mercredi 30 avril 2014

Market Research


Reaching out again to the forum for advice. Any suggestions on market research methods (surveys, in home product testing, etc)?

I will be providing a service paid on a monthly basis. The item being rented will be a media device(box).

If i need to elaborate more on my business or have reposted this topic, do let me know.


Help college student out!!!

I was wondering if a couple of people could help me out. I have a project due for my Business 280 class and i need to interview a few people. The interview is on negotiations. If some of you can take a few minutes to answer a couple of questions I would appreciate it.

1. Who are you, and who do you work for?

2. How many negotiations have you been involved in?

3. What types of negotiations have you been involved in?

4. What lessons have you learned?

5. What do you know now that you wish you would of known when you started in your field?

6. What challenges have you faced in your field?

7. How well do you prepare before?

8. What is your education level, and have you had any formal business training?

Anything else you feel like sharing would be great. Thank you in advance.

Internet Speed For VoIP?

With one person using an internet connection for both all day work activity on a pc and a Vonage VoIP business line, how much upload bandwidth do you need for a clean connection?

Can Someone Help Me Improve My Business, QUICK survey

Hey I am considering add a department to my own small business. If any small business owners could help by completing this survey it would be GREATLY appreciated. It takes 30 seconds. Thanks!!!

All the best,

Small business QUICK survey, please help

Hey I am considering starting my own small business. If any small business owners could help by completing this survey it would be GREATLY appreciated. It takes 30 seconds. Thanks!!!

All the best,

New Small Business QUICK Survey, Please Help

I am looking to start a new business. If any small business owners could fill this out, it would GREATLY help me. All the best.

It takes 30 seconds.

Hello Everyone!

Hi, I'm John Panesar from India. I work in Digi Antz development company as a Seo Manager since 2012. I would like to discuss about my field and other related networks like Internet marketing, technologies and website development etc.

Who is Matt cutts ?

Who is Matt cutts ?

mardi 29 avril 2014

How to track inventory for a tire shop

Hi my name is Kevin and i am new to this forum. I have a question about tracking inventory and cash flow for a tire shop. To sum things up me and my wife had this and another business passed down to us. This business brings in alot of cash flow. Right now i would have my employees do the service, but i would take the money from the customers. I am planning on expanding and doing so i won't be around to get the money from the customers. I would like to figure out a way where i can keep track of our inventory and cash flow when i am out doing business. I currently do not have a POS system. So to sum it up my questions are

1) how to keep track of inventory.

2) how to keep track of cash flow when i'm not around to see if money is missing.

Startup business need funding

Hello everybody! Im making the plunge into entreprenuership and am trying to get some tips, advice, help from people who have been in a similar experience. Im basically trying to start a retail store but due to my credit (which is between 620-700), the fact Im a startup, and being unemployed I cant seem to find the funding I need to get things off the ground. I have a few personal credit cards with not more than a $1000 limit and a business credit card with $1000 limit bu its still not enough. I tried seeking help from local non-profits that offer microloans but even they want my own equity to be involved ( I dont have equity, just an dream). I dont qualify for an SBA loan as the few banks in the area that offer SBA loans dont offer it for startups. I even tried peer-peer lending but they also dont help startups and want a high credit score. I was wondering if anybody has been in my shoes and was able to get funding to start their business? I am currently bootstrapping as well and have gone to the extent of selling collectibles I own. Any help would be appreciated. Some more info to know is that my student loan will be back into good standing within a month, I have never declared bankruptcy, aside form my student loan I dont owe any money. I am current on my bills.

Hello Members

Hello members I have just registered my account in this community hope to get great knowledge and share some nice stuffs with you guys

Thanks and regards,


One more newbie... :)

Hello Everyone

I am Mitchell from Mississauga, recently joined the forum. I have a small cleaning business in town. My business is local and not so much big. I am facing some problems regarding tax and maintaining books. This is the reason why I join this community. I hope I will find something interesting over here.


lundi 28 avril 2014

Small Traffic Control Business

New to this, But I am currently looking for any information or ideas and even thoughts on starting up a Small Traffic Control Business, I Currently work for a Roadway Business installing Crosswalks that I have been with for over 2 years, Experienced in the set up and tear down aspect but will be sure to learn more when I take the Intermediate MOT course in about a week or two. My plan is to work closely with the company I am currently working for, for a year (them being my customer) before expanding into other companies as customers.

Any thoughts or ideas would be great even advice if your familiar with it.

I am curious as to how the insurance works as far as who it covers and how much it costs. not sure what I would even need, But as i said i am taking a course that i believe may teach me those things.

export US products to the UK.. is there money in it?

Hi everyone, im new to the forum and the lovely United states. So my idea is to export such items as shoes, sports jerseys and food to the uk just to make some extra cash on the side. You might wonder why food but a box of lucky charms sells in the UK for around $12-$14. Now the fashion side of things is what i think could make some decent $$$, as people in the UK always want shoes that are only sold in the US and are willing to pay the extra fee. so my question is does anybody have experience in this filed and is it worth it due to the import tax you will have to pay?


Can I post someone's blog/article

Can I post an article or blog I find online on my website that I think would relate to my customers? I just plan on summarizing the article/blog or writing a few sentences about it while providing a link to the full article. I've found too many mixed answers online so wanted to get everyone's input here. I want to have a page on my website that will provide useful articles/blogs, but not sure if this is possible because I'm afraid of any copyright rules. :confused:

Adding to existing business

Hi all! Question for you all......My husband has a landscape and construction business and we are trying to figure out what we need to do to add Painting. We would like the painting part to have a different company name but be a "branch" off of the existing company. HELP!!! Where do I start? Thanks =)

10% owner of Common Stock in Company. Do we have any Management say?

Hello, My husband entered into an employment agreement in 2003 where he would receive 10% of common stock from the owner/company after 6 years of service. The 6 years have come and gone almost 5 years past now. We are having a difficult time as the owner of 90% of the company makes every and all decision with no discussion. He tends to be frivolous with finances and spending habits. When the topic is brought up to him his response is he does not need to discuss anything with my husband as he is president and owns 90% and my husband is vice president and only owns 10%. He continually states he is the boss. Our issue is his spending habits is decreasing the value of the stock in turn our value of our stock.

Some say to us just sell and get out but in the contract he signed in 2003 it has a 1 year notification period if he was to leave the company for any reason plus a 2 year non compete after that period. This is our livelihood and we would not be able to make a living.

What do we do? Do we have any leg to stand on to be able to be heard on financial decisions? The contract does not list after the first 6 years anything about roles of the individual owners.

Thank you for any and all advice.

Web application Vs Enterprice Application

I am trying to understand the exact difference between an "Enterprise applicaton" and a "Web application". I could not get enough info on the net.

Rooman Technologies

Rooman technologies is best training institute in educational training with placement.

dimanche 27 avril 2014

Honest Assessment, Hiking Up Pants, and Oscillation Patterns

A man knows that he has to go on a long walk. He hikes his pants up. The pants take longer to fall down and he doesn’t have to fuss as much. While on the walk he decides to look at the beautiful stars above. He is wearing a hat, but doesn’t have a backpack to store it in. So he puts the hat on backwards.

I have a feeling that you might laugh, but I was studying oscillation patterns pertaining to falling pants. If a man has to walk a certain distance, and if the pants are pulled up really high, then they fall down less often. These principles can be very useful in business and technology. There is within this an honest assessment of a situation. I’ve been learning more about these time-honored practices while on my lengthy walks. I’ve been trying to notice what really helps.

by David Elkins

check out my blog at

Is this idea the best way to start?

Any tips or advice are more than welcomed. I have started a website where I will post blogs/articles, videos, and pictures with things relating to women's fitness and health etc. This website will also carry all my women's themed fitness apparel. I've started a FB, twitter, and instagram page also, but that's still very new and I will work on building a social media presence. In the meantime, I figured a good way to start to promote my website would be to post on fitness forums and various blogs relating my website. Does this sound like a viable idea to start getting off the ground? :confused:

Bank account for Delaware LLCs in Euro countries


Do you know any countries and banks in Eurozone area that can open bank accounts for Delaware LLCs ?

Many thanks.

Get Better at What You Do

The blurb on the intro page said don't be shy. It's like someone once said; timid sales people have skinny kids.

