dimanche 31 mai 2015

Need Suggestion to Promote Wholesale Business


I am a manufacturer from India and I sell a wide range of home furnishing products including Rugs, Pillows, Furniture, Poufs, and Décor accessories. Now I want to expand my business to USA, Canada and many other countries. So I need wholesalers from these countries. But I don't know from where to find them. I don't know how to get genuine leads ? Please help me friends.


Question about name filing

Good evening everyone from a new guy here.

I know this question may be very elementary, but I can't find any information about it online. It could be that my search keywords aren't hitting, or It's just an oddball question.

If you're wanting to file a business name with a both a foreign language name, for instance la rana oxidado (Spanish), and The Rusted Frog (its English translation), how do you accomplish this? I know that every state is different, but are there any general guidelines out there? Is it even necessary? If it is, do you ultimately end up filing separate business filings? I'm wanting to make sure that I protect the business name, and there's no information out there that I can find.

Sorry for the multiple questions, and I sincerely appreciate the help.

Purchasing an established business with RE...in Delray, Boca Raton and Ft Lauderdale


I'm in the process of searching for an existing business in Delray, Boac and Ft Lauderdale Florida. I want to be close to my only sister who has a home in Boca.

I have found several established businesses with RE that I'm considering looking into. The business types that I'm looking into are Marine engine repair, Auto repair. I do have some experience with both over the years, doing repairs for family friends and my own stuff.

I have never owned a business of this type, however did own a commercial painting company for almost 20 years, but this would be totally different from that. I know that an established business with experienced and certified employees I could benefit from, instead of starting a business from scratch as they say....I could do both however, I think purchasing an established existing business will give me a good start? but I don't know everything..

I have been working as a Government Structural Inspector for 15 years, however my love of wrenching and owning/operating my own shop(not a franchise) has just been a dream until a few months ago... so I'm on the hunt and would appreciate any advise good or bad concerning what I'm getting my self into here, but I'm willing to take a risk YOLO!...

I will have lots of questions for everything that will be involved, except for financing. I have been blesses and will be paying cash for the business that I feel will work best for my family and myself.

I thank you in advance for taking the time to give advice, Lord knows I will need it...

Hi from Ga....

Stopping by to say "Hi form Ga"..

I currently looking to purchase an existing business in palm Beach Florida. I have some perfered areas such as Delray, Boca, Ft Lauderdale and have a lot of questions. I want to be close to my only sister and she lives in Boca Raton, Florida....so this should be interesting lol


My name is Daniel and I'm rather new to running my own business - for many years I've been working here and there and got tired of that. Since my last job I developed a serious distaste for all that has even the slightest connection with the word "corporate" and want to start my own business. I don't know if I'll survive or fall, but without trying I won't ever know, right? Hopefully with your help I will reach my goal. Regards,


How to find the right investor

I started my own est. more than 5 years ago. The business is in the field of IT hardware (trading and maintenance). It took only 3 months from the actual opening to start getting surplus or net profit, and ever since, the business is steadily generating an income.
However, the net profit has never been enough to cover my family expenses (schooling, college, house rent, ...etc). To make both ends meet, I had to borrow from friends, relatives and banks. But the debt actually increased my monthly commitments and made things worst. Furthermore, the debt eliminated the chances for the growth of the business in the past.
The only way which I can see now is to inject more funds into the working capital and to hire more staff and start an aggressive marketing strategy to develop the business and increase the sales and ultimately increase the income.
How to find the investor or partner who can provide the sufficient liquidity and participate in the development of the entity?
I have prepared a professional and realistic Business Plan with future financial projection and it is really promising, will it be enough to convince the potential partner??
Please let me have your thoughts on this.

How to cancel this job?

I've had these customers for maybe 5 years. The first time I met them they rubbed me the wrong way but were very nice the next time, or should I say the wife was. They're both probably in their 60's and the husband always seems to be ornery, spouting rude things from time to time. Went to powerwash their deck before staining recently and their water was off...very frustrating. After telling them that I simply didn't want to work for them anymore, they complained and then practically begged me to still do it so I agreed to do it, scheduled for next week. The other day as I was at a neighbors house, the husband comes over and tells me I need to replace some deck boards that I replaced for him last year FOR FREE! Turns out the wood filler I used in some small gaps was of poor quality and cracked, which I didn't know would of course, but the husband insisted I replace two entire boards, which would have to be cedar now (2x as expensive) since the deck is to be stained soon. I told them again that I didn't want to pw/stain their deck and they once again argued, backed down, begged. I feel very uncomfortable dealing with these people now. I don't have an official contract but there are emails confirming that I would work for them. Any advice?

Images in Wordpress

Can anyone point me to a link showing me the best way to deal with images on a WP site? I'd like to have them organized in directories, but the only way I've found was ckeditor and kcfinder. I have NEVER gotten then hang of WP's built in image tools.

These make it real easy to get stuff into the post and excerpt, but it's a hack and I've often wondered if I'm just missing the boat on how to use the stuff already built in.

Images in Wordpress

Can anyone point me to a link showing me the best way to deal with images on a WP site? I'd like to have them organized in directories, but the only way I've found was ckeditor and kcfinder. I have NEVER gotten then hang of WP's built in image tools.

These make it real easy to get stuff into the post and excerpt, but it's a hack and I've often wondered if I'm just missing the boat on how to use the stuff already built in.

samedi 30 mai 2015


I'm Craig, and I try to get folks off of proprietary software when I can. This can be home users, small businesses, whatever. I am passionate about open source software (I'm sure you've used some -- firefox, thunderbird, Open and Libre Office) and am trying to spread the word. Just haven't figured out a way to make much money with the idea yet. At the moment, my focus is just my blog, hoping to answer questions for folks who might be googling for what I've written about.

I must also add that I'm a bit of a hypocrite lately. I'm working for a proprietary software company in support...

New Business Review Site

Hi Guys

I know building links is important so i thought this review site would help everyone.

Business Review | Service Reviews | Did You Tip?

They have a 50% off code


They allow you to put your business profile up and have a link to your site which according to SEO is good.

Hope it helps.

Buying a struggling business

I am new to the forum - so I apologize that I am asking for help before I have provided any value. My initial look-around tells me this is a valuable forum, and I will provide as much help going forward as I am able!

I have been looking to buy a business in my local area for over a year. After five offers and two deals (both of which fell apart during due diligence), I have recently given in and taken a position with a local employer. Just as I did that, however, I was presented with the opportunity to buy a struggling business in the area. Since I committed to working for my new employer, I am not in a position to take on the day-to-day operations of this struggling business. I have a potential partner (call him Bill) who I trust and who has significant experience in running businesses, and he has proposed a deal.

This manufacturing business is struggling primarily due to a lack of capital (caused by gross under-pricing of the product). The current owner (call him Sam) has personally-guaranteed debts of about $250k, but is very good at design and production (when he can fund it) and would like to remain involved in some capacity for about five more years.

The rough outline of the deal would be that Bill and I partner to buy the business in the following manner. I fund the initial capital needs (about $150k), Bill provides no funds, but agrees to run the business (he will be working half days, as he is a business broker and has lots of other work going on), Sam stays on as the production manager and designer. Sam takes a nominal salary, but Bill and I take none. Bill's equity vests over three years, at which point he owns 50% of the business. We would decide together on issues such as salaries, distributions, etc. The business would pay down Sam's debts as it generates earnings (this is what Sam gets out of the deal). After the debts are paid, Sam simply gets his nominal salary.

The goal would be to sell the business in 3-5 years.

Does anyone have thoughts on this deal - is it equitable to everyone? Should there be some return on my capital built into the deal, or is the "sweat-equity" provided by Bill equivalent to the invested capital (all of which is at risk if the business can't generate the earnings we project)?

I appreciate any feedback!

How can I make money with Click Bank through Twitter?

Is there any one can give me an idea how can I make money with Click Bank through Twitter?

Do you have any Idea with dropshipping business?

Do you have any Idea with how can i run my usa based dropshipping business from outside of US?

vendredi 29 mai 2015

Need help finding my niche/target audience

More my small business, I am an entertainer (singer/dancer/model). I am having a hard time find my specific niche. All I know is I want them to like Anime, Japanese music and cosplaying.

McDonald's to Stop Reporting Monthly Same-Store Sales Data


McDonald’s Corp. plans to stop reporting monthly same-store sales results as new Chief Executive Officer Steve Easterbrook works to revive growth at the world’s largest fast-food chain.
The company will provide same-store sales for June with its second-quarter earnings report, then cease providing the data monthly, Heidi Barker, a spokeswoman, said in an e-mail. Results for May will be reported on June 8, she said. The company will continue providing quarterly comparable-store sales.
McDonald’s is struggling to turn around its business after 11 straight months of declining global comparable-store sales. Easterbrook, who took the helm in March, announced a turnaround plan earlier this month that includes reorganizing the company’s leadership, cutting costs and returning cash to shareholders. The change in sales reporting is meant to help McDonald’s focus on its longer-term performance, Easterbrook said when he announced the shift at an investor conference Wednesday morning.


