jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Hi I'm Albert a Network Business Intrepreneur of UNO.

good day to all of you here in this forum im albert.

I'm here because i want to share what my business is. we all know that in business it has two kind a traditional business and a network business....

Traditional Business - A traditional business operates to provide its customers and consumers with a product in exchange for compensation. The typical goals of these types of businesses all lead to turning a profit for the owners or operators, meaning that the business makes more money in revenue than it spends. Businesses spend a large amount of money on operational bills and salaries.

In traditional business, you cant start in a small capital, you need a big money to open a business. and if you only an employee of a traditional business you only have a fix salary and only the owner is profiting big.

Network Business - There is also business networking that is done virtually through the use of online Business Networking sites which are also very low cost and often free. An online Business Networking website may have the additional benefit of being able connect their members with contacts that are worldwide as well as local.

Because business networking is based on the building of relationships with people, it is a ongoing and long term method of gathering business contacts but can be very effective.

if you have question or what to know about how networking business is better than traditional business.. just reply..thanks or reach me here.

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