Anyway, here I am looking to learn new things (even though I have been in sales for over 31 years). Old dogs might not be able to learn new tricks, but that doesn't stop me. I find that each day holds something new and when I learn new stuff, I'll share it.

I'm looking forward to the conversation and learning some new stuff.

samedi 26 avril 2014

Getting out of LLC?


I am 2% owner of an LLC and I would like to get out of it. My friend started the LLC and I agreed to be 2% owner. The LLC has not been profitable. I have nothing to do with the operations and realize that it does not make sense for me to be 2% owner.

What are the steps to get out of the LLC? Thanks

How can I start an organization that is for-profit?

Whenever I look up how to start an organization I always get links about starting a non-profit. Even when I type in "for-profit organization". I do not want to start a non-profit. I get that everyone loves the tax-exempt status but I don't mind paying taxes. Why? Because I want to be in complete control of the organization and you can't do that with a non-profit. So, how can I start just a plain ol' regular organization?

vendredi 25 avril 2014

Hello from Schutte Solutions


This seems like a quality community, which can take some effort to find today. We offer risk-free solutions for maximizing profit. I look forward to learning more about you and your business!

Take care,


Shipping Options

Anyone have suggestions on the carrier they prefer? USPC, Fedex, etc... Also, packaging material. Suggestions on where to buy. Thanks.

Glove supply business.

A little background: I am starting this business with my dad, he has a background in industrial hygiene, and my background is in construction. We put them together and this is what we came up with. He also has a lot of connections that can help with this that he made from his current business.

The idea is to sell gloves business to business. A one stop shop for every type of glove. We've researched that hospitals use a variety of gloves, and general contractors may need to supply gloves to a crew that includes masonry workers, plumbers, electricians, roofers, carpenters, welders, and more. Fire departments need a variety of gloves, restaurants need gloves. You name it and there seems to be gloves.

The idea is based on the convenience of always having what's needed. Instead of going to 4 different suppliers for 4 different types of gloves, they're all there.

We were going to primarily ship them, but also have a delivery van to take them to local job sites and buildings.

The problem is, I don't know if convenience fills a competitive advantage to the point where people would use us over their current glove supplier. It's not a gas station.

Here is the issue that I need addressed; larger companies will have basic gloves along with a lot of other stuff they need. Why go to two places when you can get something suitable and everything else at one?

Should we be focusing on high end gloves rather than high end AND disposable? If we did that, the competitive advantage would be that the gloves are better. On the other hand, if they're already getting their high end gloves from us, they might pick up some disposables as an impulse buy depending on what type of business it is. In that case we would be leaning towards high end but still having some disposables.

Disposables seem to be where the big money is at, but places that sell them are a dime a dozen.

See, currently the situation is a lot like a boat without a rudder. We have everything aside from a clearcut competitive advantage, and we need to make one.

Skilled trades

I found an interesting thread on another forum while researching for new equipment and setups to expand the welding side of my business. Even though the thread is 7 years old, there are many valid points that I feel need to be read and understood by all business owners. Please read all the posts before commenting.

I am placing this in the "Managing Your Business" section as it is up to us, as small business owners (even more so if they are involved in manufacturing or trade service), to try and remedy the issue. If the mods feel that this should be in the "Water Cooler" section I understand.

too few welders?

After reading through the above thread, I do have to agree with all the points made as to where the root issues lay. Unfortunately, there was no further activity on the post to try and implement fixes to correct the shortages.

The following list is what I feel needs to be done:

1) Work ethic and discipline (both being held responsible for actions and finishing what one starts) starts in the home and needs to be taught by us to our children.

2) Businesses need to stop looking at short term profits at all costs. Sounds counter-intuitive but if I can sell product 10% cheaper but none of my potential customers can afford to buy it (due to outsourcing eliminating work) than it's only a matter of time before I'm bankrupt and relying on the government to support me as well. Businesses also need to start taking on young people and actually training them long term rather than using temp agencies and head hunters to supply so-called talent.

3) Governments need to start allowing these "to big to fail" international companies to fail. As a business owner in the manufacturing and service sectors, it pains me to say that as I know I will be hit hard if this were to happen.

4) Unions need to accept that companies and governments don't have a bottomless pit of money producing unlimited funds. An assembly line worker should not be getting paid big dollars (more in Canada now than the US I think) while the millwright is only getting $15/hour.

5) Schools, from elementary through high school, need to teach kids more than what it takes for a child to pass a standardized test. They also should stop pushing university as the next step as the only way to pick a career - unless the student is "sub-optimal" than they are pushed into the trades.

6) Young people, as well as anyone who may be looking for work, entering the workforce must realize that they are not entitled to that cushy, high paying position just because they may have an education or ego. They need to realize that they have to start at the bottom and work their way up. They must be willing to get their hands and clothes dirty and work long hours for no glory or thanks. They must also realize that their appearance (mostly those with faces full of metal) does make a difference in the hiring process.

I think that's enough of a rant for tonight and I'll get off my soapbox now.

looking for good 'materials and design' forums, to consult with people, any ideas?

Hi, just new to this, I am actually in the primary steps of business development. I am wondering whether anyone might know of any online forums where I might be able to discuss materials and design for certain structures I am hoping to complete and eventually sell, to complete them I need new ideas, in materials and structures. Or if they exist at all.

- if anyone knows any forums that come close to this I would most definitely be interested.



Asset management software?


I am no small business owner, but this is the only place I could find somehow related info..

I work for a webhosting company, having 2 different physical locations for the datacenters.

I need to come up with a solution for asset management/inventory.

We have servers, that usually come in and stay for at least 3-4 years, so there is no movement, no sale. If they go out they go to the e-garbage collection.

I have an excel file with all the hardware parts, servers, cards, with serial numbers, location, purchase order, date of going in production, warranty, and several other related piece of info.

I was thinking about a bar code scanner (the servers/hardware parts have their own barcodes), one in each location, info to be uploaded into a server, so at any moment if I need info regarding a particular part, to know exactly where it is.

I know there is software doing that, but I don't seem to get the right one..

I don't know how to take advantage of my excel file having all the info that I gathered, all the programs that I have tested read only one field from the csv..

I have installed then uninstalled several programs on my computer, to see what they do, but they deal more with the POS, or inventory management, when stuff goes in and out..

Does anybody from this forum use something like this? Are there any customizable software solutions?

Company is willing to pay, I have warned them that it might cost a bit :)

Thanks very much for any idea you might have!

mrs. TF

Developers: PuPHPet can speed up your development process

If you do your development in virtual machines, check out

I've been a big proponent of using Vagrant and Puppet for a long time, and this tool will likely accomplish at least 80% of your needs. I don't actively use this tool, but I have reviewed the Vagrantfiles that it generates.

The main reason I don't use this tool is because I already use Puppet to manage all of my servers, and since I host nearly all of my clients' sites I run roughly the same configuration in my Vagrant box that I do on my servers. There's a lot of "special sauce" that I apply to my configurations for my specific use case, but the configurations generated by this tool are generic enough that something built using this Vagrantfile should work in most other deployments (especially generic shared hosting services).

Invoicing Software Recommendation - basic

Good Afternoon -

I own a courier company and have managed my Invoicing with My Deluxe Invoices and Estimates. My system crashed, upgraded my computer and the software and it is a total mess. I cannot get help from the company at all.

I think i need to move to a new Invoicing/Statement program. I just want something basic. I do not need bells and whistles or any other functions other than adding my customers and billing daily for deliveries. I want to print a monthly statement with the copy of the delivery. I want to mark the payments in the program also.

Any suggestions?

PS - I have Windows 8.1 now - booo

Billing System

Excuse me if this is a repost. I have been researching for a simple billing system that I plan to use once my business is up and going. Any suggestions on the many online or "cloud based" systems?

Some of my requirements would be as follows.

Very affordable or free. (shoestring business)

Able to take payments via online, direct deposit, paypal etc...(many options)

Printable/pdf type receipts to validate payment

Also, please list other features that I may find helpful that I'm overlooking. Rookie here.


jeudi 24 avril 2014

Legal representation. Covering my business and myself!