What about a 'Working with Technology" section?

Knowing how to use technology is a huge part of running your business/office. From computers to mobile, hardware and software.
We usually just throw them in the Water Cooler section for lack of a dedicated area about it.

I think a section where people can ask and discuss tech issues would be helpful and interesting.

What do you think?

Virtual Office, is it the best choice for small company?

Hi all,

I'm going to open a company with small scale, I have advised by many Virtual Office suppliers and now I wonder should I use virtual office service for my company.

My business is about cosmetic distributor and I'm now living in HCM City, Vietnam.

Many thanks for your advices!

jeudi 28 mai 2015

[Question] How to get small business owners on the phone?

Hi all,

I want to start a software company. I am a software developer myself and have helped several friends and family members with setting up websites, mobile applications, and the like. I specialize in automation and back-end development.

I would like to be able to use my skills to help small business owners. The problem I am having is finding a way to contact them and explain what I am trying to do. I have been reading a ton about "cold calling" -- but I am not trying to sell anything. I am wanting to talk to owners and see what problems they are having in their business and if there is a way we can automate it or make it easier. If there is a problem we can automate, and it makes sense to do so, then we can work out the compensation. But I don't want to try to sell something that isn't going to provide a TON of value or call them with a generic solution.

For example, if a business owner is having a problem with reporting that takes 1 hour a day to do, they work 6 days a week, and they value their time at $25 an hour. They are spending $600 a month with this theoretical problem. If I can automate the process for them, or knock it down to just spending 2 hours a week doing it, then they would save several hundred dollars a month.

Would this conversation be worthwhile? I would think so. Would it save small business owners time and money? I would think so.

So, as small business owners. What would be the best way to call / approach you guys for an interview about your business to specifically talk about things that you do not like to do or spend a lot of time doing? And do you think this would something that would be worthwhile to pursue?

Thanks for your feedback! :)

Problem logging in

For some reason I cannot log in to the forum from my home network. This includes both my desktop and laptop as well as different browsers (usually firefox). I get a timeout error every time.

I'm posting this from my cell on a different network. Any idea how I can fix this?

The One Page Business Plan

I found these topic titles on the Internet that talked about the making of the one page business plan. It intrigued me so I put words to each of the topics of the one page business plan.

One page single spacing is approx. 500 words. If you want to write your one page business plan I would have you write 60 words per topic and keep each topic on point and to the point.

Anyone else to comment on the virtues of the One-Page Business Plan...RR

One-Page Business Plan,

1) Customer problem

When starting a business, it is important to identify a business market. Any business exists because there is need for it. Need for a product or service arises because there are people who are facing problems doing something or the other and they need some solution. Hence, when planning a business, it is vital to understand customer problems and how you can solve them.

2) Your solution

When customers are facing a few problems, it is apparent that they need solutions for them. It is similar to meeting a demand when there is need for something. When customers are faced with a problem, they may expect different solutions for it. Service providers or product suppliers depending on their thinking and caliber will try to deliver solutions to their customers. Hence, finding suitable solutions for the problems that people encounter in their lives can lead to business growth.

3) Business model

There are a variety of business models in use today. Different entrepreneurs use different ways to make money and expand their businesses. Some businessmen may think of manufacturing a product while others may like to trade an already manufactured product which is sourced from various manufacturers. In short, the business model for any business is how you are going to make money transacting with your customers. A good business model will allow you ample resources to continue the business and look for further opportunities for growth.

4) Target market

Understanding a business segment and its customers is half way on the path of running a successful business. When you are able to identify your customers and what they need, you will be able to figure out your role and deliver the required services or products. Everybody is a customer as we all buy things for our use or business. In business, it is important to identify your target market and educate yourself about the habits and concerns of customers in that target market.

5) Competitive advantage

The truth is - any business faces competition. There are always a bunch of service providers in your area doing the same thing. However, this does not mean that you will not be able to survive in the business. Survival in a competitive space demands uniqueness. When you are able to draw the attention of prospective customers to your business, you have a good chance of converting them to paying customers. This can be easily done when you have a competitive advantage when competing with your rivals. You need to find out how this can be done and formulate a strategy to implement and attract customers to your business. And then retain them once they make their first purchase from you.

6) Management team

Running a business is no child's play. You will always need a team of people who are not only committed but believe in the service or product you offer. Your team will reflect the motive of your business and they will work towards achieving the common goal, i.e. business growth and profitability.

7) Financial summary

Finances are important for any business. Plan your business and calculate the finance that you will need to establish it. You may have to buy inventory, hire people, buy furniture, pay office rent etc. Put these things on a paper and calculate the total approximate amount you will need in the process.

8) Funding required

The finance for the business that you intend to run may come from your personal savings or from an interested investor. If you are including an investor in the business, you will need to pay them according to your mutual agreement. Depending on the amount required to fund the business, you may choose an investor or you may also use your own savings.

Mobile IT Support for Business/Residential possible?

I've been looking into the world of MSP's and frankly every time I think about I start to become worried. I have ultimately decided that I would like to open an IT company that mostly deals with mobile computer repair and selective IT support. I live near a few large cities and I would be willing to either drive or send out my employees to really anywhere in the state(there would be a gas charge). We would also offer small website setup and design, and of course the basics like antivirus. I also plan to have a teaching service available, to show people how to use a specific device. So basically we will do everything that involves a computer or mobile computer device, and some networking stuff, like connecting devices, setting up firewalls and security, mostly basic things. I do have certification in Security+ and Cisco Networking associate. I'm considering the name "Emergency IT" with our main focus being speed to the onsite location. Under no circumstances will I ever open a computer repair shop, to me that is one of the lowest end "IT" jobs available.

Marketing Concierge Service - Let me know what do you think about this idea

Hi There,

I'd like you to ask you what you think about my newest business idea: Local Marketing Concierge

Why I started this project:

1) I've been an enterpreneur and also a marketer for some time now. My main business is SEO/PPC/WEB marketing agency (located in Englad & Poland) - during the years of work I discovered that most of other enterpreneurs that I meet everyday really don't know how to find a logo, business card, start a webpage or create fanpage with really low cost. I also know what works best for my customers - so we can always advice in what channel invest the most.

2) I treat this website as side project that will allow me to reach more customers. I figured that creating a free service (up to 0.5 hour of chat) to answer some questions (which can save a lot of time!) will be a good way of helping enterpreneurs and possibly finding customers for my new business.

The enterpreneurs don't know:
- that it takes even few hours to create a company website
- where to look for logo inspirations
- where to find awesome business cards templates
- where to find a freelancer that can fix a website for them
- how to buy really good power point presentation
- who should they talk to if they would like to start
- how to create a simple marketing strategy
- how to measure different marketing channels (internet, leaflets, ads etc.)
- how to start fan page (!)
- how to get quality traffic to their websites
- how to check the agencies that they work with if they're doing good job
- what are the market prices of creating: website, business card, logo, banners, fanpage graphics etc.

And many more...

S-Corp Tax Question

Firstly, as a first-time poster here, I am very grateful to anyone who can help me.

In a nutshell: I have an S-Corp that I registered in 2013. In 2014, I made the mistake of not paying myself enough, both in terms of my salary and dividends.

This year, I am paying myself a salary and my CPA has told me that:

1. I can't pay myself more than 40% of my total income in dividends.
2. My dividend payments can't exceed my profit for this year.

The problem is that I made a profit of $20+k last year and want to pay myself the majority of this as either income or dividends (preferable). Can I draw on this money as a dividend now (i.e. the opposite of what my CPA told me)? Is there another way to do this? Or should I pay myself a higher salary this year, pay more taxes, and not take anything out as a dividend?

Thanks again for anyone who can help.

Marketing Concierge Service - Let me know what do you think about this idea

Hi There,

I'd like you to ask you what you think about my newest business idea: Local Marketing Concierge

Why I started this project:

1) I've been an enterpreneur and also a marketer for some time now. My main business is SEO/PPC/WEB marketing agency (located in Englad & Poland) - during the years of work I discovered that most of other enterpreneurs that I meet everyday really don't know how to find a logo, business card, start a webpage or create fanpage with really low cost. I also know what works best for my customers - so we can always advice in what channel invest the most.

2) I treat this website as side project that will allow me to reach more customers. I figured that creating a free service (up to 0.5 hour of chat) to answer some questions (which can save a lot of time!) will be a good way of helping enterpreneurs and possibly finding customers for my new business.

The enterpreneurs don't know:
- that it takes even few hours to create a company website
- where to look for logo inspirations
- where to find awesome business cards templates
- where to find a freelancer that can fix a website for them
- how to buy really good power point presentation
- who should they talk to if they would like to start
- how to create a simple marketing strategy
- how to measure different marketing channels (internet, leaflets, ads etc.)
- how to start fan page (!)
- how to get quality traffic to their websites
- how to check the agencies that they work with if they're doing good job
- what are the market prices of creating: website, business card, logo, banners, fanpage graphics etc.

