dimanche 6 avril 2014

Business Name (Choose b/w 2) or Add your own

1. Simbasa

2. Smackles

I want to appeal to university students and the younger generation 12 - 35 years old as it will be an online video and audio entertainment tool. A new way to share content. ;)

I have listed two very different sounding names and am interested into which style you think is more likeable for people of this age group.

In my opinion, Simbasa sounds very corporate and professional while Smackles sounds lighter, immature and has a youthful playfulness to it. I was going to use the phrase "Smack" the way the terms "Like" and "Share" are used. "Send a smack to your friends" or "Smack your friends". There is also a very interesting advertising campaign in my head in which I smack my stickers onto uni student's backs, backpacks or books while their not looking/unaware and for them to find it later (most likely by someone else pointing it out to them) which then will start the conversation as to what it is and how it got there) hahaha I imagine Smackles as the kind of naughty brand that defies normal business protocol.

However I also really like the name Simbasa as it sounds technological to me and moving into Virtual Reality Entertainment is something I want to invest in, in the future. One idea is Smackles is owned by Simbasa which is a broader umbrella company.

I realise neither of them conjure images of video and audio but they're designed to both be very Web2.0-y. I don't want to have a name that is already a word. For getting the domain and Facebook/Twitter etc.. it needs to be quite abstract, yet memorable. Forever-youthful and fun is something I was looking for in the name.

Please let me know any suggestions or improvements or inspiration! An infinite thank you to anyone who answers. This is really doing my head in, which isn't the way I want to start my venture!! :P

Thanks again for reading!

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