jeudi 17 octobre 2013

where do I market??

Hey folks, so I m new, and really hoping for some feedback from the vast collective!

Ive gotten everything business related pretty much under control and been doing ok for almost a year. My biggest issue is really just finding where to market!

I know it doesn't sound that difficult, but a billboard and a website just are not cutting it. What i need to know is, where would I market to hit my target well market!?

Re-manufacturing is what we do. We take wood/plastic/metal electrical/mechanical products that are built for a specific purpose and once they break, we rebuild or reuse what we can and recycle what we cant, then sell the rebuilt units back to a customer.

The primary issue is that manufacturers do not particularly like us, because while we save thousands of pounds of products from the landfills and put tens of thousands of pounds of alloys/metals/plastics back into the worlds resource pool, we undercut their business (not intentionally but most customers will not pay equally for a refurbished unit vs new) or if not undercut, then at least reduce manufacturing sales.

Our target market are those larger companies who do not manufacture themselves but that have contract manufacturing done or companies that have their manufacturing outsourced.

So where do you go to market to large businesses that are predominately outsourced or have contract manufacturers?

We have had a website and billboard up for 9 months and have yet to receive a single related phone call. So I would like to be more proactive.

Any ideas?


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