit on the phone looking for new customers.....while he sits on a lawn chair in my back yard

my first thought is to only guarantee him 32 hours a week.....I think the union will let me get away with making a 32 hour work week standard......ive thought of trying to call around to lend him to my competition.....but then if he's good all that does is get them to steal him from me....

apprentices cant work alone until their 5th year.....the reasons I want a 1-2 year apprentice is #1 to keep wages low, train him from the start and to avoid buying a work van w/ tools........either way its a double edged sword.....I have to choose the lesser of 2 evils and I think a 1st year apprentice is the way to go......a laborer would actually be perfect, but the union doesn't allow it.....I could skip the insurance and pay $12 per hour instead of $35 per hour(with benefit pkg)....

if I could find a clone of myself id just hire a journeyman, give him my van and tools.....and id become the salesman for my business...sit behind a desk and get fat.....ive only met 1 other plumber as good/fast as me.....and he quit and started his own business too

im looking into employee handbooks this weekend and noncompete forms


Anyone have experience with "Pop-Up Shops?" (Short term leases)

I mentioned in another thread that I sell a lot of stuff on eBay and Craigslist. I'm starting to outgrow my space. I'm reluctant to rent a place, because if it doesn't work out, I don't want to be stuck in a lease. One option I just started researching are "Pop-Up" shops.

The term "pop-up" refers to the short-term duration of the stores, which "pop up" one day and are gone the next. Halloween costume stores are a common example, as are fireworks stores. Pop-up stores are also beneficial to retailers; in a down market, sellers can take advantage of lower rents and shorter leases if they are looking to generate sales but have a limited amount of inventory.

Has anyone tried this?


jeudi 17 octobre 2013

Commercial Lease second look?? Any help would be greatly appreciated (part 1 of 2)

So I have an online retail business that has grown too big for the small space that we currently occupy. We started looking for commercial space to lease and found one that we really liked, they sent us the lease agreement today. Anyone interested in taking a second look at this? We have reviewed it and to our knowledge everything here looks pretty standard, but we wanted to know if we missed anything that is in there or should be in there but isn't. Thanks in advance for taking a moment to look through.


.................................................. .LESSOR, which expression shall include its heirs, successors, and assigns where the context so admits, does hereby lease to ........., INDIVIDUALLY AND Company Name, Personal address, LESSEE, which expression shall include its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns where the context so admits.


The LESSEE hereby leases the following described premises:

Approximately 2,800 square feet of space located in a multi-tenant building owned by the Lessor and located at ....................., Massachusetts, together with the right to use in common, with others entitled thereto, the driveways and parking areas, the hallways, stairways, and elevators, necessary for access to said leased premises, and lavatories nearest thereto.

3.) TERM

The term of this lease shall be for two (2) years commencing on November 1, 2013 and ending on October 31, 2015.

The LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR rent as follows:

a.) For the period commencing November 1, 2013 and ending October 31, 2014 the LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR rent at the annual rate of $22,400.00 payable monthly in advance in twelve equal monthly installments of $1,866.67.

b.) For the period commencing November 1, 2014 and ending October 31, 2015 the LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR rent at the annual rate of $23,100.00 payable monthly in advance in twelve equal monthly installments of $1,925.00.

If LESSOR elects to accept rent after 10 days of the applicable due date, LESSEE shall pay LESSOR a late charge equal to ten (10%) percent of the overdue amount.


The LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR the amount of $3,733.34 which shall be held as security for the payment of all rent, and for the faithful performance by the LESSEE of all other covenants and agreements; provided that the LESSEE shall have no right to require LESSOR to indemnify itself from the Deposit for any particular violation or default of LESSEE, such use of the Deposit being with LESSOR'S sole discretion. If all or any part of the Deposit is applied to an obligation of LESSEE, LESSEE shall restore the Deposit to its full amount immediately upon request by LESSOR. On the effective date of any increase in the rent, LESSEE shall deposit additional funds with LESSOR sufficient to increase the Deposit to an amount which bears the same relationship to the current rent as the Deposit bore to the original rent.

The Deposit, or any part not previously applied by LESSOR, shall be returned to LESSEE only after the expiration of this Lease and LESSEE has fully vacated the premises in accordance with the terms of this Lease, notwithstanding that this Lease has been terminated by the LESSOR. It is the intention of the parties that the Deposit shall secure LESSOR not only as to default by LESSEE before such termination, but also from any deficiency of rent or post-termination occupancy charges payable to LESSOR by LESSEE.


The LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR as additional rent its pro-rata share of any increase in real estate taxes levied against the land and building, of which the leased premises are a part, over those incurred or levied during the fiscal year ending 6-30-14. This increase shall be prorated should this lease terminate before the end of any calendar year. The LESSEE shall make payment within thirty (30) days of written notice from the LESSOR that such increased taxes, are payable by the LESSOR.


The LESSOR shall provide and LESSEE shall pay for all LESSEE's utilities, water and sewer use charges. LESSOR shall provide structural insurance, structural maintenance of roof, exterior walls and floors and snow plowing. Routine maintenance of plumbing, heating and air conditioning shall be LESSEE's responsibility.


The LESSEE shall use the leased premises only for the purposes lawful under any state or local authority having jurisdiction over the same.


The LESSEE acknowledges that no trade or occupation shall be conducted in the leased premises or use made thereof which will be unlawful, improper, noisy or offensive, or contrary to any law or any municipal by-law or ordinance in force in the city or town in which the premises are situated.


The LESSEE shall not permit any use of the leased premises which will make voidable any insurance on the property of which the leased premises are a part, or on the contents of said property or which shall be contrary to any law or regulation from time to time established by the New England Fire Insurance Rating Association, or any similar body succeeding to its powers. The LESSEE shall on demand reimburse the LESSOR, and all other tenants, all extra insurance premiums caused by the LESSEE's use of the premises.


The LESSEE agrees to maintain the leased premises in the same condition as they are at the commencement of the term or as they may be put in during the term of lease, reasonable wear and tear, damage by fire and other casualty only excepted, and whenever necessary, to replace plate glass and other glass therein, acknowledging that the leased premises are now in good order and the glass whole. The LESSEE shall not permit the leased premises to be overloaded, damaged, stripped, or defaced, nor suffer any waste. LESSEE shall obtain LESSOR'S written consent before erecting any sign on the premises which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The LESSEE shall keep the areas of the leased premises free and clear of all rubbish and debris. The LESSEE shall not permit the outside storage of any of its goods and effects and further agrees that no trailers shall be left on the premises for more than 72 hours.


The LESSEE shall not make structural alterations or additions to the leased premises, but may make non-structural alterations provided the LESSOR consents thereto in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. All such allowed alterations shall be at LESSEE's expense and shall be in quality at least equal to the present construction. LESSEE shall not permit any mechanics' liens, or similar liens, to remain upon the leased premises for labor and material furnished to LESSEE or claimed to have been furnished to LESSEE in connection with work of any character performed or claimed to have been performed at the direction of LESSEE and shall cause any such lien to be released of record forthwith without cost to LESSOR. Any alterations or improvements made by the LESSEE shall become the property of the LESSOR at the termination of occupancy as provided herein, or the LESSOR may at its option require that the LESSEE restore the premises to the same condition as at the inception of this lease, normal wear and tear excepted.


The LESSEE shall not assign or sublet the whole or any part of the leased premises without LESSOR's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding such consent, LESSEE shall remain liable to LESSOR for the payment of all rent and for the full performance of the covenants and conditions of this lease.


This lease shall be subject and subordinate to any and all mortgages, deeds of trust and other instruments in the nature of a mortgage, now or at any time hereafter, a lien or liens on the property of which the leased premises are a part and the LESSEE shall, when requested, promptly execute and deliver such written instruments as shall be necessary to show the subordination of this lease to said mortgages, deeds of trust or other such instruments in the nature of a mortgage.


The LESSOR or agents of the LESSOR may, at reasonable times, enter to view the leased premises and may remove placards and signs not approved and affixed as herein provided, and make repairs and alterations as LESSOR should elect to do and may show the leased premises to others, and at any time within three (3) months before the expiration of the term, may affix to any suitable part of the leased premises a notice for letting or selling the leased premises or property of which the leased premises are a part and keep the same so affixed without hindrance or molestation.


