samedi 19 octobre 2013

Fluid Business Plan Template

A few weeks ago I found this article with a business plan template, specifically meant for microbusinesses. I thought some people might find it useful.

What I like about this plan is that it isn't meant to be a formal thing you follow absolutely. It's more a series of questions to answer that serve as guides for your business. The plan is structured into 7 sections as follows.

  • Info Sheet - Yo provide a quick overview of your business

  • Value Proposition - Describe what your business does and make a compelling argument why it will succeed

  • Market - Who is your product or service meant for?

  • Business Model - How will your business provide a financial return?

  • Key Assumptions - What must be true for your business to succeed?

  • Marketing Strategy - Based on the market you defined, list ways you can reach various segments of your market?

  • Revenue and Expenses - What are expense and revenue potential?

The article openly suggests the last section on revenue and expenses is the most difficult to predict and forecasts should be taken with a grain of salt.

Again, this plan is not meant to be formal. It's more some questions to think about to help you plan a business. Most sections above offer a few questions you might choose to answer to get at an answer to the overall question. The article also suggests monthly reviews of the plan as it's meant to be a living document to guide your business. Aside from the first section, which is meant as a quick summary, the other sections are fundamental things every business has to deal with, regardless of whether or not you create a plan.

Hope it's helpful.


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