samedi 31 octobre 2015

R.I.P. Stacktron

You all saw it coming: Stacktron is dead. Now before you all start to riot because of such a travesty, let me explain:

Stacktron was on financial breaking point. We had money and people willing to give us money, but the issue was we were paying for things we really didn't have to pay for in the first place. Some of it was approached incorrectly, a lot of it was broken (constant server issues, etc.) and when we were first starting it I was convinced against my own instinct to do certain things, (like write a bloody business plan), and because of that I will no longer be doing business with those individuals as I have learned they have horrible business sense.


Okay, so we were gonna go down in about a week when I got a Skype message about buying Stacktron. We didn't have many clients, but the guy wanted to buy it for the clients. So, we took the deal, because why not.

Moral of the story is, trust your own instinct kids.

Now because I'm so incredibly interesting you're all most likely thinking, "What now Mr. Warren Buff---err, I mean Owen?" The answer is simple. I don't know. To be completely honest I'm probably gonna hang low and silently do something with someone else. I won't talk about it to anyone until it's launched and ready. We'll see. Until then my fellow business people! ;D

Want to know business term name...

Hello guys,
I am new to this forum and I currently would like to know business term name.

If a company would like to ask or call or want to start with some business together with some phone selling shop to the public or customers, can we call corporation business?

Advice for new business

Hi..I have emigrated from South Africa to Manchester UK. Back home in SA I had a waste removal business. I believed strongly in advertising and this was a successful marketing action that worked well for me. 90% of my ads were local newspapers in different areas and Gumtree. I've spent a lot of money in Manchester and my response for advertising is extremely poor. As a service related business, can anybody steer me in the right direction. At the moment Gumtree is my best form, but not enough business. Many thanks

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

importance of Entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the society. They change the way we live and work. If successful, their innovations may improve our standard of living. In addition to creating wealth from their entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs opportunities for the society and the conditions for a prosperous society. They do investment in community projects and provide financial support to local charities. This enables further development beyond their Owen ventures. They also offer new and improved services, products or technologies which help in the growth of business that creates new opportunity of income generation.
The following are the reasons why entrepreneurs are important to the economy;
• Entrepreneurs Create New and Unique Businesses
• Entrepreneurs Add to National Income
• Entrepreneurs Also Create Social Change
• Community Development by involvement in different fields.
• Entrepreneurship provides strength to small business

Entrepreneurs drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education, health, human rights, workers’ rights, environment and enterprise development. They undertake poverty alleviation objectives with the zeal of an entrepreneur, business practices and dare to overcome traditional practices and to innovate.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the form of comments.

Venkata Kottisa

Data backups to cloud

We are looking for resources to backup data to the cloud so we have offsite storage as well as the local NAS storage. with our SQL accounting database, regular doc files and exchange server its quite large to do incremental and keep several copies. also considering an image of the servers for easy restore in the event of a catastrophe. does anyone have recommendations for a service that would not be to costly per GB (we may need at least a TB) and can handle incremental nightly backups as well as full server imaging. any recommendations on a backup schedule/plan would be appreciated. we have about 35 employees and three servers. thank you

Hi everybody! Going to start Kickstarter campaign! Need your opinion!

Hello, I am about to start my first Kickstarter campaign. Guys, I want to see if anyone had some advice on my device.

My device is an OBD-II scanner based on Android OS with a preloaded software. There are a lot of features such as: GPS and Wi-Fi tracking, it sends notifications about car accident and after you can see a 3D model of a moving car during the accident, monitoring of a car condition, you can see data about engine level and temperature, current speed, fuel consumption, it will read error codes, also it will be a Wi-Fi hotspot in a car. You will be able to monitor with our special app on the phone or in your account. You can control your car everywhere in the world. And this is not the end. We have more features, sensors. If you have questions - ask) What features would you like to use in such device. What will be useful?

Any help is appreciated!

Hello from a Swiss in São Paulo


I am happy to have found this forum.

My name is Samuel and I am a strong supporter of small businesses. I am looking forward to help others on this forum.

I am 20 years old, I moved to Brazil for personal purpose and I am actually studying International Business in the university.

In order to help small businesses, I built an innovative database where small businesses are able to add their info, make important document available for download and post relevant news. Then, they can invite customers and friends directly form the website.

See you!

jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Research project on startups..