The LESSEE shall save the LESSOR harmless from all loss and damage occasioned by the use or escape of water or by the bursting of pipes, as well as from any claim or damage resulting from neglect in not removing snow and ice from the roof of the building or from the parking lots bordering upon the premises so leased, or by any nuisance made or suffered on the leased premises, unless such loss is caused by the neglect of the LESSOR. The plowing of snow from the parking areas bordering upon the leased premises shall be LESSOR'S responsibility.

(continued in part 2 of 2)


Commercial Lease second look?? Any help would be greatly appreciated (Part 2 of 2)

(Continued from Part 1)


The LESSEE shall maintain with respect to the leased premises and the property, of which the leased premises are a part, comprehensive public liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 General Aggregate with property damage insurance in limits of $100,000 in responsible companies qualified to do business in Massachusetts with an AM Best Rating of A or better and in good standing therein insuring the LESSOR as well as LESSEE against injury to persons or damage to property as provided. The LESSEE shall deposit with the LESSOR certificates for such insurance at or prior to the commencement of the term, and thereafter within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of any such policies. All such insurance certificates shall provide that such policies shall not be cancelled without at least ten (10) days prior written notice to each assured named therein. The LESSOR shall be named either co-insured or additional insured on the certificate of insurance provided. The LESSEE shall provide the LESSOR a physical copy of the Additional Insured endorsement within 14 days of the execution of the lease.


Should a substantial portion of the leased premises, or of the property of which they are a part, be substantially damaged by fire or other casualty, or be taken by eminent domain, the LESSOR may elect to terminate this lease. When such fire casualty, or taking renders the leased premises substantially unsuitable for their intended use, a just and proportionate abatement of rent shall be made, and the LESSEE may elect to terminate this lease if:

a.) The LESSOR fails to give written notice within thirty (30) days of intention to restore leased premises, or

b.) The LESSOR fails to restore the leased premises to a condition substantially suitable for their intended use within ninety (90) days of said fire, casualty, or taking.

The LESSOR reserves, and the LESSEE grants to the LESSOR, all rights which the LESSEE may have for damages or injury to the leased premises for any taking by eminent domain, except for damage to the LESSEE's fixtures, property, or equipment.


In the event that:

a.) The LESSEE shall default in the payment of any installment of rent or other sum herein specified and such default shall continue for ten (10) days after written notice thereof; or

b.) The LESSEE shall default in the observance or performance of any other of the LESSEE's covenants, agreements, or obligations hereunder and such default shall not be corrected within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof; or

c.) The LESSEE shall be declared bankrupt or insolvent according to law, or, if any assignment shall be made of LESSEE's property for the benefit of creditors,

then the LESSOR shall have the right thereafter, while such default continues, to re-enter and take complete possession of the lease premises, to declare the term of this lease ended, and remove the LESSEE'S effects, without prejudice to any remedies which might be otherwise used for arrears of rent or other default. LESSEE'S liability and obligations under this Lease shall not be affected or relieved due to the termination of the Lease or repossession of the premises. In the event of any termination or repossession, the LESSEE shall pay, as liquidated damages the total rent and other charges which would be payable hereunder if such termination or repossession had not occurred. The liquidated damages shall be payable within thirty (30) days of the termination of the Lease, or repossession of the premises, which ever shall occur later. In the event that the LESSOR makes any expenditures or incurs any obligations for the payment of money in connection with enforcing or ensuring any of LESSOR'S rights under this Lease, including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees in instituting, prosecuting or defending any action or proceeding, such sums paid or obligations insured, with interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum and costs, shall be paid to the LESSOR by the LESSEE.


Any notice from the LESSOR to the LESSEE relating to the leased premises or to the occupancy thereof, shall be deemed duly served, if left at the leased premises addressed to the LESSEE, or, if mailed to the leased premises, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the LESSEE. Any notice from the LESSEE to the LESSOR relating to the leased premises or to the occupancy thereof, shall be deemed duly served, if mailed to the LESSOR by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the LESSOR at such address as the LESSOR may from time to time advise in writing. All rent and notices shall be paid and sent to the LESSOR at c/o The .......