And many more...

mercredi 27 mai 2015

Free Legal Advice?

Basically I'm being accused of a very serious crime I did not commit. I need legal advice ASAP but cannot afford an attorney and don't want my parents getting involved in yet. Is anyone here a lawyer that can help or is there a website that's free for this? Ugh

What would you do with $150,000?

If you had $150,000 available, what would you do with it? This is assuming that you don't need this money for the next 5-10 years. Is there a good business to start with this money, or would just invest it?

Put On Yer Tinfoil Hats, Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy

This is good for a few laughs, thought I'd heard it all til now but this woman wants to know what government agency is behind the rainbow in her sprinkler!

Is there insurance to protect against Wholesaling fraud?

Hello, we are now in the process of becoming a wholesaler which means we will be selling in bulk to buyers on the international scene but because the are different ways a buyer can scam us we are searching for insurance to protect ourselves in case of fraud. Meaning, if a buyer should scam us in any way, we can be reimbursed from the insurance. Searching the net I am not finding coverage for this purpose? Any help/advice/leads will be appreciated, thanks.

Selling Tutoring Business on Flippa.com

I've been a long-time reader, but haven't posted anything. I'm selling one of my businesses, which is a remotely-operated tutoring company. If anyone's interested, here's the link -- http://ift.tt/1RmXPQH . Currently at $1, as I just posted it. Reserve is low.

mardi 26 mai 2015

iOS vs. Android For Prototype?


Quick question: so my company is basically an app, we need a prototype. I have hired a programmer for the project, and my partner and I are debating on which to choose from. I have an iPhone, he has a Galaxy. I want to pick one that's really good for prototyping. Any ideas?

Texas Hammered By Rain

Last night was one of the worst storms I've seen in some time, I had been following the weather and knew we were going to get hit but had no idea it'd be as bad as it was. The water on my street has gone down quite a bit now but people not far from me are taking boats out to navigate through the neighborhood. Funny story from all of this, I woke this morning to find a car in my driveway. The driver was in it, turns out he had taken an alternate route home and hit the water on my street and his car stalled, he pushed it into my driveway and sat in there for 8 hours! I invited him in and gave him some food and drink, let him use my phone and he was able to finally drive off at 10. We haven't had anything this bad since Alison in 2001 and my heart goes out to those who lost vehicles and had severe damage to their homes, etc.

Houston 'hammered' by torrential rains, flooding - CNN.com

Memorial Day Rain Turns Houston into Water World | Houston Press

clocked-in while going to urgent care?

I have an employee that has back sprain. Our workman's compensation insurance has paid for two visits to urgent care where they x-rayed him and gave him some ibuprofen, etc.

The problem is that this employee expects to be clocked-in and paid for his time at urgent care. Is this a requirement or even a common practice? I live in Texas in case that helps.

SEO services company in India, Professional SEO services in India

Animdezire is a growing IT company which provides Professional SEO services in India. If you are unable to increase your business then immediately contact our IT and internet marketing experts. We provide efficient SEO submission and other services. In a fast developing world it’s important to upgrade ourselves . We not only develop a website for you but we also help you updating your previous one. Our 2D & 3D multimedia designs can bloom your websites .

For more info visit:-http://ift.tt/1Bn1ftA

lundi 25 mai 2015

Setting up multiple websites under one business

Hello Everyone! Like I posted in my Introduction, I'm starting a small business and I'm looking forward to learning a lot on this forum through reading the different threads applicable to what I'm attempting to do. I've taken a lot of necessary steps, including getting a SCORE advisor, but I'm still at the very beginning stages of all this and have a long way to go. I'm actually still developing the Business Plan... One thing that I'm hoping someone would be kind enough to break down for me about a speed bump in my business plan, is a question about websites and the business.

Simply put, I'd like to set up a website (I've learned how to build and manage them) in around 10 major cities I've identified that would be great locations. I'd like to do this under my one business, yet have a different name for each business exclusive to that city. So, essentially... One business, ten locations (all online) with each offering the same service, the only difference being a change in name for each and it having it's own website, not linked to the others, but linked legally to my business.

Would this be possible? Any ideas or thoughts on this or how to set this up would be beyond appreciated... Thanks!!!


Hello all,

Hope everyone is having a fantastic Memorial Day! I just wanted to take a second and introduce myself. My name is John... I'm a 33 year old Vet and have just gone back to College under the GI Bill. School is easy for me and I'm looking to start a small business or at least begin setting up the foundation for one while I'm finishing school. I'm thinking the threads on this website and the knowledge of people like yourselves will be invaluable for this goal. So, thanks for having me!



online Business student.. going insane!!!!

I have an assessment with a question :
When organising and monitoring ongoing WHS/OHS training specific to a workplace, what are some of the important issues you need to consider, (such as educational barriers)? Identify at least three (3) issues.

I've answered it twice, my adviser is trying to help but i'm just not finding anything in their hints.. HELP?!??!!

What Legal Power Do I Have Over False Credit Card Disputes?

Since my company's main payment method is credit cards, I'm scared someone is going to pay someone using a credit card, then dispute the charge and get all their money back. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? What legal power do I have over this?

I want to start blogging, but not a personal blog.

Okay, so I want to start blogging about business and teenage entrepreneurship. My dream is to write for Entreprenuer.com or Forbes, but I know I won't get anywhere with them. Is there any websites that would be open to that? Thanks :D

Products with no distributers in my country


I were interested on adding a product to my store. So I contacted the company for the wholesale account. They said that they currently don't have any distributor in my country. what do you think the other options to have the products in wholesale price?

dimanche 24 mai 2015

Teenager starting a Gardening Business (with plan!)

I have done gardening work for various clients and I think I have the skills and tenacity to start a small business that provides cheap gardening work.
There are many parts of gardening that are pure grunt work, such as weeding or putting down mulch, which, lets face it, nobody likes doing. These services are what my business would specialize in.

I would find clients, assign teams of 2 employees to each client . The first job I would go with employees to show them how to do the work.

Me: 18 y/o High School Senior w/ gardening experience
Prospective Business: Garden Maintenance and work
Employees: Four to six 15-17 y/o HS students.
Wages: $12 CAD/hour per gardener. $11 (min adult wage in canada) goes to gardener, $1 goes to me. Money wired to me by email, all employees are paid by me.
Client Base: Already have 2 clients I do work for, more possible from word of mouth or flyers in my area.
Advertising strategy: Flyers, Facebook, kijiji, craigslist, word of mouth. Testimonials are available from my two previous clients.
Legitimacy: Completely under the table
Concerns: Safety risk and liability issues about injuries on the job for my employees.

Any tips for me to make this into a business I can make some money from? I primarily want to do this for the experience, but If I don't make any money from it there is no point having a business at all.

Simple small business decision making scenario, need opinion.

Hi, I am new to posting stuffs in forums and English is not my native language. So please bear through the raw formats and unusual business terms.
So this is about decision makings, whether to buy or not. A product, 125 watt electric water pump, is currently undergoing a temporary promotion for buying in a buck.

Here are the details;
Cost per unit is $25
Gross profit per unit $2.3
Average monthly sales this year 150 units
Monthly sales is expected to rise 50%-100%, as per last years' statistics, in 3rd and 4th quarter of the year due to drought season.
Terms of payment 30 days

Currently undergoing promotion from our supplier is:
1500 units purchase within a week, for the next 3 weeks, will get a $0.8 cash discount per unit. ($1,200 total)

So, what I need help on deciding is whether to buy up 1500 units or not.
Not only for the 33% extra in gross profit, the chance that our competitors (yes, the competition is tight, hence the low margin) might be taking up the promotion would force us to follow their price, which means lower profit than what we used to make.
Any opinion is welcome. Please do not hesitate to ask for more necessary information. Thank you

New business - S Corp and Questions

Question 1:
I'm starting a new business. I will be the single member owner/employee of the S Corp company. My brother is funding 2/3 of the startup costs. My business will complement his business as well as being able to stand on its own. He and I have a really good trust between the two of us. Our life goals, ambitions and personality is identical. I would never lie, cheat or steal from him and vice versa.

We agreed that any net profits from this new company will be split 50/50. I understand that first I would give myself a reasonable salary for the work. Any net profits at the end of the day would be split between my brother and I. He doesn't care of want to be involved in the business other than to split the net profits. He doesn't even want to be noted anywhere in the business that he's an owner/shareholder. Yes, people would say he's stupid as I can cut him out and deny any agreements of the 50/50 split. From this perspective, I have nothing and he has everything to lose. Again, we have that kind of level of trust.

My question is how do I go about splitting the net profit with him without any unnecessary tax burden on me. What I was thinking is that whatever net profits from the company is disbursed to me, after taxes are taken from it, I would give him 50% of it when I receive it. As an example, say the company made a $1000 profit for the pay period or quarter. It's distributed to me and I pay whatever tax is levy on it. Let's say it's taxed at 20% for the sake of this example. My take home profit would be $800. Of that $800, I would give him $400.

