dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Business Overview

A dirty establishment is a sure way to lose customers. But who in an office or store has the time--or the inclination--to get in there with the cleanser and scrubby sponge? The answer is nobody. But if you like making the world sparkle and you're not afraid of elbow or any other kind of grease, then you can lather up a good living with a commercial cleaning service. You can take the usual route to squeaky-cleanness with familiar products, or you can go green and use only environmentally healthy products. The advantages to this business are that you can start on a shoestring and, provided you're not one of those rare cleaning-challenged people who leave things more streaked after a good mop-up than before, you don't need any special skills, background or experience. Another plus is that this is an ideal part-time startup business because offices and stores want you to work after hours, leaving you plenty of time to maintain your present job until you get established. To shine at commercial cleaning, all you need is a steady supply of good old-fashioned elbow grease coupled with a knowledge of cleaning products and how to use them--especially if you're going green. (Janitorial supply houses are good sources for both materials and advice.)

via Small-Business-Forum.net http://www.small-business-forum.net/starting-your-business/10064-business-overview.html

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