mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Hello everyone.

I am VERY new to this owning my own business game. That being said I am going to have a lot of questions and will be asking for a lot of advice. I am located in the U.S. in Oregon and my newly created company is called Net Geek Tech LLC. I have always worked for someone else, and have always seen flaws in how their companies were ran from big corporations to my most recent job at a small IT shop. Recently the small IT shop has decided to sell to another company, this leaves me with a few options on what I want to do. 1. unemployment, 2. go to the new company, and once again work for someone else making little pay with no progression in site, or 3. create an LLC. and make a go of it on my own.

I was approached by two very loyal and trusted potential clients. Who informed me that they want to keep me around their place of businesses, however due to their budget restrictions they would be unable to offer me a proper position. They also informed me that if I were to create my own LLC. that they would be more then happy to provide my LLC. with a full time position at a very substantial rate of pay. This morning I have decided that I am going to "go for it!" and see what happens. So far I have submitted the necessary paperwork for the state, purchased my domain and set up my company email, created my invoices, income and expense reports, along with mileage reports. So far I feel this is a pretty good day 1 start.

I do feel as though I am missing out on a lot of valuable information, and I am probably overlooking quite a few things, so that is why I am here to seek the knowledge of those who have already done and succeeded at what I am attempting.

Nice to met you all and I look forward to hearing and giving advice as I can.

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