vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Building a client base for IT Security

Cyber security is a huge issue these days and isn't about to become any less light. With concerns from a local business owners server being hacked to the entire US power grid suddenly becoming compromised, cyber security is in high demand and will increase over time with experts predicting that the hardest hits of foreign cybers attacks on the US will occur between 2016 and 2018. Hell, even Microsoft has switched to a Linux-based Operating System. Obviously I'm not trying to run before I know how to crawl. In no way, shape or form am I anywhere near qualified to put in my hat with the big dogs.

As forementioned in my introduction post, I'm a partner in a new cyber security company located in Bensalem, PA. We're offering a multitude of IT support from system builds and deployment to security. The CEO of this company has 6 years in the USMC in cyber defense, the CCNA and the CISSP certifications, as well as other distingushed awards and accomplishments. Me? Why, I'm the noobie who's in my second year at ITT Tech and just got my foot in the door with a level 1 help desk position. And of course there are others, but I won't really go into that, unless you want to know, of course. :)

Anyway, we were working with a tire distributing company whose company was only running on one server was being attacked by hackers all over the world at a rate of 24,000 attacks every 7 days! The owner of this business talked a big game, but when push came to shove he brushed us to the side and instead hired a network administrator and an engineer. I don't really blame him because he's in the business to make money, not spend it and our solution to his problem wasn't exactly as cheap as hiring a couple people off I think that ship has passed, but it's neither here nor there.

Essentially what I'm trying to ask is how do we get a foot in the door with customers and clients? We truly have the potential to explode into a booming, successful business, but we need a foot in the door. We need to build a reputation and prove our worth. How do we even start?

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