mardi 9 décembre 2014

Successful marketing strategy ideas - Helicopter Training

Hi there, I would be really grateful if I could get your thoughts and feedback as fellow business people on some ideas for a successful marketing strategy.

We are a small helicopter company based near Brisbane and our core business is flying training, i.e. helicopter licencing.

I'd like to build our client base and as a small company we do not have $1000s to throw at non-targeted marketing, which I see all too often.

The client base we are aiming for fall into a few main categories:

1) Business owners who want to to learn to fly recreationally

2) People looking to change career to become a helicopter pilot

3) School/College kids with wealthy parents willing to fund there helicopter training

4) Guys out west looking to learn to fly for helicopter mustering purpouses

Clearly, learning to become a helicopter pilot is not a cheap activity and it's not an impulse buy, so marketing the product I have found to be incredibly difficult especially on such a low budget. Our website is looking good (I personally believe) and SEO is set up pretty well (Feel free to test this).

My question is, how would you go about marketing such a product/service bearing in mind a low budget? I.e. What channels would you use and why?

Thank You in advance.


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