mardi 7 avril 2015

Question about being acquired / merging

Need some advice please.

I opened a medical staffing practice (rehab and nursing) over 3 yrs ago. Some of the details …

I own 100%

Gross Sales for 3 yrs is $350k and expect to do $250K this year

There are only 2 of us on the admin side doing this

I am very burnt out on doing this alone and have had a couple of conversations with some groups to merge with. Stress is simply killing me.

Where I need advice – I am being offered the deal below. This is the 30,000 ft view.

Larger staffing company with many resources and capital wants my company to merge with them. They do not currently offer rehab or nursing anywhere. I bring many MSP contracts and other contracts that would take them 1-2 yrs to get. They admit that. They would hire me on to continue to grow the book of business in this region. They would want to pay me some (not much) cash on the front end. I would be on salary (roughly $65k) plus commission and have a share (small, 5-10%) of what the company does in this region. This would be an actual share that would pay off if the company sold.

My biggest concern is to be let go shortly after I come on board since they would then have my contracts and book of business.

Any thoughts? Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? My apologies if there is a better place to post this.

Thanks in advance!

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