vendredi 25 octobre 2013

How to respond to email

What is the best way to respond to emails with short term time demands? I'm talking about request "I need this in an hour" or "I need this today' (sent at 5:30pm) and other similar requests. I do want to provide my customers with the best customer service, however there are many time when I offline. Not only am I not at my computer, I my be in an area without internet (gasp). Part of me wants to respond with "Hey idiot, if it is truly time dependent then pick up the phone and call. You have our number."

Rant warning beyond this point -----------

What type of idiot would send a time dependent urgent email??? Yet I am finding this more and more prevalent in today's business culture. If something is truly time dependent isn't it logical to pick up the phone, talk with the person directly and be assured they did get the message. Sending an email is like putting a postit note on the bulletin board and hoping the person reads it within the next hour. Is this a sign of being lazy or just a means to pushing the blame on someone else.


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