Hello all,

I am in the planning stages of opening a business. I have a few legitimate legal concerns to address before making this a reality. Hopefully, I can express those simply. Please let me know if further explanation is needed.

I plan to sell or rent an electronic device for home entertainment purposes. I had originally only been concerned with the legality of the product itself, but have now turned my concern towards protecting my business and myself in the unfortunate circumstance that my product could to cause personal or property damage. I assume that some type of legal protection should be in place and also an insurance policy of some type. The detail of this process has me at a loss.

Also, after I have filled with the state (LLC) will that also provide me with certain protects from the concern state above?

Any direction in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Does anyone use instagram for their business?

Like the title says, anyone here use instagram to try and promote their business? Do you find it helpful? I just created an account and wanted to see if anyone here uses instagram also for their business.

SEO help

I need to move above competitors’ Google plus directory listings for a sister city. I am

# 6 on page 1.

Any advise would be appreciated I have been battling this for awhile,


Warm Hi and Hello

Hello Everybody,

My name is Bella Austin. I love to share many knowledgeable things in different forums. I like this forums very much because there are many relevant categories. Full marks.


Give Me furniture Business tip!


My furniture business. We provides extensive range of Casegoods, Seating, Lighting, Artwork, Bathroom fixtures, Electronics, Drapery and Flooring.It saving valuable space.

Visit: - www{dot}curvehospitality{dot}com for more information about my business....


mercredi 23 avril 2014

Starting my small business

So, I've been wanting to start a business here in the US but I honestly don't know where to start. I have reworked my logos and come up with a product that I feel somewhat confident in. Here are some things that I'm concerned with at the moment. Hope I can get some advice on this:

1. I'm not a citizen.

2. The market (apparel/accessories) is overly saturated.

3. I want to keep the production within the US only (I've found a website that lets you contact local factories to produce goods)

4. I'm having a difficult time to define my target market. (Despite taking 2 business courses at my last school, I'm still having trouble in this regard)

5. I have some ideas in terms of distributing (selling through local boutiques) but not sure if this is the right approach.

This is what I can think of at the moment. Let me know if you found something I miss. Thank you in advance. Let me know if you need help with designing logos or need me to give feedback on logos. :D

Our exclusive Business Line of Credit

I am new to the site but thought I'd share a very exciting product that we have launched here at World Business Lenders. Introducing our Business Line of Credit (BLOC Program) This product is really geared towards the business owner who has a need for short term financing and doesn't want to pay outrageous interest rates over a 30-90 day time frame. Please see all the details below and feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this.

Please check out my landing page at


(Business Line Of Credit)

Over the past week we have launched a very exciting program here at World Business Lenders. Our B.L.O.C program is unlike anything offered in the alternative lending market. The new product is a business line of credit secured by real estate with a BPO for valuation purposes. I have outlined the basic guidelines below but please keep an open mind and understand that we will entertain every situation and circumstance.

• Minimum B.L.O.C size- 50k

• Minimum Property Value- 100k

• Minimum Advance (After 1st month)- 10k

• Money Factor per month (Credit Risk Adjusted Rate) 5%-10%

• Discount applied (BPO Value - 5k) * 50%

(Example: A $1,000,000 property owned Free&Clear is eligible for a $495k B.L.O.C)

Collateral Types

• Residential (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th position on Single family, multi-family, condo, co-op)

• Vacant land providing it’s not rural and WBL holds a 1st position lien.

• Commercial property ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th on retail, office, owner-occupied restaurants)

Some important aspects of this product are as follows:

• INTEREST ONLY payments Monday-Friday, No Weekends, No Holidays)

• No Minimum Credit Score

• Client must draw the full principal in the first 30 days.

• After the first 30 days, the client will have access to this line of credit over the next 23 months with no additional underwriting required. Client can pay off this line of credit under NO PREPAYMENT PENALTY.

• We can combine properties to reach a larger line of credit.

• Client can use the same property as collateral if already encumbered under WBL’s traditional loan. (Please keep in mind 50% CLTV on B.L.O.C and 65% CLTV on traditional)

• Client is responsible for all title and BPO fees (Rolled into the B.L.O.C)

• We can have funds disbursed within 7 business days on original B.L.O.C and within 24 hours on the advance after 30 days.

SEO is becoming difficult

Google is going to introduce softer panda in April 2014, we are waiting for this but from the start of this year Google has announced that guest blogging has no good effect on SEO activities. I have question to forum,how can SEO companies survive ?

Warm Hi and Hello

Hello Everybody,

My name is Katelyn Jace. I have heard about this forum. It is a great forum because many business categories are covered. Hope to share plenty of information with all of you.


mardi 22 avril 2014

Happy earth day!

I know I am a little late, in some parts of the world way late, but I still wanted to say I hope you all had an amazing Earth Day! :D

Single owner/employee S-Corp in NY, living in CA. Need help.

Hello all,

First posting here. I'm hoping to have some help in, what appears to be, a complicated issue.

I'm a web developer working for multiple clients. In previous years I have always simply filed a Schedule C and run everything under an EIN tied to my personal SS. In late 2012, on the advice of my CPA, I formed a NY State S Corp. I formed it in NY State because I had previously lived there and believed that I was moving back there. I still had a registered address in NY but was living in Germany since 2011. There was a small misunderstanding between myself and my CPA. I believe he would have never suggested forming an S Corp had he fully understood that I was actually living overseas and not just on an extended holiday. That was my fault. The confusing came from me needing a new CPA in a flash and never fully explaining my situation because I was late on my 2010 return.

Anyhow, the S Corp simply sat there for all of 2013 as I couldn't use it since I couldn't open a business checking account from overseas. So, I continued on as a sole proprietor for all of 2013 and recently filed a Schedule C again. I moved back to the US at the very end of 2013 but this time to California. My CPA mailed me my corporate package so that I could open a business checking account. I opened at Chase because they were the only ones to let me open an out-of-state account (since I was inc. in NY). Also on my accountants advice, I started giving myself a monthly paycheck (net) of 1400 (400 per week minus an estimated 50 for payroll tax). The accountant was planning on setting up payroll services for me. Things seemed to be moving along fine. All my clients were paying me via the new EIN from the S Corp to my business banking account, I was paying myself a paycheck like told, etc. Then came time for my first quarterly taxes...

I am stuck here. I am the only employee and owner. The accountant is pursuing this as if it simply were a NY Corp paying an out-of-state employee. For me, from an employee standpoint, there's little difference in approach. Either way I need to pay personal state income tax to CA since I live here. However, where our views are diverging, is from the employer's (the S Corp's) standpoint. Yes, it's a NY entity however, I believe that I may fall under what's considered a nexus (I'm new to all of this so bear with me). My rent expense, my business expenses, all of my activity is out here in CA. Oddly though, ALL of my income is derived from NY clients (though that's looking to change soon). I have read that California imposes a 1.5% S Corp tax with a min. of $800 annual franchise tax. On top of that, in order to even give myself a correct payroll, I need to register my NY S Corp as a foreign entity allowed to do business in the state of CA. This has me worried as my first quarter payroll taxes are due before the end of this month.

All of this is so overwhelmingly confusing, especially because what I do is virtual. All of the servers on which I work are located in NY, as are my clients, however I am physically located in CA. Mind you, I am NOT looking for any kind of loophole here. I want to pay my taxes correctly and to where they need to be paid.

So, I propose a few questions based on what I wrote above:

1. In keeping the S Corp, is it better to:...?

a. Keep the NY S Corp, pay the annual $25 NYS Franchise tax, and file in CA as a foreign corp to pay all state taxes to CA.

b. Dissolve to NY S Corp and form a new CA S Corp (huge headache for numerous reasons to transition my clients yet again).

c. I read something about combining S Corps and even keeping the same EIN. So, essentially "moving" my S Corp.

2. Regarding payroll tax, what is the quickest action I can take to remedy my situation if I do indeed owe/need to collect CA tax from the S Corp?

3. In the long run, is any of this even worth it or should I simply go back to being a Sole Proprietor and paying SE tax? If I'm lucky, the business grosses ~$120,000 annually. I have business insurance incase I ever got sued anyhow, so the whole "layer of protection" with an S Corp doesn't seem to apply (or does it?). Also, the little tax savings that there may be (not sure yet as this is my first year with the S Corp) seems to be flushed out but way more fees from my accountant for filing more returns along with payroll fees as well.

