mardi 30 décembre 2014

Hello, glad to be here!

Hello all. I recently discovered this site by accident. I was doing a little research to find some answers and up popped this site. After looking it over I thought it would be great to join.

I am in the beginning stages of starting my own business, I will be in consulting. My business will focus on HR, general business, and safety consulting as well as Executive and Life Coaching.

Like so many other stories out there, I have worked (still do) in corporate America and it is mind numbing sometimes to deal with office politics, conniving unions, and nepotism. Like so many I decided it was time to jump off the hamster wheel and go out on my own. While I haven't 100% jumped yet the ground work is being laid and I am planning to be out on my own soon.

I hope that I can network and meet other like minded individuals who own and operate their own small businesses and share a passion for success.

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