Somewhere, I feel there are ALARMS going off but I'm not seeing them or hearing them.

Question 2:
With the S corp, how do I fund the company with my own money to make purchases for equipment and supplies and to be repaid back for them? Do I write up a loan agreement between me and the company? If so, any suggestions on what should be on the loan agreement since it's a new business and any future repayment amounts or dates are unknown.

This is all new to me and I appreciate your inputs.

Thank you!

Jobseekers allowance whilst setting up business

Hi there,

A question on this.

Basically I have been unemployed for a year looking for work in the marketing sector.

I have also set up my own business early in February which I work on in the evenings. I look for jobs in the day to try and find work to benefit me.

Anyway, In March I had a investor put in some money to my business to help get it set up. I wasn't being paid so I still needed to look for jobs and find some way of getting income. Jobseekers supported me whilst I was trying to sort my income.

As I am going to be starting to trade next week - I am going to be coming off it as I think that would show a form of consistent income which would relate back to my personal assets.

Things are confusing for me. The money in my business bank account is investment rather than anything personal belonging to me (hence I can't use it for paying wages - wish I could).

If I had to come off jobseekers there would be no way of supporting myself unless I got offerred a job which I haven't been yet. I will still be looking for work even though I will come off Jobseekers. But as I am trading I don't think I will be eligible as the business will be making money.

The question that I had and what has just occurred to me, that I didn't realize was that the investment I received at the end of feb - does that account for personal assets? Even though I was unable to support myself on this.

I am kind of a bit confused around the matter as there is nothing which really goes into detail about it.

Anyone who has experience on the matter, I would be grateful to hear from you. I always thought the business was a separate entity. That whilst I was actively looking for work and can prove that then I would be OK with this. Now I find myself in a bit of a grey zone.


vendredi 22 mai 2015

Upgrade To vBulletin 5

Just a suggestion, but would you guys consider upgrading to vBulletin 5 or switching the website over to Xenforo?

Personally I love the design of Xenforo, and the new vBulletin 5 looks beautiful. What do you admins and mods think? :D

What will you do business with $5000?

Hi all,

I'm 24 and I'm now a staff in Japanese Company in HCM City, I have many ideas to do business on my own for so long. And I wonder should I startup with $5000? If it's possible, what business lines I can join?

I'm thinking about Clothing Store or Handmade Store, maybe a service company.

Thanks for your advices!

Waco Biker Shootout

More fallout from the big shootout involving police and several biker gangs in Waco, Texas last Sunday - it has been learned a former San Antonio police officer was among the bikers arrested and now it is being reported police are receiving threats:

Police threatened after Texas biker gang brawl - Yahoo News


A 62-year-old who posts images of his ailing mother with her pooch in one Facebook post and raunchy sex jokes in the next.

A man who poses alongside his son, middle finger to the air, then lauds his work with special needs children and extols the blessing of healthy grandchildren.

Much like the black-and-white goatee he has been rocking since at least 2013, Marty Lewis represents a dichotomy.

Bond set at $1 million for suspects in Waco shooting
Bond set at $1 million for suspects in Waco shooting 02:04
Lewis is one of the 170 bikers arrested and charged with engaging in organized criminal activity after a brawl and shootout at a Waco, Texas, restaurant left nine bikers dead. He remained in the McLennan County Jail on Wednesday with many of his biker brethren, unable to post the $1 million bail set by a judge...

...Just over a decade ago, Lewis could have been the one putting folks in cuffs.

He was a detective and worked in the vice unit at the San Antonio Police Department for 32 years, retiring in February 2004, according to a police statement.

"As far as my office is aware, he was a vice detective. Our vice unit primarily investigates prostitution, gambling, and liquor violations. At this point, we don't have info that he was ever assigned to infiltrate a gang," San Antonio police spokesman Sgt. Javier Salazar told CNN.

Word that a former man in blue was among those arrested didn't sit well with Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton.

"When I heard that this morning, it made me sick to my stomach," Swanton said.
Ex-San Antonio detective Martin Lewis arrested in Waco - CNN.com

Local Advertising Business

I have a business that helps small businesses advertise locally around their area, and I'm posting the following google ad to try and generate interest:

Fast & Affordable Local Advertising.
Campaigns starting at $350!

Does this sound like something that is going to appeal to my target audience?

Is there anything I can do to make it more effective?

I'd appreciate any feedback.


Hello Everyone

I just want to say Hello. My name is Rahul Chalana. I am the new one. I feel really glad to join your community.

Need info about starting a new buisness

A friend and i are thinking about starting a small fast food delivery business, we are wondering about what legal steps are necessary in order to get the business fully up and running. Thanks in advance!

p.s. or is it possible to just take cash and not through the trouble of starting a business.

jeudi 21 mai 2015

Seeking Call Center

We are a small business seeking a professional call center (only need 1-3 operators) for inbound calls only. In either the Dominican Republic, or South Africa.

Can someone recommend some companies?

Thank you


Maasai Sandal business from Tanzania, East Africa

Hi guys,

I am in Tanzania and i want to export women sandals to U.S.A by orders but i do not know where to start, i mean how can i get fashion shops in USA and market my new business and getting orders from them. See the pictures of the sandals below and help please. My email address: kapondocharles@gmail.com

Maasai 2.jpgmaasai 3.jpgMaasai 4.jpg
Attached Images

Just Starting Out

I want to have checks payable to a name that I want my business to be. I also was thinking maybe I should try to make my business an LLC? I'm pretty sure I'm not what they call an "entity" yet. I haven't made a sale yet and I haven't done any paper work. I basically made a web application and I want to market to a target audience. So what kind of things should I do to make my business? Some guy at the bank said I needed an assumed name affadavit. What all do I need to know?

Partnership Agreement - Allocate on amount billed?


I am starting a two member LLC with my business partner. I've been working on drafting the Partnership Agreement (also called Operating Agreement) and the one area that has me a bit stuck is how to word the allocation of profits and losses section. We do not plan on having any employees in the near future and will be generating our revenue billing clients for consulting.

We'll both be buying in with the same 50% capital contribution and will each own 50% of the business. However, most guidelines seem to assume that earnings will be allocated on ownership %. Instead, I'd like to tie a large % of the income to how much was actually generated - an "eat what you kill" type approach. Basically we have a bill rate that we bill clients, and possibly a rate for internal stuff like accounting/taxes if one person starts doing it and then apportion out the earnings to each person based on what they contributed to the bottom line. Its less important when we are both working the same amount, but if one person wants to take on extra work while the the other takes a 4 week vacation in South America, it would be nice to structure it so that the person who is working harder reaps most of the benefit of doing so.

How can we word this in the agreement without running into trouble with the IRS? Can we also allocate expenses into 3 pools: his, mine, ours and apportion them appropriately? How can we be sure to maintain 50% ownership and avoid a scenario where someone owns a majority because accounting shenanigans suggest that their capital account is larger?

Thanks for any help/guidance on this!

Infographics as part of your Internet marketing campaign

Hi all,

I recently blogged on the importance of infographics in your marketing campaign, and it would be interesting to know how many of you actually incorporate infographics into your internet marketing.

If you have, what results have you achieved?

And if you haven't, what is stopping you? Or what do you have against infographics?


Hi everyone

Hi everyone,

I'm Mike. I am glad to join the small business forum.

I'm working at Hinnter. It's product is salesboss, a sales management tool on the mobile

At the moment, I am focused on survival. So I am looking for your help.

Thank you and nice to meet you all.

Direct Mailing

Hello all,
I recently started a new business, Nationwide Background Screening Inc, and started a direct mailing campaign to 1000 HR Managers (or equivalent positions) through out my state. My question is based on your experience what is the best follow up? Phone call with some introduction and taking temp on interest, Email (if I have one) or just let them call or email me? I have been cold calling (no luck obtaining clients) and cold emailing (again no replies). Any advice would be appreciated.

Also, on my website I am getting what I think is a decent amount of traffic, but little to no calls or emails from the traffic. nwbs-inc.com

Again any advise or suggestions are appreciated

I just got laid off from my 9to5

Hello Viewers,

I just got laid off my primary job. This has happened for the second time. I am a college student that has a business that helps me float from time to time. I am really getting tired of jobs controlling my fate when I would rather myself. I just need tips and tricks on how to manage a business while unemployed? I have some type of capital to advertise to get my self out there and to make more money than before. Should I file for unemployment? I don't know I am from NY and I need help thanks.

mercredi 20 mai 2015


Hy Everyone! I am new here. I feel really glad to join your community.

How to get people to know that I am buying videos

So I started buying videos online and I have a simple website and process, but I need a better way of letting people know that they can get money by selling there videos to me. Got any ideas?

QuadraNET Infracloud Review

SUPPORT: 5/10 - Response times slowish, response times 30 minutes~

RELIABILITY: 9/10 - Amazing. Reboot times are a little slow though.

UPTIME: 10/10 - 99.9% uptime. In the past six months being with them I have only been down for 30 minutes all combined.

