mercredi 15 janvier 2014

What's a safe first business to start?

I'm currently 16 years old and going to be getting a part-time job soon. For a while now I've been thinking of what I want to do with my life and I'm kind of toying with the idea of starting a business with the money I earn and save from my job. I'm thinking of eventually opening up a security business, but I feel that I should get a bit more experience in the business field before attempting something like that. So, what I want to know from you guys is: what do you think is a safe business to start for a beginner so that he can gain a prodigious amount of experience while also accumulating a decent profit, and how much money do you think I should save up AT LEAST before taking a go at this? Any other information on the matter would also be incredibly helpful.

Thanks a bunch. :o


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