Hey everyone,

I'm a grad student in the Strategic Design and Management program at Parsons and I am currently working on a research project on startups.
I am examining the current online and offline resources available regarding business knowledge and education. According to Bloomberg, 9 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months of starting their company. For the remaining 10% who have succeeded, there is a struggle to remain competitive in the market. My research seeks to understand why the failure rate is so high for startups and entrepreneurs despite all the current resources available, and the influence of education in the current startup scenario.

I put together an observation video for class based on some current and future entrepreneurs and what they thought about this. The next phase of my research is to do brainstorm possible opportunities for solutions whether it be a product/service. I'm just looking for some ideas! I would love to hear your feedback.

Research q: What elements of the experience of eager-to-learn entrepreneurs (young enthusiasts/professional business owners) can be implemented in a solution that aims to reduce failure rates?

Check out the video:


why my any keywords are not shown in search engine?

why my any keywords are not shown in search engine? i already updated content, title tag, meta description and everything. but it's not showing even on 200 number.. there are only 200 result in my keywords. i doesn't even appear.. so whats your suggestion? do i need to build link to make it appear?

I am planning to invest in Bahrain but how is it in terms of other Gulf countries?

I am planning to invest in Bahrain but how is it in terms of other Gulf countries?

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Phone Setup for Office

In the process of setting up a new business. For my other business we've always just used regular one-line business phone service and ring central for faxes. I was wondering what other options there are out there now. We'd like at least 2 maybe 3 lines for our small office and fax. Any suggestions?

New to payroll.


My cousin, a couple of his friends and I (total four) are trying to start a business developing/building websites for various institutions (small businesses, education e.g. elementary & high schools etc.). Since our services don't necessarily need brick & mortar, a good majority of the work will be at our individual apartments with the exceptions of meetings with clients to plan out their website.

I'm in charge of payroll, employee & client contracts and business banking -- the thing is I have absolutely no clue where to start. None of us are familiar with payroll and all the things I've listed, and non of us know a CPA. What books can I read about payroll, legal contracts and small business banking so I can have a sound idea of what I'm doing? I'd like to save money so I don't think I'll be enrolling in any payroll/bookkeeping classes anytime soon. This will all be self-taught and it will through trail-and-error.

I have this site:, to aid me but I need more.


Marketing Partner

I own a successful web hosting business. In web hosting, unless you're a giant host, one must specialize in a niche market in order to succeed. That's what I have. It's a very small market and I am a big fish in that little pond, with a steady stream of new clients signing up every month. For a few reasons, I need almost no marketing/advertising effort for this business--one reason being I was the first host in this market, 6 years ago.

Now I would like to launch a second business or "brand" of my business to cater to another niche. I have identified a few candidates and I am almost settled on the one I want. The issue is that for this new brand, I would definitely need marketing/advertising as it is somewhat established and has competition. I am aware of the basics of marketing/advertising but I am busy running a hosting business and would prefer to hire someone to do these, in particular who can do it better than I.

My question is, do you think it's feasible to find such a resource, someone who knows what they're doing (more or less), who would work on a profit sharing basis? For a true start-up, I would myself laugh at the idea, as we all know what 50% of nothing is. But given that I have an established, proven and profitable business, the risk in this case is much less. In reality, in my opinion, the entire success of this new brand will depend 90% on the marketing/advertising as the technical aspects of the business (service and support) I can demonstrate are already in place, are high quality and very well regarded.

My current business gets from 4 to 12 new accounts each month. I could offer my "partner" around $100 per new account on this new brand. I would give that for any and all accounts and presume that all business comes due to their efforts. Of course we wouldn't start off with 12 accounts a month, but what we could do would be a factor of the effectiveness of the marketing.

I think such an offer, if over the team of let's say one year, is quite reasonable.

Any feedback is welcome--let me know if you agree or if I am out of mind (which has happened before).

Thank you.

Purchasing very large quantity of small products, need basic understanding.

I'm looking at a contract with a state gov that wants the purchase of around 8,000 USB flash drives. The flash drives are going to be shipped to 15 to 20 different areas within that state. The flash drives have to be a EXACT model/manufacture to be compatible with equipment. I'm fairly new at this, so I've been reviewing the contract and understanding the requirements. I've also been contacting distributors and trying to get price quotes...