MANAGEMENT TOOLS: 4/10 - Not much really, they have DNS management system and some basic cloud management features. Nothing amazing.

PROS: Speed and reliability is the biggest reason I stick with them. When they do answer the tickets, they are incredibly helpful.

CONS: Support. I wish their live chat could help more...


Tell me what you think :)

Brainstorming Marketing with the Business Card

I feel that the business card is the first tool that every small business should use to develop their own style of marketing strategies. Every biz owner should take 1 hour a week to design a new way to market their business and to measure how last week's strategy worked.

The Biz Card is; low cost, compact and easily customized. Here are my ways to use it.

Twelve ways to use the Business Card to develop quick marketing strategies that will deliver new clients and a profitable bottom line to any small business. This is the power of printed business cards and traceable marketing strategies used to make and track the profits for any business.

1.The relationship marketing strategy,
2.The extra visits marketing strategy,
3.The slow times marketing strategy,
4.The no peeking marketing strategy,
5.The suggestive selling marketing strategy,
6.The fundraiser marketing strategy,
7.The contest marketing strategy,
8.The B2B marketing strategy,
9.The gift card marketing strategy,
10.The calendar marketing strategy,
11.The pay it forward marketing strategy,
12.The customer review marketing strategy,

This is a brainstorming thread so can you describe what one of these 12 techniques means to you in your own words? Or if you have additional techniques that can use the business card please add them.

Just my thoughts, RR

Keep up the small business

Business planning is compared to water to some sort of thirsty plant. The item keeps our firms vital and growing. Without business setting up, your business can never be as healthy as it would be and may possibly sicken and kick the bucket. But many small businesses don’t do this company planning they really should, because they're hard-pressed to search for the time to practice it. How many times maybe you've thought that you simply do some small business planning but only if you weren't so busy attending to business! But business planning doesn't ought to be a time-consuming trial. In just a couple two to several hour sessions, you possibly can put together basic fundamentals of a business plan that can invigorate your business with the course of 1 year.;)

So set aside any time on two days for a couple business planning consultations. (The days don't ought to be consecutive, but need to be fairly close on time. You may want to have your small business planning sessions approximately a week separated. )

If you're the kind of person who prefers to figure in a collection, get together that has a like-minded friend or maybe two who also runs your own business. You'll find this brainstorming in most of these business planning consultations easier with input from many people, and they'll certainly you have to be fun as societal occasions. (Keep business planning collection small though; no greater than three! ).:cool::cool::cool:

Tax Questions

So I recently started an online retail store (we sell on eBay) with a friend of mine. We've already filed to become an LLC, But we are not sure whether we should be taxed as an LLC or a S-Corp. We plan to invest a lot of the money back into the business, But we not sure how ( and how much we should pay ourselves). Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated.

can i market a product to a store?

Hei everybody! Hope you all are having a lovely day! I need help here ☺
so right now i am marketing a product that is manufactured in the US and i live in Norway. The product is doing quite well in US and is a brand name. but it's still new in europe.

I can either market it (without having to buy stock) or i can also buy wholesale and resell directly to customers.
My question is can i market or resell the product to a store? The store will ofcourse resell it. there's a store that is interested in the product actually so i would appreciate some help here. Thankyou!

Liability once LLC

I recently began experimenting with a business idea.. Not sure how it would do. I found that my products are ones that people like and are purchasing. At this time, I have decided to convert my business to an LLC. The question I was hoping to have answered is related to liability of my product. I have pursued completed product/operator insurance which was effective going forward. Will converting my company to an LLC protect my company from anything that could occur from products sold before the LLC was created?

Thanks in advance!!!


Good day.

Can talk me books, or where I can receive information about production, kind of, details. How will provide my product to people, schemes, other.

What I will do I'm not decide, but think this will be hi-tech, entertainment, some interior details.


What are clients looking for in a freelancer?

So I was wondering what makes clients decide to hire someone to design and develope their website for them.

Any opinions and thoughts are welcome.

mardi 19 mai 2015

Just started a business last year and need marketing advice please

I just started up a virtual staffing agency. I partner up with a company that gives me acces to over one hundred Fortune Five Hundred Companies to allow people to work from home. In return for my services I offer people I charge a flat rate of 49.99 every two weeks outside the fact they are hired as independent contractors so they have no taxes taken out. My competition charges a little more so I thought my price would drive people my direction but hasnt been going so well. I have had a good buzz going with word of mouth but it has since slowed down also and I have been having a hard time of driving people to my website also. My question is if I wanted to put together a good marketing campaign where should I start? I tried to market on social media and its not been going so well either. I feel I need to do everything over!!


Price vs Cost?

Has anyone heard this term before?

I am going through Jason Fladlien's 400 words in 7 minutes training course. By the way it's a great course. To get info just google Jason Fladlien.

Anyway back to Price vs Cost and a way to re-frame the client's perspective. Price = the physical price of the product and/or service. Cost = the value of the said product to the client.


So as I understand this you pay $2,000.00 for the new website with an email collection tool. It doesn't matter what features are in the website but you need to be able to measure the success/failure.


Next you track the new website and find that the new website is bringing in on average $500 per month in new sales. The Cost is then measured over the next 3 years, which make the value to the client = $18,000.00.

The price is $2,000.00 the value to the client is $18,000.00. To re-frame the price vs cost it is 1) price is $55.55 per month and 2) the cost or client value is $500.00 per month based upon the website measuring tools.

Instead of pitching your price maybe you should pitch the way you measure the true value. You answer the: "what's in it for the client?" Then add "what if scenarios?" What if you made $100.00, $500.00 or $1,000.00 per month with the new website?

Any thoughts, RR

Sleep Issues

Anyone here have sleep issues? When I was younger, I never thought of it, I'd easily get 8, sometimes 9 hours a night - now that I'm older, I'd give anything to sleep like a normal person again. In 2007, I realized I had sleep apnea when my live-in girlfriend noticed I would stop breathing. I was competing in powerlifting at the time and working nights which didn't help at all. It got to the point where I began waking-up within an hour or going to sleep and I'd do that continuously. This went on for a year and a half, once during that period did I sleep more than an hour consecutively and it nearly drove me crazy - I tried everything and nothing worked - melatonin, Unisom, xanax, ambien...everything - I'd just wake up as usual but just more drowsy or buzzed depending on what it was I had taken. I started sleepwalking and have several funny stories from that time, became narcoleptic, would develop chest pains by mid-week as I'd spend my days off in bed trying to catch-up on what sleep I could get. Money was beyond tight as she and I were renting a house and I was supporting she and her children. Eventually I got the money together and got a cpap machine which after several months really helped and I began sleeping for about three hours at a time. I finally got off of the night shift and that helped, within a year I was sleeping close to normal again, although I was using the cpap machine.

Fast-forward to the present and here I am awake at 2am... The past several weeks I've been sleeping bad again, nowhere near as bad as at my worst, but it is starting to take its toll on me as I've been really tired throughout the day and find myself reaching for the caffeinated drinks for a quick pick-me-up which I know doesn't help. I am going to see the doctor and see what paths we might take to help but I really don't want to get on any meds. I'm not exercising much at all and haven't been lately, I've been thinking about buying a bicycle and starting to ride a few times a week, that'll help get rid of a lot of this stress I've been dealing with and wear me out in a good way. Well, I better try to get some shut eye, my alarm will be going off before I know it and I've probably put whoever reads this to sleep, as well. lmao

lundi 18 mai 2015

Have You Ever Gotten Sued?

Personally, I haven't but have come close. What about you? :)

How To Advertise I Am "Buying Stuff" On A Budget ?

I have a *non-internet* based company that buys items from the general public in an area of about a 15 miles radius.

My business has very low profits due to the lack of volume of items I buy. Any ideas on how to advertise myself on a very limited budget in a limited area ?

Business Meeting Story

Having a breakfast meeting in a beautiful tropical courtyard setting in Nicaragua. I'm in a white shirt and tie. All of a sudden my coffee is splashed all over me. I look up. Bird pooped in my coffee...

I wish I kept a log of my traveling days. A lot of stories.

dimanche 17 mai 2015

Questions about investors, incubators, AngelList, and more.

Alright, so I'm in the process of launching a startup called FreeFall. Basically, I've taken a more (realistic) approach to it. I took clients I had from my electronic repair business and starting the company up. Basically it's an app, I'll go into further details in the future once this is up and running.

I'm dumping a lot of money, borrowing money from people (parents, friends, etc.) and paying these programmers to make the app. It's almost done, it should be ready to be tested within the next couple weeks to a month (deadline is July 1, 2015.)

Lately I've been obsessing over a website called AngelList. It's where Uber got going, Patreon recently started going, and has done some great work in the venture industry. I was wondering if I have an app made, a few clients on the app, and have a solid concept will investors still be interested? Since most of you here know I'm only 15 (16 in July), I'm worried if I present this to an investor and incubator they'll back out once they see my age. Since my only partner is a 18 year old (Ryan's back, he's not going to college, he's actually spending time, life's great right now lol.) and then I have Kulin, who's only 17.

