vendredi 3 avril 2015

Hello from Pita

Hi everyone-

I've been lurking on this site for a while and decided it's time to come out from the shadows.

I'm retired military and have been working as a defense contractor for a while. I have always dreamed of building my own business and have planned and studied (as well as procrastinated) for years in my drive to achieve that dream.

Over the years I have collected hundreds of business ideas (I actually do keep a notebook). Some are good, some are crazy, and to my dismay some were eventually produced by others who also recognized a similar need for that particular product or service. I guess that's a cost of procrastination...

I've decided that I should finally act and I am now in the process of developing a product that is an accessory for consumer electronics (laptops and tablet computers). I'm currently developing the prototype and working on the patent and trademark. I hope to start selling on the internet and to retail buyers before the end of summer.

I haven't read through all the posts on this forum yet, but I hope to find information from other product developers and marketers and the trials and tribulations of building new products and the business to support them.

Once I get patents, trademarks and website in order I'll post more about my business. In the meantime I'd be happy for any advice any of you may have for me.



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