1. My understanding is I should contact Distributors first and get pricing information. I've contacted one and provided quantity information and they contacted me back (a little aggressive) they told me that they have a good relationship with their manufactures and they just won't quote me a price over the phone unless they see that I'm serious, they want to run a credit check. No issue with this, but my business is quite young. He also told me that the price he's giving me is more/less going to be the same everywhere I go (BS detector going off).

2. I got a SWAG price of around 11.78 per unit, that will roughly cost $94,240. Thing is I don't have that kind of money lying around :). If i'm awarded this contract and I purchase this product I will need to go into some guarantee with the manufacture/distributor that I will pay them. I'm sure they won't do anything until they see money first. So how do you purchase products from someone, where you have documentation that a gov will pretty much pay for them? My suspicion is I would need to take out a line of credit? Would I do this via some CC or some bank loan etc? It seems the distributor has a loan process, as they asked me if I would be going through their credit? Just to recap, only time I would go into purchasing this is if I"m awarding the contract, so the gov has a legal obligation to pay as I have a legal obligation to provide.

3. I'm not very clear on contracting and how the gov pays the Awardee. A friend indicated they always pay usually half upon award and the other half upon completion. I read the entire RFP and didn't see any information there regarding when payment will be done. It seems when every single product is delivered, then you are paid? What's the typical payment schedule? Do they pay first?


mardi 27 octobre 2015

Entrepreneurial Importance

Entrepreneurial importance is required as it plays a key role in the growth of the country.
Whenever an entrepreneurial starts a business he requires some or lot of man power to accomplish the job required.
In order to take care of that he hires lot of people.
Therefore, it creates lot of job opportunity providing wealth to the people employed. Whenever a new business is setup, it definitely comes up with some values of innovation ultimately providing better products in the market. This creates competition in the market and reduces any kind of monopoly keeping the price of the products down or in control at least.
Hence entrepreneurship helps in economic growth of the country.
A new business always tends to collaborate with other businesses providing them strength ultimately helping in the growth of the country and people living in it.

Please provide your thoughts on this topic in the form of comments.


Obtaining Commercial General Liability Insurance for a State/Federal contracting

I'm in the process of bidding on a state contract. Within the RFP is a statement that says something along these lines.

The Contractor shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits sufficient to cover losses resulting from, or arising out of, Contractor action or inaction in the performance of the Contract by the Contractor, its agents, servants, employees, or subcontractors, but no less than a Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, and Personal and Advertising Injury Liability of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate.

The problem is when calling oil insurance companies, they don't seem to have an idea why I need 3M aggregate. One other said they don't write policies for federal contracting. My fear is that I'm telling them too much about my business where they don't want to write a policy. This is a new business and I'm attempting to bid on state contracts. My fear is the state contracts don't require a heavy duty policy, while the federal does. Or maybe I'm wrong?

Based on my research it looks like it should be around 5 to 800 a year for this kind of insurance?


lundi 26 octobre 2015

Hello from Bulgaria

Hello. My name is Plamen and I am from Bulgaria. Stopping here to say hello :)

Interesting bit of History

While researching equipment I was directed to speak to one of my largest competitors. I pulled up their website and they had their corporate history listed. In and of itself nothing spectacular; however, it turns out that a large part of their business was initially started by my mom's uncle back in 1950 and operated by him until 1984.

Would any entrepreneurs here be willing to mentor me or give me some advice?

I am a senior in high school ITCHING to start a small business and I'm just fixated over it. I will be starting college next year and NEED a lot of advice, and need to know how I can balance my academic life with my business life as I am obsessed over this and I am never going to stop obsessing until I actually go for it. Might be dangerous, but I have OCD and Aspergers Syndrome and if I want something and I am completely fascinated by something, I will keep trying for it and persisting over and over again.

Someone help me please, I really need some advice from an entrepreneur! Even if I could become friends with one!!

Where is the best bang for my buck for advertising online?

A lot of quotes for marketing out there are well beyond small startup pricing. Does anyone know any really good (and reputable) marketing companies that fit the lowest of lowest budgets?

Has anyone tried Robly Email Marketing

I had a few flyers a while back and a phone call last week and now have an appointment to talk to Robly in a few days.

I have been using Constant Contact for my email needs. I have been ok with them. I don't seem to have the time to use it as much as I should and with the limited use probably am not getting my moneys worth. I do want to do more with emails in the future. My only complaint with CC would be more in the range of it not seeming right that they provide the templates but if you want a mobile friendly template you need to buy it for $ 79.00. To me providing the templates should be part of their service but that is not really a big deal.