I really am concerned. Plus is an incubator really worth it? I mean most invest a good chunk of money into seeds which is great. I don't know what to do. Any help?

One thing I'd love to have is a business advisor, you know someone to help us through the process until we go public. Where can I get one of those?


Been so long, I feel like I'm new

I haven't had much time to check threads other than to see many of those I remember are still active -and some new people too. Life (as always) has been a learning journey and I'm once again back to reconnect and let you all know what I'm working towards now.

First off, I have an amazing day job in which I get to do exactly what I always wanted to be doing - helping new business start ups with planning, marketing and getting off on the right foot - and I can get them help with financing too (if they have a solid idea and do the business planning and projections well enough to convince the board). And I get to promote local shopping too. I started a vlog with a puppet delivering community events information and interviewing local business owners. It's an absolute blast and feels like a dream come true. It's an independent non-profit funded through a federal government program to support rural small business and economic diversification.

Then there's the online business part of things. I've been working to establish a site of my own at patrysha.com - much of it has been put on the backburner while I worked on getting the systems set up at my day job, but now I'm ready to build the content and start working towards my vision. Exciting times ahead I'm sure.

So what is everyone else up to?

samedi 16 mai 2015

Earn from home.

I am working with this PTC since 3 years. I also worked with almost 10 other PTC sites, but, nothing is like this, hence I quit all of them. You can earn here by Visiting Websites. Paid Surveys, Free Offers, Micro Tasks, Playing ClixGrid, Contests, Shopping Online, Referring Others.

This PTC is there Since February 2007.
Minimum balance to cashout is $6 for Premium members and $8 for Standard members.
Why you think about minimum payout?
Do you want to earn minimum?
You keep on earning and take out lumpsum at a time.
I got paid by this PTC 5-6 times.
I wait till a big amount is deposited and then I ask for payment.


5th Anniversary of Ronnie James Dio's death

I'm a huge fan of music and Ronnie James Dio was a favorite of mine since I was a kid. Ronnie passed away due to stomach cancer 5 years ago today, May 16th, 2010. Ronnie is most known for his work with bands such as Rainbow, Black Sabbath, and his solo band, Dio. I only got to see Ronnie once, on his tour in 1988 with Megadeth as the opening act. I've been listening to his music throughout the day, one of my favorites - during his time with Rainbow - Stargazer:

" They say that life's a carousel
Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's Heaven and Hell..."

Any Book Recomendations?

Do you have any books that you would recommend reading on starting a business? I am looking for some interesting reads.


Questions Regarding Oregon Food Laws

I've been running a small unofficial business for a few months now offering a similar product to Rosa Lab's Soylent with a large amount of success so far.

I think it's about time I legitimized my business. I'm ready to take the next steps required, but I have just about no idea where to start. I've spent countless hours researching Oregon food laws, but it seems I'm getting nowhere.

There doesn't seem to be any information I could find on which kind of facility I need to use, whether I need a certain type of certified mixer to mix this food, laws on shipping across state borders, I'm completely lost.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Registering a business name...


I'm in the process of starting my own business (online shop, workshops). I've read a lot about registering a company name, but I'm no more the wiser. I want to do it properly so I don't have to worry about my company name in the future (that somebody else might register the name etc).

I'm registered as a sole trader as I do freelance work and use my actual name instead of a company name. I've not registered for VAT yet, but would like to do that as soon as possible.

Can somebody talk me through the process of registering a company name (and the costs involved), please? I checked the government website and other sources, but I feel like I'm going round in circles. I would like to register for VAT using my company name, but I'm not sure if the name has to be registered with Company house already or not.

Thank you.

Filing for an LLC in NY

Hi everyone! I'm about to file articles of organization for my llc in NY. I was recommended to use Blumberg but I know there are other sites like legal zoom and IncFile What does everyone suggest? I also am not sure about a registered agent, do you suggest using the same company for that as well? I'm trying to do this as cheap as possible but of course I want it done right. Also, publications here in NY (Staten Island)- Does anyone know how much that comes to? Thanks in advance!

Manejo de Propiedades Establecido

Hola Todos,

Si está pensando en comprar una casa en el área de la ciudad de Panamá y desea atención personalizada al detalle y un excelente servicio, somos la empresa para usted. No hay necesidad de que te preocupes por los detalles; vamos a caminar juntos a través del proceso de compra una vivienda hasta que tenga las llaves de su nueva casa. Panamá Home Realty es la mejor fuente de listados de propiedades exclusivas y servicios de bienes raíces en Panamá . Si usted está en busca de bienes raíces en Panamá para la venta o alquiler, está en el lugar correcto .


Para más información por favor visite nuestro sitio : www{dot}panamahomerealty{dot}com{dot}es.

Hello everyone

hello everyone my name is Nid ..Its nice to meet you all

vendredi 15 mai 2015

Do you know about affiliate marketing? What about Wealthy Affiliates?


I would like to get your experience if you had or have affiliate marketing business online. I happened to find "Wealthy Associate" and it looks good but to get video or more important stuffs, I may need to pay monthly 47 dollars or something. If you have any experience with them, please let me know because I am considering the investment. Just wondering it would be worth paying the fee monthly.

And my wife is starting her new clothing store business very soon. I am trying to help her. I will post my questions about it later.

Thanks in advance for your kind help!

A sad day

On Monday a 14 year old boy died from a sudden heart attack. He was buried to day. His father is my neighbour.

This tragic event can remind us that, though we are busy, we need to take the time for our family and loved ones.

Bruce, this is in memory of your son Andrew.

Starting Pet Boutique

Hi, I'm new here looking for information. My wife expressed her desire to start a business and our love for animals led us to a pet boutique. We plan to initially start small scale online with homemade treats, leashes, and collars. Neither of us have business background but my wife has worked retail for 10 years. We have never done online business either. Do i need a business license for online sales or just a physical store? Also whats are some pprotections or precautions i need to take with making leashes and collars, ( eventually i want to add beds and cat trees). In the future we would like to scale to a retail store. Does anybody in the business have any information i would greatly appreciate your help? :)

What the heck... Fiverr


How is this profitable for the seller?

Updating business info on business directory sites

I am trying to 'claim your business' on sites like Whitepages.com, Mapquest.com but it takes me to Yext.com which requests payment for updating detail. Is there any way to claim the business listing myself or somehow update the information? Would it be better to start a whole new listing? I'm not a fan of repeat business listings.

Offline Website Builder

Normally, this is something that I would contract out, however, I find myself with a fair bit of time in the evenings and I want to fill it with something productive. That and what I want for a site isn't what many e-commerce sites currently look like. To all our resident advisers here, don't worry I'm not looking to go full time into web design as I prefer building physical items that I can pick up and touch.

I'm wondering if there are any good offline website builders available that don't require extensive coding knowledge. Most of the builders that I have found either have subscription fees attached (though I am not opposed to buying a program), have poor options, or the reviews on them scare me off.

Guaranteed Payments to Owners - Partneship, 3 member LLC


I have questions in regards to guaranteed payments for a multimember LLC. If the cash is simply not there to payout the guaranteed payments, do I debit "member 1" guaranteed payment. (expense account) and credit "member 1" contribution account (equity). Basically stating, the company paid "member 1", but "member 1" immediately put money back into the company. I understand, that in this case the member would still be responsible to pay SE taxes quarterly.

Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks a bunch


Create your Brand in HCM City

Hi all,

Let's talk something about our dream, our ideas and our business plan. Are you a staff in a company now or you're freelancer?

I'm now a staff in a company and ofcourse I have my own dream about opening a company, create my new Brand about a unique service/product.

Tell me about your plan and how can you make it real?

Can We Use Google News Search Results ( free results) for Promotion of our Business

When we search on Google news tab, it shows up high value results including Press releases. But I found that almost the website are listing in the results only allow paid posting. Is there any website that offers free of cost posting. Or if you have any other information about Google News search result, please share.

jeudi 14 mai 2015

Any thoughts on this marketing strategy?

It uses a physical product as a free gift and only requires payment for shipping and handling. The strategy is used to find buyers and not newsletter prospects that want to save 10% from somebody they are not comfortable with yet. It’s $9.95 for shipping and handling cost of the gift is $5.30 and mailing is $4.00.

I want to use the promotional USB as the free gift and add a PDF E-Book of the top 30 advertising tips within my niche. I want to get the tips from my subscribers and as pay I will offer two things: 1) a link to their website with their name attached to their tip, 2) $10.00 Starbucks email gift card.

Any thoughts, RR

Craigslist Ads - Online Advertising that Works

There is one area or channel to advertise online that is highly underrated - and that is Craigslist.

It's a great source of leads for many types of businesses from lawyers to moving companies.

Most are turned off due to only being able to post 3 ads/day by Craigslist. Others are posting 20 ads/day + and that's what's needed to be successful - but if you can get there, you'll get many good leads.

Starting a managed service provider at 20.

