mercredi 17 décembre 2014

A competitor is copying my website.... what to do?

Hi all,

I started a new small business in 2012 and it has been doing as well as the efforts I put into it over the last 3 years. It has been on and off in 1st place on google serps. I have not ever paid for advertising other than the associated costs involved with hosting, domain name and adwords here and there. It is a small business that is at a point where I incorporated and am looking at hiring an assistant manager.

A direct competitor popped up about 2 years ago and has methodically copied my website, copy, adwords, second website, google + page etc.

What can I do to mitigate the damage he is doing to this sector?

He charges 2/5 of what I charge.

I believe that he has no business licence or insurance.

He changed or added a secondary yelp page so that the address shows to be in the city my business is located at. The address does not even exist in the city GIS map. The municipality confirmed it.

I understand that the people that choose to hire him are probably not the type of people I would like to work for and I am not fretting about that other than all the quotes I spew out and never hear back from them........ its been going on for a few years now and we have decided to investigate if there is anything we can do legally to get him to back off and stop being such a blatant cheese&^%$ With the 2/5 that he charges, he could at least think to charge them a little bit more??

Thanks for any suggestions....... your thoughts are appreciated!

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