jeudi 3 avril 2014

Problem with handling complaint

Hi everyone,

i have a little problem with handling complaint system.

I am CEO of embroidery company (4 employee). Customers send to us own's logos, projects and my team pleace it on clothes (hats, sweatshirts, t-shirts). We have special sewing machine. Something like that Embroidery NYC (sorry I don't want to advert anyone). We selling products detail and wholesale.

In month we have several complaints (5-6). Every complaint we consider and work to progress in future. About 1 or 2 complaint we accept and correct.

Our complaints concerns:

- letters are to close, to far to each other (1. subjective feeling customer, customer see 1mm difference 2. customer accept project before we start),

- colors are to bright,

- delivery time is to long (many work),

I got several questions and i will be greatfull if you reply.

- what we must to do with dissatisfied customer? We correct our mistake but sometimes customer want to cheat. Many times complaints are unfounded.

- how to compensate a inaccuracy? Our costs can't be higher than profit.

- how to bulid relationship?

Thank you

best regards


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