lundi 14 octobre 2013

Web Developer looking for marketing advice

So I've been a Freelance Web Developer for the past 10 years. I build websites for other design and marketing companies. Life is good but when you have a wife, kids, and a dog you know you have to always be looking for more. Recently I decided it was time to start finding my own clients. Besides the freelance work I also run a small web design business but until recently I spend zero time promoting it. So I figured it was time I started marketing and looking for my own clients.

I notice a lot of businesses have some sort of hook to get new clients. I've seen newsletter signups, ebooks, guides etc......

What I decided to do is give away a free website if you sign up for my affiliate web hosting. They get a premium theme install where they choose from over 80 themes, plugins installed that are essential to any great website, and training with videos and a user manual.

I know I'm giving away a huge value, but even if you built it, and they come, they all don't seem to want it.

Things I'm trying:

1. Craigslist Ads

2. Kijijji Ads (I even upgraded to a featured paid ad)

3. BuySell Ad network. I found a couple lower cost ad campaigns

Things I'm thinking about:

1. Hiring a copywriter - maybe I need to connect better with the reader.

2. Targeted Facebook Ads - never tried this before and have heard good and bad.

3. Maybe free isn't the way to go, maybe charging a small amount would convert more because free means low value to some people.

I know a ton about Web Development, I could probably spend hours in a WordPress forum answering development questions, but with internet marketing I'm a total newbie.

So if you have any advice, thoughts or direction I'd love to hear them and would very much appreciate the help.


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