Again, I don't mind paying CA tax even though it's higher. I use the roads here just like everyone else. My concern is doing this all correctly, not swindling to save a buck or two. If I legally owe NY then I want to pay NY. If I legally owe CA, then that too.

Because my CPA is NY based we have to do everything via email and phone. Sometimes things get "lost in translation" so I'd really like some advice from the community on which direction to go here so that I can call my CPA and have a better understanding of what he's saying and what I should be saying.

Thank you all in advanced. Kind regards.

Seeking an SEO expert.

I will cut thru the BS.

I have a site start up that is a little over 2 years old. I have spent countless hours on youtube watching SEO tutorials. It mine as well be in Latin, Its just foreign to me. Even with 18 + years working for myself in the internet industry.

My start up has a solid business plan. I have a ran small scale test IE: PPC and email and I have proven that my numbers far exceed what I have within my business plan. The 3rd part of my "marketing" is SEO. And not being able to get a grasps of it.

Thank you for your time.

Hello I am new here

Hello my name is Richard,

I have worked in the internet industry for nearly 18+ years. Freelance web designer.. Own and run several of my own e-commerce sites. etc

I am on a new path (but still do the above stuff.) I have a start up A job site but we help disabled veterans and disabled non military find employment. I run the site from my home.

I have been trying to get going for a few years. But hard to do so without any capital. Most of us that have that live / depend on SSDI makes it hard to get a start up out to the world. (note: SSDI is poverty level).

Launching my web platform Internationally.

Hello Every One. I am new on this platform. I have a question in mind . I need your opinion about launching my online business globally. Want to know if it will work. I have not gone global before. I have a web platform Monday Market. I was to start it in my country Nigeria, but from experience it may take this idea some time since the level of internet business is still low. I have couple of online business that i in the country presently. I have web design knowledge and also run an hosting company in Nigeria. I already purchased the domain name for the international platform.

I got an advice from my wifes brother and her wife . They are citizen in the USA. said i should launch this site globally in the USA and stop the Nigeria One.

My question is this. Will this idea fly ie could it work, since i have not gone global before. Are there any challenges i you think i may envisage.

Note Monday market is an online platform where Exhibitors meets visitors. Its a replica of physical traditional trade show . Please fill free to go through the site . but i have not completed it since i have not make up my mind.

Please i need your guide, advice. I see good site make good traffic. Also note that if its starts, it will have nothing to do with Nigeria. even the name.

Thanks All expecting your replies

Launching my web platform Internationally.

Hello Every One. I am new on this platform. I have a question in mind . I need your opinion about launching my online business globally. Want to know if it will work. I have not gone global before. I have a web platform Monday Market. I was to start it in my country Nigeria, but from experience it may take this idea some time since the level of internet business is still low. I have couple of online business that i in the country presently. I have web design knowledge and also run an hosting company in Nigeria. I already purchased the domain name for the international platform.

I got an advice from my wifes brother and her wife . They are citizen in the USA. said i should launch this site globally in the USA and stop the Nigeria One.

My question is this. Will this idea fly ie could it work, since i have not gone global before. Are there any challenges i you think i may envisage.

Note Monday market is an online platform where Exhibitors meets visitors. Its a replica of physical traditional trade show . Please fill free to go through the site . but i have not completed it since i have not make up my mind.

Please i need your guide, advice. I see good site make good traffic. Also note that if its starts, it will have nothing to do with Nigeria. even the name.

Thanks All expecting your replies

Marketing partner required

I have woolen products manufacturing in Nepal and also involved in various trades of hand made silver and metal ornaments, cashmere, leather and felt products and copper statues. I m looking for a marketing partner abroad to market my products in their market. We can work on mutual benefit basis.

If you have any suggestion how to go about it, please feel free to comment.

I found new osam online store with low rates


My name is bilal tariq i am from punjab pakistan

I explore many online stores for buy stuff for me.

I ordered Dell Ci5 Core i5 750GB 6GB 15.6 Inches Windows 8 3rd Generation Laptop from the website this is a great website to buy these type of stuff.

I got My stuff on the time they povide and i like the shipping and customer care service they provide online and also the the quality of products are very high.

So I want to thanks the MALLALDUBAI.COM for such a good serivce and great support.

Can you give me business tip?

Hi All,

My company is a leading Snag a job, Make money from home, Ways to make extra money, Quick and easy ways to make money, Business entrepreneur, Business online opportunities & more! Please give me suggestion grow up my business.

Visit: - www{dot}theglobalfounders}com for more information about my business....


lundi 21 avril 2014


hi i am new to this venture where i can discuss various things and also i can be part of exciting discussions going around and i know i will have a good company of friends as well.


Securieng a large start up Captail with a rock solid bussiness plan

Hello all,

I have worked as a towboat captain for the last 6 years and have 8 years in the industry all together. It has been my dream to buy my own boat and start my own company and run it my self. About 2 months ago an opportunity fell into my lap and I started chasseing it down. I have successfully landed a contract with a barge company to push there barges and now have 2 months to secure a towboat ( inland tug boat) or I will loose the contract and all my work goes down the drain. With the current contract I will Net $108,000 a week. Yes that number is correct, its no typo. I have located a towboat for sale and it is at a really good price of $550,000. How do I convince a bank to loan me $550,000 to purchase the boat and another $200,000 for the first 2 months start up capital? I have a rock solid business plan, summary of funds, experience in the field and a rock solid contract. All I am missing is money. As far as personal finances go, all I have is a house note, but I don't have a lot of money in the bank because I've been pouring all of my personal money into getting my self debt free. I am a veteran and have been told there is money out there for veterans to start small business but $700,000? Will bringing the contract, summary of funds, and business plan to the bank be enough or am I a long ways off? Any and all advice is much needed right now.

Thanks in advance.

Hi everyone...

Thank you for giving me a chance to be a part of this community.I am Nelson.Helpful and friendly,open for a new business topic.

Weird FB 'Build Audience' Problem

Hi guys,

I'm looking for a few ideas on this problem. I've trawled the interwebs looking for a solution but to no avail. Basically I have an original Business Face Book page for our barber shop and I then created a new fan page from this page for the barbering school. The administrator details for the fan page is the exact same as the original FB page but on both pages when I go to 'Build Audience' to try and invite friends I just have Invite Email contacts & Promote. On the barbering school page specifically I wanted to invite friends, what am I missing here?

Many thanks.

Feedback on our sites and approach

Hi Folks,

(I had created this thread an hour ago, but I see it's gone for some reason?, thought I'd retry)

I was wondering if you guys could look at our 2 websites and give me feedback. Would these make you want to try our company out if we were in our area?

(links in my signature so you can just click and view)

Love some feedback on what you think looks right and what looks wrong, or what I could change to grab people's attention. We are targeting other businesses, to get their business for printer, copier and fax machine service and repair and to sell them toners, ribbons and inks,

Thanks for any thoughts!


Feedback on our sites and approach

Hey folks, wondering if you guys have a sec to click on our 2 sites and give me feedback on how it looks, how it strikes you etc. I do office machine service & repair and we sell toners, inks and ribbons. I tried to make our main site simple but 'get the message out', and our eshop have the message in the center about discounts you get if you buy your toners and such through us.

Any of you that have printers, copiers, fax machines etc., would seeing this make you consider using us for service or supplies? We are just a local company so just targeting our area but would love to know what we have right and what we have wrong.

(I put the links in my signature so ppl can just click and see)

Thanks for any thoughts!


Hey Folks

New here, just hoping to learn more about marketing for my business. Sole proprietor since 2009. I do service and supplies for printers, copiers and fax machines. Repairs, toners, inks etc. I worked for a company locally from 1985-2009 doing this, they shut down and I kept it going and kept most of those customers. Trying to get more customers so hoping I can get some good advice and learn on here. Cheers everyone!


Sourcing agent service


My name is Erick,I am providing sourcing and quality control service as agent in China as below:

1、Responsible for keeping looking for new and competitive price products

2、Responsible for negotiating

3、Responsible for Quality control include fty visiting and inspection control

4、Responsible for shipment control

I have experienced in international trade and exporting flow for 10 years.