The LESSEE shall at the expiration or other termination of this lease remove all LESSEE's goods and effects from the leased premises, (including, without hereby limiting the generality of the foregoing, all signs and lettering affixed or painted by the LESSEE, either inside or outside the leased premises). LESSEE shall deliver to the LESSOR the leased premises and all keys, locks thereto, and other fixtures connected therewith and all alterations and additions made to or upon the leased premises, in the same condition as they were at the commencement of the term, or as they were put in during the term hereof, reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire or other casualty only excepted. In the event of the LESSEE's failure to remove any of the LESSEE's property from the premises, LESSOR is hereby authorized, without liability to LESSEE for loss or damage thereto, and at the sole risk of LESSEE, to remove and store any of the property at LESSEE'S expense, or to retain same under LESSOR's control or to sell at public or private sale, without notice any or all of the property not so removed and to apply to net proceeds for such sales to the payment of any sum due hereunder, or to destroy such property.


a.) Except as otherwise hereinbefore provided, if LESSEE holds over or continues in possession of the premises after the expiration of this lease and without the execution of a new lease, the tenancy thus created shall be one from month to month. All covenants, obligations, conditions and agreements herein contained shall so far as applicable apply to all extensions of the terms hereof and to all holding over by the LESSEE as a tenant at will except that the rent to be paid for such holding over will be negotiated.

b.) LESSEE agrees to strictly abide by all sections of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21E (Hazardous Waste Regulations), including but not limited to, the proper disposal and storage of hazardous waste materials, and LESSEE agrees to indemnify and hold LESSOR harmless from and against any costs or expenses under this chapter relating directly or indirectly to activities conducted by the LESSEE.

c.) Neither the LESSOR nor the LESSEE have relied on any representation of the Broker regarding the financial stability or capability of either party. Both LESSOR and LESSEE agree to hold the Broker harmless for any financial losses incurred by either party for any matter related to this lease.

d.) Upon the execution of this lease the LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR the amount of $5,600.01 which represents rent for the month of November 2013 ($1,866.67) and security deposit ($3,733.34).

e.) The LESSOR shall deliver the herein referenced premises to the LESSEE, as is, boom clean with all mechanicals in good working order.


Business Owners - What's Your Biggest Marketing Challenge?

What's the marketing problem that keeps you up at night?


where do I market??

Hey folks, so I m new, and really hoping for some feedback from the vast collective!

Ive gotten everything business related pretty much under control and been doing ok for almost a year. My biggest issue is really just finding where to market!

I know it doesn't sound that difficult, but a billboard and a website just are not cutting it. What i need to know is, where would I market to hit my target well market!?

Re-manufacturing is what we do. We take wood/plastic/metal electrical/mechanical products that are built for a specific purpose and once they break, we rebuild or reuse what we can and recycle what we cant, then sell the rebuilt units back to a customer.

The primary issue is that manufacturers do not particularly like us, because while we save thousands of pounds of products from the landfills and put tens of thousands of pounds of alloys/metals/plastics back into the worlds resource pool, we undercut their business (not intentionally but most customers will not pay equally for a refurbished unit vs new) or if not undercut, then at least reduce manufacturing sales.

Our target market are those larger companies who do not manufacture themselves but that have contract manufacturing done or companies that have their manufacturing outsourced.

So where do you go to market to large businesses that are predominately outsourced or have contract manufacturers?

We have had a website and billboard up for 9 months and have yet to receive a single related phone call. So I would like to be more proactive.

Any ideas?


New buisness, new owner just wanted to say hi.

Hello folks, my name is Raymond Powers, I own General Engineering And Repair Services, aka G.E.A.R.S.

We are a re-manufacturing business located in the busy SF bay area California focusing on clean energy, renewable resources, recycling and green friendly practices.

I am personally very new to the whole "self employed" type thing and I Joined to pick as many brains as possible.


Providing the Best Employment Screenings Available


My name is Reece Haile and I am the proud owner of I spent over 12 years in Law Enforcement screen applicants who desired to be police officers in communities like yours and 10 years working in the private side of the fence too. I want employers to be informed of who they are choosing to run their precious livelihood and I have a growing concern with the increase of "instant background checks" that are available to us on the internet. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is watching employers who do not verify these types of searches and employers who are not knowledgeable about disqualifying potential employees based off this information are opening themselves to Law Suits. Employers have to be careful in protecting their companies from there employees and the current employment law. It is my companies goal to get the information employers need at the "instant background check" price and still keep employers compliant with EEOC. Check us out at I look forward to posting on the Forum and feel free to ask me anything and if I don't have the answer, I will find it.


Reece Haile
