mercredi 15 janvier 2014

have some questions about starting a business

hello everyone new here,first off wanna apologize for what im sure are stupid questions.

i wanna start by saying my passion is automobiles i love love love cars,so my idea for a business would be selling car parts for all makes and models,

i would sell oem and aftermarket parts,now there is alot of businesses that do this,but i believe with some good advertising via forums and other venues a person could make a decent wage. i would sell locally and online.

in order to sell another companys products,how does that work?do you just email or give a phone call to them and say hi im this business and would like to sell your parts whats the best price you can give me on products a,b and c.

i have a relative who can build me a website so that should be fine.

where do you get all info to create and register a business?the local court house or something?

again i apologize for my dumb questions ive looked up alot of info but my brain is beginning to feel a little overwhelmed i hope you can help!


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