Robly claims to be half the price of Constant Contact and to get twice as many opens. They do provide mobile friendly templates for free.

I would be interested to know if anyone has used Robly and what their experiences were. I see more using MailChimp than anything but I believe they are about the same price as Constant Contact.

Here is a link to Roblys web site in case anyone wants to see the specifics of what they offer.

Any experiences anyone can share?

dimanche 25 octobre 2015

vendredi 23 octobre 2015

Should we Include Pricing on Website - (Even Though Everything is Customized)

Hey Guys, I am not here to promote any of my services, actually I am here to more do a bit of research as we are looking to make some changes to our website and want to get our customers feedback.

We are an Internet Marketing Company and we currently offer things such as SEO, Social Media, etc. We currently don't have our prices listed on our website for the simple fact that we build customize marketing campaigns based on our clients individual budgets, we don't do "Premade Packages". However, we are debating rather or not we should put up "Recommend Budget Spends" or things like this on our website, as we feel that some customers want to at least get an "idea" of what they may be looking to spend, what is recommended, etc.

What are your thoughts? Should we put recommend budgets for different scenarios? Should we just not have ANY pricing on there? or should we try to put like "Buckets of Hours" for a set price so customers can see some sort of pricing points online?

You can take a look at our site here (Lindsey Interactive :: Kentucky Marketing Solutions) and browse and see how we don't mention anything of our service pricing currently.

jeudi 22 octobre 2015

SAP Fiori

SAP screens to fit their preferences, SAP recognizes that reality

Who to Invoice?

This week I landed the service work for a "new" customer (4 mills under a larger umbrella and I'm in one already). After speaking with the operators to learn the issues that they have been fighting with (primarily delivery times) I took a nice size load back to the shop.

After spending a good hour cleaning what I brought back, I start the usual routine of inspecting to see what needs to be done. 2 hours later over a third of the work has been marked and put off to the side as scrap (don't want to spend the customer's money on junk). These blades were so bad that I had to open up my specs so that I didn't pull every blade out of service.

Now, what makes this story worse is that these blades were last serviced (over the past 12-18 months) by a "professional" CNC shop. Every. Single. Problem ... on these blades was caused by poor quality control in the "professional" CNC shop. Mismatched clearance on teeth, too low clearance, flex in setup pushing the tooth away from wheel when grinding resulting in a convex shape rather than a smooth taper, special carbide wiper slot to clear sawdust that was wider than the the tooth, finishes that were so rough I could count the ridges with my fingernail (used to fail tooling that had this appearance under a 40x microscope), etc. Worst of all, these blades had their diameters reduced by up to 5/8" (16mm for those who use metric) and would no longer make a full depth cut. Things were so bad that I went beyond frustration and started laughing (maybe I should see a shrink about that) and almost feel ashamed to call them a competitor.

Am I allowed to invoice the other shop for wasting my time, my customer's money, and severely gimping the throughput that my customer needs to produce so they remain competitive?

Holding and Managing Companies.

Hi to everybody, I am new here!

Is anyone here familiar with the concept of holding and managing companies? It seems many businesses follow the model of one holding company with multiple subsidiary companies that manage its business affairs. So each subsidiary can carry its own brand, dba and risks. But what about the reverse, multiple holding companies that entrust their affairs to one managing company? For example, real estate. Each property is put in the name of of one holding company. All of them invest capital in the managing company to look after all those properties.

we are looking business partner in USA.

Sellfing company -startup.
We develop web sites on wordpress.
We have 2 prices for clients - basic site for 1500$(template) and custom site for 7000$ and more.
sample basic site:
our site
Now, we are looking business partner in USA. 50% of price site.
Tell me, on

Hi from Germany!

Hello everybody! Nice to be here finally) I'm Hel, 30 years old came from Germany. I got a small business in the field of telecommunication technologies here in Germany. So see all of you in the forum chats;)

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Buying into an existing business

I have approached an acquaintance of mine and expressed interest in buying into her baby skincare business. Its just a small business, she sells predominantly through markets and her website. No real retail stockists.
She is extremely interested in what I had to say as my background is sales and marketing. She started the business as a hobby as she has a particular interest in health, skin care, essential oils etc etc and is very knowledgeable but doesnt know the first thing about sales and marketing. If we had a partnership she would be the product developer and I would sell it.

