lundi 21 octobre 2013

The Future of Google SEO

If you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed Google has been making a lot of changes lately in how they rank web pages. An article I found recently takes a look at some of the changes to offer thoughts about where Google's heading. The article, 6 Major Google Changes Reveal the Future of SEO covers as you might guess 6 recent changes.

  1. Not Provided - Google has removed a lot of keyword data in Analytics and will remove the rest before long

  2. No PageRank Update Since February - PR used to update 3 or 4 times a year, but it looks like we may never see an update again

  3. Hummingbird - an algorithm change that looks beyond keywords and more at conversational speech

  4. Google+ - Google's social network seems to be playing a larger role in ranking

  5. Authorship - a way to associate content on any site with the person who created it

  6. In-Depth Articles - a new feature in search results calling attention to in-depth articles

The focus is moving away from tactical seo (increasing page rank, emphasis on keywords, etc.) and moving toward more strategic things like understanding the people who visit your site, creating the best content and experience you can for those people, becoming an authority on your subject, and becoming more visible across the web. In addition the emphasis is being placed on good site architecture, and semantic markup.

In some respects I don't like losing some of the information like the keyword data, because it can be a great help in understanding what people are searching for. On the other hand I know how to properly architect a site and I understand semantic markup and generally think the better we create content and build sites for real people the better the internet will be.


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