And i have experienced in Daily using items,Christmas items,Halloween items and furniture.

I have experienced providing sourcing services for many wholesalers and retailers customers from Europe and USA.

Make you success it's my aim.

Pls feel free to contact me.


Thank you.


Last Website I did

Hello everyone. Below is a link to a website I did for a Hampton, Illinois restaurant called Dawn Marie's Family of Hope. I am posting this for two reasons. One being to show off my work to validate my skills and two being so others here can provide any input to help mt farther improve myself as a web designer.

Dawn Marie's Family of Hope - Welcome to the family!

Now I used Weebly for them but Weebly offers complete control over your CSS, HTML and javascript so rest assure the site is completely custom coded by hand. If there is any questions feel more then welcome to let me know. ^_^

Last Website I did

Hello everyone. Below is a link to a website I did for a Hampton, Illinois restaurant called Dawn Marie's Family of Hope. I am posting this for two reasons. One being to show off my work to validate my skills and two being so others here can provide any input to help mt farther improve myself as a web designer.

Dawn Marie's Family of Hope - Welcome to the family!

Now I used Weebly for them but Weebly offers complete control over your CSS, HTML and javascript so rest assure the site is completely custom coded by hand. If there is any questions feel more then welcome to let me know. ^_^

Best Web Designing company India | Web designers in Chennai | Website designing

Best Web Designing Company in India: Brokenglass Designs offers professional web Designing and seo services in Chennai. Apart from website creation ecommerce portal Designing and Offshore web Designing are also handled. Visit for more details.

How To Generate Online WordPress theme and WordPress templates Business?


My WordPress theme and WordPress templates business. If you are looking for a premium WordPress theme for your website you just found probably the best resource on the internet. When you are really passionate about doing something, it reflects in your work.

Visit: - www{dot} for more information about my business....


Hi Everyone!!!

Hi, I'm new to this forum, by profession Blogger and writer.

Currently an Online Marketing Executive at BullseyeEngagement.

Warehouse space

Hi there,

I am Looking to rent around 400 m² of warehouse space? Anybody know of a good reference site for this type of place? I'd really like to have something lined up before I come down with millions of tools. I'm a carpenter and I need some room to work!

Does anyone know of such a space that I could rent for a period of 12-15 month, with possible option to extend?Any advice would be great...

samedi 19 avril 2014

Website builder vs wordpress

There are obviously advanatages and disadvantages for both options, but I wanted some opinions from people a lot more experienced than me. I have created some apparel on a site that will print and ship the apparel for me if a customer decides to buy it. Therefore, I don't technically need an ecommerce site. When a person visiting the website clicks on the "shop" link, they will be directed to the website that I have my designs made ( I would like a site where I can post up pictures, videos, blogs, etc that are related to the apparel I am selling. My question is would you guys recommend just using a website builder such as squarespace to make things a lot simpler for me since I am new to this or should I go with wordpress which would allow a lot more room for customization? Any opinions or suggestions are more than welcomed.


How to prepare for a Meeting with an Advertiser

Hello Forum,

I have a very successful software on which i decided to create a banner ad slot that could approximately serve million impressions or more in a month. To sell the ad slot, I got in touch with a few advertisers. The only problem is, I have never met an advertiser before so am not sure how to prepare for the meeting.

Any suggestions and ideas that could help me go fully prepared ? Moreover, i'd also like to know how should i set the Askprice. I am planning to offer CPM campaigns only

Could your online store benefit from a brand partnership engine?

Hi Everyone,

First, let me say thanks for giving me the opportunity to post a poll on the forum. I'm a newbie so go easy on me :p

I thought this forum would be the perfect place to gather some feedback from some experienced online small business people.

The issue: We started an online store like many of you at the beginning of the year. We wanted to expand our customer base as fast as possible. We thought of partnering with non-competing brands to reach new customers. We found this was difficult. No service was available to help us with this.

The Idea: So, we thought we could build something ourselves. The brand partnership engine would match online stores with other online stores selling non-competing products to work together on marketing stuff such as social media, competitions, email newsletters, and guest blog posts.

For example Clothing Brand A gets matched with Tea Company B to cross promote both their products to each others customers. So, both brands win by reaching new customers. Brands are matched based on size, website traffics, and other key criteria.

The Rub: We need to know if other online store owners (like you) feel like a brand partnership engine will help you find more customers.

Hence this poll above.

Free business Websites

Hi...:) Getting free websites is easy now. There are some b2b portal which gives free websites for its users. One of the most interesting portals is It provides CMS websites for your business for free. It uses latest technologies for those websites.

Intro of Gabriala

Hi:)...I'm Gabriala, doing IT business

vendredi 18 avril 2014

Hello friends!

My name is Leo,I'm glad to be a member here!I'm a baby clothes lover and working in China.Now I work with a team and we have our own website are specialized in kids clothing. We have our own factory. SMA-STAR is our own brand. We offer our customers high quality product, custom made service and amazing savings prices compared to traditional retailers for similar or identical products. Do not hesitate to contact us any time before and after your purchase; we are committed to your 100% customer satisfaction. We back our commitment with superb service, 100% full money back and a customer satisfaction guarantee.

Business Owners: What Are Your Biggest Problems When Blogging?

Just curious on the above question. Appreciate your feedback. Thanks,


How To Bypass State Filing Fees?

I am starting a business for my website. Recently my website grew in popularity and so did the cash. I think it's time to turn it into a company. Is there a way to bypass state filing fees to make the cost of registering close to nothing? I live in Maine, so I hope that helps.

Thanks :D

Video Marketing, again

I originally posted this here, but landed in the introduction section. Now I'm a hardened 3 post veteran...

My name's Jeremy, I own CHADStudios a small production studio in Columbus Ohio. My website is here CHADStudios

I did get some good advice from David Hunter with thoughts on direct mail marketing. My main goal is attracting new business, as 90% of my work is repeat business from my relatively small client base.

Direct mail is something I will pursue, but what I'm really interested in is how to use my product (video) to really boost sales. I have a great handle on the production end, and even a background in direct sales which enables me to script videos with high impact and strong calls to action. Where I'm a little cloudy, is how to take these videos and use them to generate business. I've read the research, and preach the same gospel to my clients about how essential video is, but I've seen rather modest results with my own strategies.

I post to Youtube and, more recently, Viemo. I've spent money on AdWords, Facebook, and Linkedin, but have been unsuccessful in attracting new clients.

Is it a matter of just more for a longer period? Or am I missing a major piece of the puzzle? What are the best avenues to promote your video? Frankly, I feel terribly lacking with this void of knowledge... the creative end comes easy, but I fear my company will eventually tank if I don't grasp the essentials of the product I'm offering.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated!

jeudi 17 avril 2014

Give Me Aluminet Shade Cloth Business tip!


My Aluminet Shade Cloth business. We offer superior year round climatic protection for flowers, potted plants and is the perfect cloth to cover the outside of a greenhouse instead of standard black shade cloth, it does not absorb the heat.

Visit: - www{dot}aluminetshadecloth{dot}com for more information about my business....


Why are American brand name products more expensive overseas?

I used to work for a business that would ship American products overseas, where the markups for them would be up to 2.5x the price that they are in the USA. I have also heard that in Brazil American products could sell up to 4x the value that they sell for here in the USA. Why is this? Does anyone happen to know?

I also wonder if you enter the foreign version of the website for American goods, is the price adjusted for the overseas price markup? For example if I wanted to purchase a polo jacket from the polo website, and I accessed polo through the Japanese website version, could I only see prices set for the Japanese market? Thanks for any input.

An Example of Good Customer Service

There is an Ace Hardware near me. When you walk in the door you are met by a greeter with a headset. Everybody in the store has a headset on. He asks you what you are looking for and has someone meet you in whatever isle your products are on. All employees are very knowledgeable on their products.

I bought a propane tank yesterday for a BBQ grill. The new tanks have a feature that keeps gas from leaking out if they are not connected to a BBQ. My tank didn't work. Apparently the saftey mechanism jams at times. I called the Ace Hardware and they sent a tech to my house. He arrived within 10 minutes. I'm sure if he was really busy it may have been a day. Still, how many hardware stores sent out a tech no charge for a problem like this.