Since she started it as a hobby she does not have an accountant and does not know what her business is worth. She wants me on board but doesnt want my money because she is scared I will be disappointed and cannot pay me a wage at the moment either.

The reason Im interested is because she makes some great products and I can see so much potential. She just had her 5th child so she has her hands full. Id really like to take it to the next level with her but not sure how to muscle my way into the business if I cant buy in.

I was thinking I could appoint myself sales and marketing manager and take a small commission from all sales until we hit a certain target. Then we'll both know if its the right thing for each other and we can look at a partnership at that point.

Does that make sense? Has anyone done anything like this?

S-Corp Outstanding Tax Liability?


I am a 50% principal owner of an S-corp that is operating a retail store. There is an outstanding federal payroll and state sales tax liability. It is likely that we will be ceasing operations of the store in the near future.

As 50% owner, am I only responsible for 50% of the outstanding tax liabilities? If the other party is unable to pay or files bankruptcy, will the IRS come after me for the entire amount outstanding?

My guess is yes, they will come after me for everything. Has anyone else been down this road and have any advice to offer?

Many thanks in advance.

mardi 20 octobre 2015

Need help, student trying to start a small business

Good evening all,

I am looking to start a small business and am currently enrolled in an entrepreneur class ay my local community college. I am trying to collect survey results for the business I am hoping to start within the next few month, not only as a form of market research, but also as a class assignment. If you would be so kind, I am asking you to please please copy and paste the link below, it's a free survey website we used for the assignment. It will literally only take 3 minutes of your time but it would help a budding entrepreneur tremendously!!! I thank you in advance to those who help me, and I welcome ALL feedback!

Tawny E. ;)

Link to survey:

Second site for review

When you go to | Legal Forms | Free Standard Legal Forms And Resources and browse, find a document you need add it to the cart then check out, is there anything you find that is not clear? is there anything that does not work?
What is your initial opinion? The site needs to be easy and feel "safe" as most users will be novice Internet users...I do not want them to feel it may be a scam.
Thanks for your time in reviewing.

First site for review free ebook website

When you go to Home - Ebook-City and browse, find an ebook add it to the cart then check out, is there anything you find that is not clear? is there anything that does not work?
What is your initial opinion? The site needs to be easy and feel "safe" as most users will be novice Internet users...I do not want them to feel it may be a scam.
Thanks for your time in reviewing.

401k Matching for Contractors

We have a bit of a strange scenario in that we have some contractors that we really treat like employees (full-time, salary, vacation, etc). We are starting 401k matching and don't want to leave them out.

My thought is that we have them handle the account side (to avoid being involved in giving financial advice), then they can send us evidence of their contributions and we will reimburse half, up to the matching amount. We do this already for other contractor benefits like cell phones and medical.

Am I missing anything here? Is there an easier/better way, or any pitfalls I am not considering? I couldn't find much in the way of resources since I don't think this comes up too often.

Thanks in advance for any input!

How Outsourcing can help manage your business

Outsourcing is the best way to manage your new business while keeping costs low. Indian outsourcing firms are well known as good VA providers.

Virtual employee is a relatively new trend in human resources, and many companies are foggy on the process. Hiring employees to work from a virtual office can be a huge benefit to your company. From decreased costs to increased productivity, you may consider hiring virtually for your staffing needs.

There are so many good firms are available like Excenture, Staff India and so on. Search on Google and you will find a bunch of firms that provide services like back office support, data entry, call center, web development etc.

Feel free to knock me on skype (tony.staffindia) for any kind of help.

Office Space in Magarpatta |Office Space in Wagholi

Konark Icon presents signature showrooms and boutiques, office space in heart of the city. It's close to Magarpatta City and Wagholi. The only one stop solution for all your business needs.

Businesses and products in Vietnam


I'm a Vietnamese who is currently living in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
I've been helping several business people who want to open and establish businesses in Vietnam, buy products from Vietnam.

In which:

+ My first client here was an American (Nepalese by blood). His name is Ravi Pradhan.
I translated his ppt file to Vietnamese, went with him to Vung Tau to conduct (translate and facilitate) a two-day workshop about leadership and management training.
Continue work with him sometimes in HCMc.

