lundi 15 décembre 2014

Do you look up new contacts online before doing business with them?

Anytime I'm contacted by a new potential client I search for them online to see if there is any mention of them.

There are many times someone comes off as Joe Businessman, and yet I can't find any mention of them on any Social Media websites including Linked In, or the company that they claim to represent and to make matters worse they've emailed me from a free email address.

When that happens I'm usually a lot less likely to trust getting paid by them and either adjust the terms, or don't do business with them altogether.

Of course there's more to it than that. Some people are just not online and are just getting started. But others seem to be intentionally dodgy and not having any mention of them online is just too risky.

I was wondering if anyone else does the same thing, or if it's just me?

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