They have my business. BTW, I think this is my particular Ace Hardware franchise, not all Ace Hardware's. Still, it emphasizes the value of good customer service.

6 quick questions for small business owners? Please help!

I need to interview a small retail business owner or manager for my retail class.

If any retail business owners/managers could answer these few questions for me I'd be really grateful, thank you!

(If there's anything you don't want to answer publicly I'd be okay with just emailing instead at

Business Name:


Person interviewed:

Phone number:

Type of business:

1.) Who are your primary competitors?

2.) What are the greatest challenges your business faces in the current economy?

3.) How do you choose what products to offer and what price to charge?

4.) What plans do you have in place to retain existing customers and attract new customers?

5.) What is the best part of working in retail?

6.) What advice do you give students interested in becoming a retail business owner?

Video Marketing

Hi everyone,

My name is Jeremy. I own CHADStudios, a small production studio in Columbus Ohio. My website is CHADStudios

I've been self employed producing professional screencasts and media videos for various businesses for over a year now. I started on It began as a way to make side money, but quickly took off. I began to build a steady and loyal client base, and eventually quit my day job to do this full time. I also left fiverr, and have sustained myself with mostly repeat business. However, my small client base only stretches so far as the need has it's limits and I'm looking for fresh business and trying navigate through the best means of attaining that.

I have prior sales experience writing call center scripts for companies like Prudential Financial and MetLife. I also have production experience in both audio and video, which sets me up to do complete productions myself that look rather nice and work effectively as promotional tools. Doing everything myself also reduces costs dramatically compared to other video production firms. My problem is getting a proper handle on how to market my own business. Writing a script that sells someone else's products or services comes easily. But understanding where and how to best advertise my own services is where I'm having trouble. My target demographic is small and startup business, a category I also belong in.

I realize the need to constantly bring in new clients in order to sustain a profit. If anyone can look at my site and/or has any advice, I would be grateful.

Hello Into

Hello everyone!

My name is Rick, I'm a freelance graphic designer. Why amy I signing up here? Good story, I'll keep it short.

I get design work from local contacts and, for over two years now, I'm able to compete in design contest that way, keep income coming in when things get slow. Last summer, 2013, I applied for a Community Manager position within the site. I got the position, timely enough, the night before my first daughter was born :D . In that position I get to write for the blog (love writing), answer questions from the design community there, and run the social media pages. That's been going well, and a couple of months ago I was brought onto the Business Development Team. So I've got a lot to learn business-wise, that's what brings me here.

I'm looking forward to learning a lot, been browsing through some topics already. The community here seems really friendly and helpful, I appreciate that. Thanks if you read this, hope it was interesting, it's a little bit of my life :cool:

Outside Sales Rep

Good morning everyone

I am tossing around the idea of finding a commission based outside sales rep, however my business has never had any type of sales dept or marketing dept for that matter and i have no idea about how / where to go about finding someone who i can have act as an outside sales rep. My business has a few avenues in terms of work that we perform, and I desperately need to get our name out there and have someone knocking on doors and drumming up new business. At this time I can not afford to have a rep on the payroll, hence the need for a commission based sales individual. Any suggestions where I might find someone like this? Any idea of the terms that should be negotiated for their commission?

Help and feedback is greatly appreciated.


New Comer


I am Joe from USA i have finished my high school education from Stanley High School. Hope You will welcome me in this forum and help me getting useful information.


How to Set Up an Internet Clothing Shop?

Do you have any suggestions to set up an Internet clothing shop? I think the most important point is you must guarantee the quality of your clothing. Without that, you cannot survive among your competitors. High quality is the only means to attract customers.

What's your opinions?

mercredi 16 avril 2014

Help with our blog

Can some of you please give me some pointers about our blog? I am trying to make our company a big success! We are a sleep apnea supply store and I think with some intelligent businessmen's suggestions we can make it big. Any comments/constructive criticism will do the trick!

Here is a link to our blog Blog

Tech support business question

Hello again community!

To recap from my last post if you guys didnt see it, I am a college student staying near campus over the summer and I want to start a tech support business on the side. I am employed by the school's IT department and I have a lot of experience. My questions are: If I dont form a corporation (LLC/sole proprietorship) which I do not plan on doing, should I have liability contracts that say if I mess up their computer I'm not liable? Also should I have purchase contracts? Like if I order parts for a customer, and I spend my money before I bill them, what if they back out of the deal? Last question: If I travel to their home and fix their computer, how do I make sure I get paid? what if they kick me out of their house without paying me? Is there a contract I can have them sign before I fix the computer?



SEO Executive last 1 year in

Hello Everyone,

I am working as SEO Executive in pvt. ltd last 1 year and am handling 4 projects and all projects rank on 1 and 2nd page . My question is why some keywords fluctuate very fastly. Do u have any idea.

mardi 15 avril 2014

Hi ! My name is Nina

I am new to the Tampa Bay area. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and preparing to start building a clientele. I was looking around the web for opinions on business names and found this forum. I am looking forward to learning and hopefully make valuable contributions!

Hello everyone

I just found this forum and am glad to be a new member. I come from an family business background. My mother started our wholesale ceramic supply business 65 years ago this year. I have learned a great deal from her and would be happy to share what she has taught me. I am branching out into my own business, in which I hope to help small merchants grow their businesses.

All the best,


Hi Everybody!

My name is Dave. I'm a freelance writer with loads of experience in marketing, websites, email, and business communications in general.

I love to help others, so I'm happy to offer any ideas, advice, or thoughts for anyone who may need it.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and joining in on the conversation!

What Button Should You Push in Your Business?

In order to start a business, you need to have a plan. Without a plan, you are planning to fail. Here is a short list of 3 ways you can build your business plan.

Business Plan #1: What problem are you going to solve?

Your business is there to solve problems. No one goes to a car mechanic for the fun of it, they go there because they have a problem with their vehicle. You can grow your business through solving an issue that many people need to be solved. If you can solve their problem, you can win their business.

Business Plan #2: How are you going to improve their experiences?

What if it is not a problem your business is trying to solve, but an experience? You can sell future customers on experiences if you show how they will be able to benefit from it the rest of their lives or for a certain amount of time. An example of this is vacation rentals, boat rentals, or a time share in an exotic location at a different and cheaper cost.

Business Plan #3: Will you bring them sentimental value?

Maybe you don't want to solve their problem or provide an experience, but rather give them an item of sentimental value. Instead of focusing on problems, you focus on capturing a moment, an image, or doing something old in a different way. This can require more thought than solving a problem, but it is also a new way of thinking as well.

Which ones are you interested in doing for your current or future business?

Hello people

My name is Buhle from South africa, i'm a sound engineer by profession. I run a not for profit music production school for finacialy disadvantaged young adults. I'm here to learn as much as possible, and i hope to get advice that can help transform my learning centre into a better school.

[please set up a signature through Settings]

lundi 14 avril 2014

Bulk mailing

I understand quite a few people like the concept of EDDM, but to me it seems like just more junk mail to get thrown away. In my particular market, custom shirts/jerseys, it's sometimes hard to decide if you are even getting it into the correct hands.

We tried a bulk mailing to schools throughout the state and got no response whatsoever. I had them addressed to the school principals, was that a bad idea?

I guess in the end, I just wonder what everyone else's experience has been with bulk mailings...Who do you mail to when mailing to business/organization?

Favorite Copywriting Book?

What are your favorite copywriting books??

I love anything by Dan Kennedy, so naturally I love The Ultimate Sales Letter.

I also love Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples (I have the 5th edition, but I've heard the older editions are better) and The Copywriter's Handbook by Bob Bly.

There are others I like too, but what are your favorites?!

Mobile mechanic business.

Hi all, new to the forum. I'm currently trying to open up a mobile mechanic operation in south florida, and am unsure of what licenses ect are required for this type of work. I'm currently a professional mechanic, ASE master certified, licensed to handle refrigerant, and have all the tools and equipment I need. I'm sure the EPA has plenty of regulations for this line of work... anyhow, Id appreciate any input from shop owners or anyone in the field that knows where i should start with this.


Hiring Services Representatives For Other Locations

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had any information for the following case:

We have a local services business and we want to expand out our services to other areas, other states... but hire representatives for the different locations to take on those jobs. We would be in charge of all the marketing and collecting payments, and then pay commissions on the jobs performed.

