mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Supplementing Pub Income

Hi all,

I'm going to open a new pub in the New Year. I'm pretty nervous about the fact there's no money in just selling alcohol any more so I'm going to be serving food and showing sport as often as I can! I don't know how many bar or pub owners visit this forum but I was just wondering if they could give me some advice on fruit machines!

Rumour has it: New Law Allows Venue Owners To Make More Money From Fruit Machines | TVC Leisure jackpots have increased by 180% this year so that's something I'm going to be mentioning to punters. However, do you think fruit machines are worth the investment? I'd have to rent one so I'd either be doing fixed rate or revenue share. Revenue share seems like the safer option but then again, if things went well, fixed rate could end up being more lucrative. Does anyone have any experience in this?

Thankful for any feedback. Cheers.

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