jeudi 11 décembre 2014

Branding and how important is it to you?

Hello to the community - I hope this post isn't against the rules - I'm doing some research into what the small business community needs as I start to develop my own small business - a brand consulting business - aimed at helping small business and entrepreneurs optimize, clarify and manage their brand. Most of what I see in terms of marketing questions from small biz relates to lead generation, sales funnels, advertising, social media questions -etc. But I believe if you don't optimize and manage your brand experience you're missing a key element to your success.

So - when it comes to branding - what needs do you have or did you have as you've built your business? Where do you go to get help and are there ideal products or services that would help you in this field if they were available? Would you pay for a branding coach? What about an e-course?

Thanks for the feedback from the group - super valuable to me as I work on my own biz. David

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