We aren't looking to do a franchise since we would be doing all of the marketing, etc. I'm just not sure what this type of arrangement is called and what is required to set something like this up.

Thank you!

Hello everyone!

Greetings from San Diego, CA!

I work in marketing, and run a small business marketing blog dedicated to helping small businesses get new customers.

I am here to learn more about small business, and marketing in particular. I look forward to learning and connecting with this community!

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

My name is Jimmie. I have recently started my career as an Internet Marketer and have been promoting many businesses in their respected niche. I have joined this forum so that I can learn about advanced techniques in business promotion from experienced people. Thank you for having me here.



Offshore Companies

Hi all,

I'd like to know what you think of the offshore world, whether you agree with the 'immorally wrong' status which it has or think it is key to the success of your business?

I work for a company who actually incorporates IBC's & accounts in tax efficient jurisdictions and I'd be happy to hear your views towards them. :cool:

Many thanks.


Identify drivers that determine success of start-ups in Big-data space

Only 10 days left for big data science, any one can participate to win.

Investment strategies for investing in start-up companies are widely based on intuition or past experience. While multiple reasons can be attributed to the reliance on intuition, one of the major reasons is the lack of adequate information about the performance of these start-ups. As a result, investors rely primarily on the need being addressed, background of the founders, size of the market being addressed and the ability of the company to scale after tasting early success. The question we pose here is, “can we identify factors from public sources that can be used to score prospective start- ups based on their potential to be successful”. This model will then allow investors make more informed decisions and rely less on their intuitions.

Read More @ Crowdanalytix

dimanche 13 avril 2014

Mineral Water Plant Project in India

Setup Mineral Water Plant in India. We are one of the leading manufacturer of Water Treatment Equipments in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.

We provide end to end consulting and turnkey solutions for ISI Mineral Water Plant Setup.

We supply plant or machinery also we focus on creating an entrepreneur by supporting with proper information & Training to run the unit.

Please contact me for more information on +91-7708252532


Hello from TN

Hello everyone my name is Kyle I am a partner in a custom tshirt and sign business in middle Tennessee. We have been in business since 2009. A buddy told me about this forum I am hoping we can find some helpful information here and also help some others out as well.

Contemplating starting new business

Is any one familiar with Publishers Guild, inc, Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl 32082, I am seriously thinking about taking up a business opportunity with this company. It requires a moderate investment, however, no franchise or royalty fees. Please email me @ with any info.

Thank you


Hey there

Hey folks, I found this forum a while back but forgot I had bookmarked it :)

Myself and my wife opened a copywriting and Chinese/English translation business last year and so far it's been a nice distraction from my regular job of teaching. We have a few regular clients that we can rely on for work each month but we'll be looking to make the big step into full time self employment over the next 6 months to a year.

Anyway I've a few things to ask about, trademarks etc. so I'm pretty happy I found this site.

Look forward to getting some quality advice from the community.

New Guy

Hello everyone. I'm chris from Tennessee. A buddy and I recently decided to start a custom T-shirt business. In looking for business information, I came across this forum and really felt like it had quite a bit of good information and discussion. I really wanted to be a part of that, so here I am.

I guess I will go ahead and say the first of many thank you's to everyone who I am sure to receive invaluable information and assistance.

samedi 12 avril 2014

Orient Express to Venice

Hello everyone,

My name is John Caserta I'm new to the forum but I'm really excited to be part of a community that can help me grow my small business.The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express experience has always a special train journey, ever since 1883, when it made its first journey from Paris to Istanbul.

Personal address vs. PO box vs. UPS mailbox

I am starting a home based business and I do not want to use my personal address for several reasons. What are your opinions about a PO box? I've heard that you can't use Google places with a PO box but you can with a UPS private mailbox. What are the pros and cons to a UPS box?

Does anyone have a Jimdo website?

I'm trying to decide on a website builder and web hosting. I would prefer an "all in one" service. I have been seeing Jimdo listed as one of the less expensive options. Does anyone have any experience with this company? Are there any other "all-in-one" services that you would recommend?

Unconventional Business Plan. Media Streaming Device

Hello everyone!

I am currently in the planning phase of starting a business. The product is nearing completion, but my research to form a solid & thorough business plan has come up short. My product & service will primarily start as a media streaming device much like the apple tv, chrome cast, or ruku for example. Basically, I will be providing a product to consumers that are interested in a service that will provide media content.

I have searched on sites such as bplans, but have found that many of the "generic" plans do not target this type of business model. Areas of major concern that are usually absent from plans that I have found are distribution & billing structures. A major concern!

Anyway, hopefully I have described my concern with enough depth to elaborate on. Very open to suggestions & criticism (hopefully constructive) and thank you in advance for your time and help!

Involute Gear Hobs Manufacturer | Straight Spline Hobs | steelmansgears

Involute Gear Hobs for generating gears of maximum accuracy, manufactured in finishing, pre-shaving with or without protuberance and semi topping profiles. Manufacturers and exporters of Gear Hobs, Gear Cutters, Sprocket hobs, Hub Type Shaper Cutters, Chamfer Hobs, Straight Spline Hobs, Spline Hobs, Involute Gear Hobs, Inserted Blade Gear Hobs

Smarta Card

Hope this helps, Been using smarta for information etc for my business and bought their smarta card for business discounts, for 12 months the membership is £49.99 but for a limited time it is reduced to £34.99 using discount code scpromo14. The card comes with free stuff as well like domain name, hosting and accountancy advise.

Hi all

Hi everyone,

My name's Christie. I'm new to the forum but I'm really excited to be part of a community that can help me to grow my small business. We are a supplier of innovative glass and stone tile, 3d wall panels and modern designing products to beautify your residence and business and we're finally starting to expand so any advice is valuable right now.


vendredi 11 avril 2014

Business Plan Books Any Recommendations

I was wondering if anyone had any good Recommendations on a good book to help make a business plan there a bunch out there off course i do my best to look at the reviews to see if thieve been rated good or bad but its still hard to find the right one i have a few here that look good there pretty popular in barnes and noble and amazon any thoughts on this id appreciate the help thanks.

Anatomy of a business plan By Linda Pinson

Successful business plan By Rhonda Abrams

How to write a business plan By Mike Mckeever

Small business for dummies includes (CD) By Eric Tyson

Just a few that look good do any of you suggest any of these or anything else?

Starting as sole proprietor and DBA.. questions help!

Hi all. I have a few questions and any help would be incredible. Thanks in advance for anyone that takes the time to read! Basically I'm a musician and that's how I make a living - composing and playing. Everything has been done with my personal SSN. I am looking into setting up my sole proprietorship and doing a DBA, but do I have to get an EIN? (I'm in California btw). I won't have employees, but I will send 1099's for anyone that helps me out - I'll pay them as an independent contractor. Should I get one anyway? This leads me to my second question: if I DO get an EIN and file the DBA, I want to open a business checking account under that name. Many of my expenses are deductible - coffees, food, laundry (I have a studio at home as well as off-site), groceries, housekeeper, etc. So when do I choose to use the business account, etc? LAST question: since all my personal income comes from my work, how would I correctly pay myself from my business? or is that even necessary? I don't want to show income on my taxes personally when it's coming from my work - it should all be one.. any help would be great!

The Funding Is Out There!

Hello everyone,

My name is Tiffany C. Wright. (I use my middle initial to differentiate from all the other Tiffany Wrights online!) I have served as the interim CFO or COO of several businesses over the last 7 years. Before that I was a business advisor to small business owners of companies with revenues of $500,000 to $76 million. I decided to shift my focus from long-term engagements to selling information-based products and short-term /project-based services. I've always preferred to buy companies but I've started this one, The Resourceful CEO, from scratch. So I will contribute as much as I can in the strategy, finance and management areas and ask for help in the areas of marketing and sales.

I wrote a book entitled, The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business. So many business owners have limited knowledge about their financing options. I answered hundreds of questions over a few year period then decided to put my answers together in a book so I could help so many more. I also include over 30 case studies from the real-life companies I helped. I'm currently running an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. See to contribute and spread the word about this resource. Here's an excerpt!

