samedi 13 décembre 2014

Getting capital.

Hello everyone. I'm new here and this will be my first post. I currently work a 7 days a week, 13 hours a day job in a shipyard so I have limited time for everything. Even now I'm typing this on my break. I want to start my own business. What kind of business I have no idea yet. But my main concern is getting the required capital. Bank loans are out of the question since I don't have the credit for that. Plus if the business were to fail and I did have loans, I'd still have to pay them back. I was curious if anyone had any ideas out there about alternative ways of gathering start up funds. Something else that has been on my mind is a book I read recently called "The $100 start up" by C.G. He focuses more on micro businesses in the book and I believe that a good start, but eventually I would want to build it into something bigger. Any ideas you guys could throw my way would be much appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you all.

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