So I just got out of college. Got my associates in computer networking and certification in network+ and security+. I want to start an MSP but i'm afraid it may fail. I actually don't need an office, and I have money saved up from my job during college and the end of high school. I have a solid business plan I have been working on for four years. I don't have any student loans, mar car is payed off, my apartment is cheap, and I am fully prepared for everything a business requires. I honestly would only need like 4 or 5 contracts to live off of at the start, of course 20 would be better lol. Anyways, do you think that i would even be able to get 5 contracts? Literally no MSP's advertise. Seriously. So I could get some radio ads and maybe a bill board or whatever. Let me know what you think. Thanks

What are business owners looking for with social media marketing?

I have just started a social media marketing and online reputation company for small and medium size businesses. I was wondering what business owners are looking for when it comes to marketing on social media? What are your experiences when it comes to marketing online? Thank you

Annual costs of a 0 asset, 0 employee, 0 income NYC c-corp

Can anyone help me get a handle on what the costs are for keeping a c corp alive. Annual fees such as minimum tax (I think $25 in NYC) how expensive ornhard is it to do taxes for a profotlrsss c corp? What am I not thinking of that will cost me??

Just looking for a bit of ll while I develop some software.

Rebranding My Business

So I'm starting the process of rebranding my business. Krymson Productions does not scream out web design or digital marketing. So starting with the basics I've had to figure out a name that says what I do in 2-3 words.

I, with the help of some close friends, provide web marketing services... Web Design/Development, SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Photography, Hosting - Basically Everything Digital Marketing, but I don't want to limit myself to just digital marketing for future proofing my business.

I'm trying to get something witty and clever, and has the domain name available. When it comes to logo designs and naming things, i suck. So far the only thing I've come up with is Httpster Marketing. A play on the word "hipster" but also screams web with the http or https how ever you want to look at it.

For those that don't understand the http or https... its part of urls... http://ift.tt/113Nz4r

What are your thoughts and/or ideas?

Adding as I think of others:

Visibly Houston
Visible Digital Marketing
Visibly Digital Marketing

mercredi 13 mai 2015

Why Is Naming My Company So Hard?

So I'm taking your advice and taking the thing I actually get clients in and making it bigger. Basically, at this point I need a name. I don't know what to call it, no name appeals, and every name is not available. I'm looking for a .com, .net, or .co domain, and usually it's taken. It's so frustrating. Is there a way to make this process easier?



Don't know who cooks out there. I used to cook a lot when I was younger and had more time. I still like good food. My career of 22 years was basically wining and dining clients. Young, my room mate spearfished and was a chick magnet so we always had good seafood and good party's.

These days I don't have much time for cooking but still like good food. I'm big on making stuff that I use regularly weekly or even biannually. Weekly, I like to saute up some muchrooms, onions, a few other things on a saturday to use through the week. I always have bacon bits as well as bacon fat (and other fats) in the freezer.

Last night I had a filet mignon with a mushroom pepper sauce and baked potato and it took me 10 minutes to make.

So here is the kicker. I make duck stock every 6 months. Gonna make some this weekend. Usually lasts about 6 months. I buy online 25 lbs of duck backs and necks. Costs about $75 delivered frozen the next day. I make a heavily reduced duck stock out of it and freeze it flat in zip lock bags.

Whether I'm sick and just want a duck broth over some Chinese noodles or like last night when I made my filet and wanted a good sauce, I take a chip of the duck stock and toss it in for a really great flavor. 1000% better than the boxed chicken broth in the store. I keep the duck fat for sauteing things.

It takes linear time to make, but not much tending to. I'll post my recipe if anybody is interested. You can be cleaver and still eat well without spending much time cooking on a busy schedule.

So that's going to be my weekend.

Voxypad - Advanced customer support with chat,voice and video as sharing data. (Free)


This is Mike from Voxypad.

I would like to recommend Voxypad Click2Call service to small business owner.

With VoxyPAD Click2Call buttons, customers can contact you with just a click away on their web browsers. Integrate VoxyPAD buttons into your websites and support your customers via chat, voice or video calls while sharing valuable data like photos, documents on the fly. Voxypad provide free chatting tool where customer could chat and sharing photo/image with you.

For Business

How to get free chat tool.

+ Go to The cross-platform app for collaborative telecommunication, download the app into your smart phone (iPhone, iPad, android device or PC).
+ Register with email.
+ Login email with voxypad web site.
+ In the dashboard, add Chat service (Free).
+ Get the code, insert into your web site.

Now customer could contact u..by clicking the button on web site ...and it will call to your devices.

Voxypad - Advanced customer support with chat,voice and video as sharing data. (Free)


This is Mike from Voxypad.

I would like to recommend Voxypad Click2Call service to small business owner.

With VoxyPAD Click2Call buttons, customers can contact you with just a click away on their web browsers. Integrate VoxyPAD buttons into your websites and support your customers via chat, voice or video calls while sharing valuable data like photos, documents on the fly. Voxypad provide free chatting tool where customer could chat and sharing photo/image with you.

For Business

How to get free chat tool.

+ Go to The cross-platform app for collaborative telecommunication, download the app into your smart phone (iPhone, iPad, android device or PC).
+ Register with email.
+ Login email with voxypad web site.
+ In the dashboard, add Chat service (Free).
+ Get the code, insert into your web site.

Now customer could contact u..by clicking the button on web site ...and it will call to your devices.

For demo, see it in : For Business.

Need a laugh? World News articles

Back in the 70s and 80s while checking out in line at the grocery store I used to get a laugh at the tabloids, "Boy Trapped In Refrigerator Eats Own Foot" or the "Bat boy Found In Cave" headlines. Earlier this morning I opened an email from a relative that had sent me a link to a story about a man fired and arrested for eating $30,000 in dog biscuits while on the job at Purina. Sadly this family member didn't know this is from a site carrying the torch for those old tabloids like Weekly World News and is a fake.

Thought some of you might get a laugh out of this, god knows I need one right now, one of my oldest friends is in the hospital having his leg removed today due to complications from his diabetes. Enough of that though, here are a few I cracked up at:


Barry Larson’s ex-girlfriend, Patricia Nelson, told a reporter from WKPN 23, that she was aware of his “addictions” to both cannabis and dog biscuits, and that she had actually left him when she had found out.

“Every night, he came back from work with a really horrible breath” she said with disgust.“It was not just a normal bad breath, it was really a foul stench that never left, even if he brushed his teeth or used mouthwash. One day, I came back from work earlier than usual, and surprised him with his mouth full of dog biscuits! I nearly threw up! I was so disgusted, that I packed my things and left. I didn’t know, however, that he was stealing the biscuits…”
Purina Employee Arrested for Stealing and Eating Over 30,000$ of Dog Biscuits World News Daily Report

Hillary had an affair with Yoko Ono in the 70s
Yoko Ono:

Trailer home carried 130 miles in a tornado, family trapped inside unharmed
Tornado Carries Mobile Home 130 Miles, Family inside Unharmed World News Daily Report

Trying to get onto store shelves

We sent out several samples to stores that asked for information and samples of our product. We waited and after about 10 days emailed them back to see what they thought of the samples and gave them ordering information. So far we've heard back from only 1 place saying they don't have room for more products right now (why ask for the sample then?) and another which lost the sample and hasn't written back since.
What should we do now? How long should we wait to contact them again? I don't want to wait too long because I don't want to be forgotten but then I don't want to annoy them by asking too often. What is the sweet spot? How long should I wait to contact them again?

Setting to force intro before making first post eslewhere.

I think this is a setting on V-Bulletin. That new members have to post in the introductions area ( or whatever you set it to) before posting elsewhere.

I'm noticing an increase in the number of drive by postings where the first post is "How do I solve this problem" and then they are gone.
Maybe it's not a big deal, but I don't think it's a bad thing to force a little decorum and an introduction when joining a community where you get free advice.

Besides, it's helpful to know something about the person and their business to even be able to answer thier question, and I think it will cut down the number of long first posts where they tell their entire life story before getting to the question because they didn't take the time to look around, see the intro section or read any of the forum rules.

What do you think?

ROBS w/ Guidant or Catchfire??

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these companies and the whole idea of rolling over 401K into your own business?

I am considering an established liquor store, So it wouldnt be a complete gamble.



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We have brand new ranges this week with Great Access to the following:
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mardi 12 mai 2015

Great business idea, need help on how to make it happen

I've got an idea for a business providing a service for the company I work for. I can't open the business in my name or immediate families due potential conflict of interest. How do I make this happen where I'm in charge of business and majority owner but not who they deal with.

Typical Vendor Expenses?

I'm doing a research paper for high school hoping that this will help me start my own business and I wanted to ask what are your biggest monthly expenses when it comes to vendors? (payroll service, insurance, POS system, etc.)

Or what services do you require to keep your business running? (internet/phone, shredding pickup, etc.)

Sorry if this is a bit vague but I'm trying to identify where businesses spend the most money with vendor services.

Thank you,

How to Reduce Vendor Expenses?