DO NOT Watch This Video or Contribute to our The Funding Is Out There! Crowdfunding Campaign UNLESS You Meet the Following Five Criteria:

1 You Own a Business and are Increasingly FRUSTRATED Seeking Funding!

2 You Have a GREAT BUSINESS – But it seems Nobody Will Help You to Grow It!

3 You Want to Find Out about OTHER OPTIONS as Well as Traditional Sources of Funding!

4 You Need a to-the-point, concise, Guide to Securing Funding!

5 You wish to have access to INSIDE KNOWLEDGE from an INDUSTRY LEADER!

If You Meet These Criteria, Then you MUST watch our introductory video and see how I can help you – RIGHT NOW!

I look forward to engaging with all of you!

jeudi 10 avril 2014

Can use some constructive criticism on our blog, looking to expand and become a mecca

How does everyone feel about our blog? I can use some positive feedback and/or constructive criticism. Blog

Small Business Loans


I am looking to revamp my business Bikes4Leos and I really need some initial funding to get the jumpstart I need to follow through with renovations. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good place to go to? I have a 600+ credit score but 3 banks have already turned me away! Ridiculous!!!



Some thoughts on making a website and doing advertising

My Thoughts on Websites and Advertising

Hi everyone, my introduction has not been released yet but I thought I take a moment to talk about just a few points of making a website and starting some advertising.

1) Learning your needs....

On of the first questions you should ask yourself when getting started is what do you need out your website. Based on this you can find a suitable host, third party services and if you are not wanting to make the site yourself a suitable webdesign firm or freelancer.

1.a) Do you need to sell a large amount of products?

If so then you want a host that allows control over your PHP (server-side code) and MySQL (Database code). The reason for this is that for fully dynamic filters, like you see on eBay, you must use server-side coding to tell it what to get and how to function while using MySQL to tell it what there is to choose from. If you are only selling a few items and not an entire catalog worth of products then a simple static gallery that links to the products individual page works fine.

Personally I do not know much about server-side and database coding so I can not go into more details but for now I can say that unless you are going to use dynamic filters on large scale products it might be best to stick with online auction/flee market sites like eBay or Etsy.

1.b) Do you want to attract more attention to your physical location?

Not all the time you want to attract people to your physical location, like for example if you are small home business that does not have a brick and mortal location then you likely don't want to have people visiting your home unless you're providing something like a Barbershop or Tax Filing service. If you do a great way to do this is through photos of your location, make sure it is wide enough to see the whole location, and through Google Maps. With Google Maps you can also make a input field that once the visitor enters their location then clicks the button connected with it the visitor will be shown exact directions from their location to your location.

1.c) How far do I want to reach and how far can I currently?

Now sure most of us want to become global but to get there you do not start there so lets talk about audience reach potential. If you are a small restaurant your main focus will likely be local or statewide, or relative to this term if you are not from the U.S, since unless you are selling goods online, which some do, your service has no way of being provided outside your immediate location. For things like blogs, online merchants, etc. your reach will be much wider.

For localized marketing fliers, coupons, SMS text promotional market, local events, store events and a few other things work great. For a wider audience base online ads like Adsense from Google can be targeted by country, state and even city however devices do not accurately say the persons city so I would not recommend such advertising for localized targeting. In addition there are several social sites that can fit your needs. Foursquare is great for restaurants, hotels, spas and other locations that might benefit from a check-in system....specially ones that get people in and out all the time. Linked in is great for professional services like web design, home remodeling repair, tree removal services, etc.

Now this can go on for a while so I will skip the other social sites for now. QR codes are perfect for localized and national, even international, audience grabs. With their huge trend, new affordability and the increase in mobile devices capable of reading them there is little reason for any business not to have one. QR codes can link the users mobile device to nearly anything you need it to from any medium including but not limited to paper, webpages, promotional magnets, cups and t-shirts. Well for now I am done with this specific section since this along can fill a few books/threads on its own.

1.d) How much can I truly afford to put into this every one, six or twelve months?

Most services offer monthly to yearly membership fees, and some even longer then that, so when considering what you want to spend keep that in mind. Some quality services out there cost nothing, others cost a small fee and some cost a great deal but try not to focus solely on price....just focus on it enough to know your budget because not all affordable services are bad. Take for example, it costs almost half the amount of visual land QR code however from my experience with their service the QR codes you can make with it does not lack in style or functionality.

The jest of this section is always do your research, price check and if they offer a trail membership give it a go as long as they seem reputable because you might be surprised by how untrue the old saying "You get what you pay for" has become.

Well for now that is all I am going to put down but from time to time I will update this with new information since times are ever changing. :)

NOTE: This is all merely personal advice and opinions. Nothing in the above should be considered anything other then so. I by no means make any claim that by following anything stated above you are guarantee to find success to any degree. I hope you all have enjoyed this thread and find its advice potentially useful.

What do you dislike most about bookkeeping

I am doing research for my company and I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions.

What do you dislike most about your bookkeeping/accounting activities? What do you think would help?

William Girona - Freelance Web Designer

Hello everyone,

I am new here as you may already know, lol. I been doing webdesign as a hobby for a few years now and within the last couple I been getting into freelance webdesign. I would love to reach out to you all and see about helping with or completely making the site you have always envisioned. The website I am proudest of at this moment is one I did for a Hampton, Illinois restaurant called Dawn Marie's Family of Hope. If you would like to see my work first hand feel free to check it out by following my Facebook page "GDs Freelance Webdesign - William Girona".

Now with that said I would also like to add I am not just here for the possibility of mutual monetary gain. I am also here to help where I can by using the skills I have developed and the quality/affordable services that I have come to enjoy and trust to help you make the site you always wanted even if you do not want to hire me on to make the site for you. I want to include that I will share no affiliate links here as per the ToS, just regular links if I think it is relevant and helpful to the poster.

So you all know a little about what I am skilled in I have written up the below....


HTML, CSS, CSS3, mobile optimization, cross browser optimization, the use of FTP upload systems, localized advertising, social marketing/advertising, general advertising at any budget and graphic design with public domain images.

Secondary skills:

HTML5, Javascript manipulation, SEO end third-party shipping cart integration.

Familiarized Services:

Hosts: Weebly, Wix, HostGator

Shopping carts: Mal's e-commerce

Domain names: Go daddy, HostGator

Logo/banner services: FlashVortex, CoolText, Gimp

Services I Will Not Use:


NOTE: This may not currently match up to my personal website as over my study "vacation", that I am just getting out of, I have learned a few new things.

Well if you want me to to help bring your vision to life by creating you a site you not only like but love for any budget feel free to message me with inquiries, or visit me at Facebook. Remember when you want something you should never just get what you like but what you love! :D

P.S If I inadvertently broke any rules of this forum with this post please let me know what I did so that I can correct, thank you. :)

Need help with creating a business


My name is Kevin and I'm 19 years old male from Estonia. I have had one idea for a while now which I would like to get start with. Idea is to make a web page that sells movies, which buyers can watch online(without downloading). What would be different is that if you buy a movie it stays on your account and you can watch it from every PC, where you have logged in(and which have decent internet connection). But unfortunately I only have a vison and enthusiast but no real experience or knowledge. I assume I need web page, servers which holds/plays movies and also the selling rights of the movies (which requires communicating with movie companies).I have some more aspects and ideas for all this but I dont want to publish them all right now. As you probably already understood I need information and guidence how all this would work. Also, if there is anyone who wants to start all this with me and who believes in my idea your welcome to contact with me.

Defamation lawsuits

Hey guys,

most of you probably have other things to worry about other than defamation lawsuits – like running your business! - but I found this interesting little infographic while looking up some legal details and thought it might be interesting to share. At some point in your business career, you might get a competitor nasty enough that you would be ready to take him or her to court. This infographic is valuable because it quickly breaks down what's what. For example, trade libel is bad-mouthing a company's product or service, while business defamation is trying to tarnish the company's reputation. And to prove defamation, you have to have hard proof of monetary loss from your competitor's attacks. Stuff like that. I haven't been involved in a lawsuit. But maybe you have some stories you can share, about your own experiences or experiences of people you know? This country is trigger-happy when it comes to lawsuits, so as they say, knowledge is power... :)

internet defamation2_startup_action3.jpg