+ My second client was an Israeli – American:
I drafted for them a basic drawing on AutoCad for their planning factory site.
I went with them to Nha Trang and Da Lat for almost one week to find the source of supply,
visited local government office to get contact and info.
Went to local places to meet local people to find the raw materials.
I created a project idea picture for them to put into their report.
(The report is for them to look for investor(s) ).

+ My third client was an American who want to open an art-related entertainment business.
I helped him to work on business license, find a place to print his business card. Interpret for him with the logo designer.

+ My fourth client was an Israeli who want to open a service for babies.
I collected all info about kids, babies – related services in HCMc,
arrange a car for rent, then we went to visit all those places to get experience & ideas.
I also helped him to find an apartment for rent, motorbike for rent.
Connect him with people who can help him in the business, who can be his staff.
Help him to find shipping company, finding a business place for rent for his store.
Help him to find a business plan writer.

+ My fifth client is a US-based Filipino company. They want to expand their waste water treatment business. I helped them to go to a factory in an industrial park to collect information and data about the waste water facilities and quality there.

+ My sixth client is a French. He wants to open an agricultural farm in Vietnam to produce their own products. I help him to research on land rental price. I’ve found a Professor in a University who have experience and have done lots of research in this field to connect to him.

+ My seventh client is a Vietnamese-French (Vietnamese by blood, was adopted by a French family). He opens a business to sell machines from France to Vietnam. I help him to work on the content of the website and brochure. i advised him to not totally copy the content of the partner company in France, but write everything on his own understanding and experience which can make prospect customers understand easier and better. Help him to interpret when we were in a business conference.

+ My eighth client is a Turkish. He wants to buy Rayon fabric in Vietnam, and I helped him to research and contact with potential supplier(s)

I'm offering you similar service, if you want to open business in Vietnam or buy Vietnam products.

You may check my profile here


Adding free shipping cost into product price.

I am thinking of offering free shipping. It will be using the postal service. I am trying to add the cost of free shipping into the product cost. But I have difficulty doing this. I tried to calculate it based on item weight, but this can be too expensive? How do you do it when you offer free shipping?


I was at a martial arts seminar this weekend. The really good instructors are good because they have been doiingg it for 50 plus years. They may be fat and not as agilie as a 20 year old, but they are skilled and have that 50 years of knowledge.

Something tragic happened this weekend. An instructor had a heart attack. It was not doing anything strenuous. Two guys who knew CPR saved his life waiting for the paramedics. We are now putting into place a mandatory requirement off CPR to train in our ddojo.

__________________________________________________ ____________

I recommend business owners and their employees are mandated to know CPR

lundi 19 octobre 2015

Hello Everyone

I am nisha sharma newbie for this forum site. I visited few threads or discussion all's are relevant & informative so I decided to join small business forum site. Here I can put my queries & also try to participate in discussion.

dimanche 18 octobre 2015

A lot of investment is being made in the Gulf region. What are the reasons for it?

A lot of investment is being made in the Gulf region. What are the reasons for it?

gives business idea

I want new business idea so i looking new business so i own shop so give me business idea.

Looking for team members for an ambitious project

Hello all, please move to the appropriate section if this is not the correct section, I do not want to cause any problems.
I am currently working on an ambitious project that helps small businesses and individuals make more sales. The idea is simple, but the execution is not so simple. I need help in both executing this idea and scaling it to assist thousands of people.

I am looking for a few creative individuals to join our team. Most valuable in this position is creativity and having at least ten free hours a week to work on this project.

This project aims to be enjoyable, while helping others and most importantly, starting to build a residual income.
If you work well within a team and possess creativity and a good work ethic, we would love to have you aboard.

Please PM me for more details.

An internet service provider

Hello everyone. My name is Kameel Naidoo. I am a student in grade 8
I am trying to start an ISP service. I have setup All the technical aspects of the company. But I need some help with legal and help to run and manage the business. The website can be seen @

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated


samedi 17 octobre 2015

eCommerce Club forum

I know you guys are all serious about starting and improving your business online. I hope you can join and become and eCommerce Club member today. Check out my signature.

Can you share your eCommerce business? :)

mark cuban fans?

How to remove old url's from Google search result

I want to remove some old URL'S of my website from Google search results. I have couple of pages from my website but they are still showing in Google search result so i don't want to show them in search result.Kindly suggest me some tips or guide through which i can remove my old URL's from Google search result.

