jeudi 3 avril 2014

web based small business management system

Hi all,

First of all please excuse me if this topic has been created in the wrong place or I'm breaking any forum rules.

About a year ago I had an idea to create web based business management system (CRM, project management, document repository etc). I have found many similar solutions solutions online, however most of them have some drawbacks:

* Systems are very large, oriented towards large business. As a result they are rather pricy to setup, maintain and train and also has rather complicated user interface

* A lot of these systems use "one size fits all" approach, trying to provide universal solution. This often ends up in very cumbersome usage

At the end I've decided that there aren't a lot of management systems geared towards small business.

After 3-4 months of active programming I have first "beta" version up and running and would be very thankful if users of this forum could share their feedback. Not all planned functionality has been finished yet (e.g. invoices and reporting), however I decided that the best approach is to launch as quickly as possible. Since guessing what users actually need is very complicated I would like to use different approach - launch first version early and get as much feedback as possible. This feedback can then be used to improve existing system and build software that users wants.

So, without further redo you can access the system via the following URL:

Moonlight | Enlightened business management

You can click "Try demo" on the landing page to see demo version. You can also register as a new organisation here:

Sign in

Thank you very much in advance for your feedback.

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