mercredi 13 août 2014

Pop Up vs. New Window. How do you like your ads served?

With the ads and links on my side blog I've been experimenting with both pop ups vs. opening links in a new window and was wondering what other opinions are.

I've always held the feeling that you shouldn't send people away from your site to someone elses unless you are done with them. Inside articles it's unavoidable. You have to give people the information. But affiliate links have also been the exception, and I never liked that. I've always preferred opening a window to where the transaction takes place, leaving my site open in the background as the reference, so that when they are done or decide not to purchase they are still on my website and I get another shot at them, or they can continue reading.

I also have a pet peeve about pop us that just happen without you having to click anything. Usually people do this with newsletter sign ups which I've grown to accept, but I hate it when it's an unrelated ad. For instance if I go to Forbes, a pop up about other Forbes products seems reasonable. A pop up about the latest pharmaceutical just seems too "in your face" advertising for me.

I have been testing related ads pop ups. For instance if you click on a story in the Vegas category, you get a Vegas ad. Pretty standard and logical. The click throughs are much better than the obligatory sidebar ads.

My main conundrum is hating invasive pop ups when I'm surfing, but liking them for my own site with the limits that I just explained. I do enjoy well placed ads on other sites and definitely prefer related video ads over banners.

What is acceptable for you as a reader or web surfer? When are ad presentations acceptable to you? And do you like leaving a site when you click a link, or staying with the site, but being able to see what the offer is?

Just curious.

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