I'm doing a research paper for high school hoping that this will help me start my own business and I wanted to ask what are your biggest monthly expenses when it comes to vendors? (payroll service, insurance, POS system, etc.)

Or what services do you require to keep your business running? (internet/phone, shredding pickup, etc.)

Sorry if this is a bit vague but I'm trying to identify where businesses spend the most money with vendor services.

Thank you,

An Irresistible Offer From National Geographic, Or Is It...

Monday through Friday I get daily emails from TargetMarketingMag.com with great articles on marketing and copywriting.

Today, Denny Hatch, author of Million Dollar Mailings and his newest book Write Everything Right, wrote a great article on an irresistible offer he received in the mail from National Geographic. Well, it was irresistible until he followed their link online to the order form...

Read all about it by CLICKING HERE or following the link:

An Irresistible Offer From National Geographic : Target Marketing

Be sure to reply below and let me know your thoughts.

Oh, and be sure to implement what you learn!

Nepal Hit By Another Earthquake

I was in a rush and left without catching any of the news this morning, just now reading that Nepal has been hit by another earthquake. This one registered a 7.3 on the Richter scale


Nepal's National Emergency Operation Centre confirmed 37 deaths, with at least 1,117 others injured. It earlier had put the toll at 42. In neighboring India, at least 16 people were confirmed dead after rooftops or walls collapsed onto them. Chinese media reported one death in Tibet.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported the epicenter of Tuesday's quake was close to Everest Base Camp and the Chinese border — about 51 miles east of Kathmandu.

It struck at a depth of around 11 miles. The April 25 quake was measured at 9.3 miles. Shallower earthquakes tend to cause more damage at the surface.

The USGS initially reported Tuesday's earthquake as being 7.4-magnitude but later downgraded the figure. It was followed over the course of about 30 minutes by further tremors registering magnitudes of 5.6 and 6.3.
Nepal Hit by 7.3-Magnitude Earthquake; Dozens Confirmed Dead - NBC News

lundi 11 mai 2015

Man Shamed On Facebook As Creep Was Taking Selfie With Darth Vader

As a longtime Star Wars fan, this made me shake my head:


A Melbourne mother, mistakenly believing that a guy was photographing her kids in a shopping centre, snapped a photo of him as he was "taking off" (also known as simply leaving a Target store).

On 6 May, she posted the photo to Facebook with her description of the encounter with the "creep", saying that he'd been reported to management and police and that he'd be charged if he turned out to be a registered sex offender.

After hundreds of shares, the news of his public shaming finally reached the so-called "creep", who turns out to have been publicly maligned over innocent behavior.

By the time the post was shared 20,000 times, he had received death threats and was considering his legal options, he told Daily Mail Australia under condition of anonymity.

The man eventually contacted police to explain he was just taking a selfie - in fact, his first ever - as he stood in front of a Darth Vader cut-out at the Westfield Knox shopping centre at Wantirna South, in Melbourne, Australia.


Taking on a partner?

I am really just in the beginning phases of starting my business. Today I was having a conversation with someone who in my opinion is a complement to my own skill set. She herself has been tossing around the idea of going into business for herself but is afraid to make the leap. I didn't say anything to her about this but started thinking about a partnership (although they say the only ship that won't sail is a partnership). I believe most of you are on your own but have you ever considered a partner? If you did or if you have one what are some things you looked for in a partner? Since I really haven't even taken on a client yet it wouldn't change things from that perspective. I am just batting around ideas. Thoughts?

Thank you

Online Based 3D Printing service

A little introduction first, I'm a university student, living in a suburban area in a 2nd world country. Title almost says it all, I am thinking of starting a small online based 3d printing business/service and deliver the goods by mail domestically (for now!!). I'm seeking feedback and opinions of some more experienced folks here. I stumbled across the idea while browsing amazon (for whatever reason), I realized than almost nobody here ever even heard of 3d printing and I could take advantage of this while the competition is still very little if any. My target group is probably businesses that deal with 3d modeling (for prototype printing and such) and the general public. Maybe start off with one printer, I found a decent one for about $500-$600. I can probably get a domain for my mentioned web page on godaddy since they have an exelent first year offer. I was thinking that customers can send me 3d models through said website along with their info (like shipping address) just like a normal online store. Maybe i'll even set up google adwords and whatnot for promoting my business.

These are just some rough ideas, and I need your input on this if its a good or bad idea.
I don't really have much business experience, so any tips or precautions will come in handy.

Anyone with experience having Video Ads made? Expensive?

Anyone have experience having Video Ads made for their business?

I have an auto-detailing company and I was considering having a video ad's made. Possibly to put on my site but also for use as a Facebook video ad. Anyone with experience having Video made? Are they expensive to make? Thanks in Advance for any feedback!!

Kind Regards,


Choosing the type of Office for your Company

Open a company and choose the type of Office in the very first steps is important thing you need to do and do it really well. So how can you choose the type of Office for your Company at this time to save more costs and time?

I consider about renting a traditional office and put its address in city centre and using Virtual Office as many people nowadays.

My business is about investment consultancy. At this moment there are just me and my friend run the Company. So if you have any experience about this stuff please share with us. Many thanks :)

What do you mean by "Member With Stressed Keyboard"

I just saw this displayed on my profile "Member With Stressed Keyboard" and what is the meaning of this? Just another rank (level) or, are you guys kidding me for infrequent visits or something?:confused:

dimanche 10 mai 2015

Thinking about opening up Iphone repair shop?

Ok so I'm thinking about opening up my own phone repair shop of iphones. There is a certified apple repair shop around here called Megabyt but rarely known. The tough competitor is named The Phone Guys although the hispanic community here in NW Arkansas is amazing and there are no phone repair shops around here that speak spanish besides the people who fix the phones in their own homes. I'm just trying to get a little advice, I want to see if you all think its a good idea. Later on i'd like to open another one in another city thats right next to mine. I don't really like to deal with samsung galaxy phones because I can never get the loca glue on the screen right i screwed up about 2 and didn't wanna try no more is why I want to deal with iphones only.

Also does anyone know if theres a iphone part supplier or something on how to get prices for when i go to SBB.

samedi 9 mai 2015

Build Your Mailing List With A FREE Book Offer (And Get Advertisers To Pay For It)

(I posted this thread on another marketing forum I'm a part of and I wanted to share it with you too!)

A few months back I requested the free copy of Ryan Levesque's new book Ask. It was absolutely free and I didn't even have to pay the shipping. He's obviously building up his list.

Well, the book finally came in the mail yesterday and I couldn't help but noticed there were ads included in the package (I tried attaching the photo here, but it keeps giving me an error, I then included the link and it said the file was too big... ugh! There is a picture on my blog).

I thought to myself, what a genius! He gave away a free book with free shipping, and helped cover his costs by including other advertisers in the package.

Reminds me of Valpak or other shared co-op advertising. Get your own advertising out for free while others pay for it. Cha-Ching

I thought it was a clever way to build up his list by offering something absolutely free, even shipping, and having other advertisers covering his costs.

Also, I wonder if he did research about which advertisers to include with the book (or, maybe it was Barnes and Noble's doing, since they're the ones who shipped it).

Obviously, we can all relate to food. So I wonder if a majority of his prospects are interested in photography (which seems like everyone and their mother is a pro photographer these days with their fancy smart phones) and wine (I'm not an alcohol drinker... but I do realize I'm an odd ball).

Your thoughts?

Have you considered the integration of Bitcoinpayments? Why, or why not?

Hey everyone,

Hope you are having a good Friday,

Wanted to stop by and see what everyone's opinion about Bitcoin payments and their potential impacts within a small business setting.

We all know charge-backs are a growing issue and some pay almost 10% annually, horrible.

Bitcoin payments give us an opportunity to reduce these completely. One of the common misconceptions is a vendors subjectivity to Bitcoin's volatile price. This is not true. The majority of payment processors offer features to combat volatility with locked rates and automatic account deposits. All for a fraction of the rates charged by traditional processors similar to Paypal and others.

You can start accepting Bitcoin in seconds with plugins for any eCommerce platform, hardware for any fast paced environment, and apps to save on cost by using existing devices.

Give it a try today.

Does your business accept Bitcoin? What are the positive negative impacts?

If you haven't considered integration, why not? Are you open to accepting a new form of digital payment, or happy with your current processors?

3 Owners - Salary Structure

Sorry...please delete.

vendredi 8 mai 2015

Builders & Developers in Bangalore

Damden - South india's leading property builder & developer offers real-estate, buy residential apartments Bangalore, 2/3 BHK flats sale Mysore, commercial projects & hospitality constructions. Welcome to Damden group, we have 60 years experience in property development of Residential and Commercial Real Estate, Hospitality solutions and Plantation Construction & Developments. Damden Group always looking for bright, young people who want to take part in the accelerated Property Development and Management vertical. We have openings across different levels. Damden Corparate office is located at Koramangala, Bangalore. you can mail me at enquiry@damden.com or call me at +91-80-41248585.

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