How to change your home into a stunning and attractive look ?

Every architect or interior designers generally refers wood work in houses and offices instead of any other materials.
Besides giving a wonderful look, using wood work in your house or offices basically brings the overall budget down.
For this reason now a day, in every buildings mostly in the residential areas, everyone started using wood work in installing doorways,
applying wall and floor coverings, kitchen, ceilings, installing frameworks, working on the interior and exteriors, making furniture products, installing roofs,
laying foundations and staircases.

Business name opinion

Hello everyone, I have been growing this company for a little while and want an opinion on the name. Thanks!

The over head name is Box Turtle Nation.

The sub names are: Box Turtle Graphics, Box Turtle Gaming, and Box Turtle Productions.

We focus on gaming and video effects, and short films. Does this name fit our services? Is it unique? Will you remember it? Do you personally like it?

Thanks and I appreciate any feedback!

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

Answering Service

I am looking to hire a full time answering service to answer new client calls, record the lead and schedule the appointments for our salespeople. I'd also like them to monitor our website's live chat feature.

Can anyone provide some recommendations for a reliable answering service?

Newbie here.

Hello everyone! It is a pleasure to be here. I am Cody Charles Deegan and I am glad to meet all of you.

I would like to work in Bahrain but want to know more about the employment policies..

I would like to work in Bahrain but want to know more about the employment policies and work culture there?

jeudi 15 octobre 2015

New Advertising strategy needed

I have rented retail location and opened new company that sells used cardio equipment Treadmills, Ellipticals, Cardio Bikes, and minor bodybuilding equipment.

It's on outskirts of downtown of big city, there's not much walk traffic though, however there's a freeway exit and many cars pass by every day.

Problem is i am not making enough income even pay rent at this point equipment we sell is quality and we got lifetime warranty, but not many people walk in every day, maybe 5-10 people a day walk in the store at best and most of them are people who called first, we have equipment standing outside on sidewalk and a big sign on the store, however it don't seem to attract any walk-ins or people who drive by.

Used to have website and keep it up to date but not having much traffic (website it has to be advertised too SEO is not enough) on it so we stopped updating it.

Only advertising we do is Craigslist, there's too much competition there and its not working as expected.

I need to find a new strategy for marketing our equipment to the potential customers, what would you suggest doing other than fliers.

Does anyone find it difficult to target ads on Facebook?

For the average business owner, do you find setting the advertisements tricky. I've met some folks who feel the process is too complicated and wanted to get opinions from those who have used it.


Forget Water On mars - Astronomers May Have Found Giant Alien Megastructures



A large cluster of objects in space look like something you would "expect an alien civilization to build", astronomers have said.

Jason Wright, an astronomer from Penn State University, is set to publish a report on the “bizarre” star system suggesting the objects could be a “swarm of megastructures”, according to a new report.

I was fascinated by how crazy it looked,” Wright told The Atlantic. “Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build.”

The snappily named KIC 8462852 star lies just above the Milky Way between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra. It first attracted the attention of astronomers in 2009 when the Kepler Space Telescope identified it as a candidate for having orbiting Earth-like planets.

But KIC 8462852 was emitting a stranger light pattern than any of the other stars in Kepler’s search for habitable planets.

Tabetha Boyajian, a postdoc at Yale told The Atlantic: “We’d never seen anything like this star. It was really weird. We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft, but everything checked out.”

In 2011 the star was flagged up again by several members of Kepler’s “Planet Hunters” team – a group of ‘citizen scientists’ tasked with analysing the data from the 150,000 stars Kepler was watching.

The analysts tagged the star as “interesting “ and “bizarre” because it was surrounded by a mess of matter in tight formation.

This was consistent with the mass of debris that surrounds a young star just as it did with our sun before the planets formed. However this star wasn’t young and the debris must have been deposited around it fairly recently or it would have been clumped together by gravity – or swallowed by the star itself.

Boyajian, who oversees the “Planet Hunters” project, recently published a paper looking at all the possible natural explanations for the objects and found all of them wanting except one – that another star had pulled a string of comets close to KIC 8462852. But even this would involve an incredibly improbable coincidence.

That’s when Wright, the astronomer from Penn State University and his colleague Andrew Siemion, the Director of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) got involved. Now the possibility that the objects were created by intelligent creatures is being taken very seriously by the team.

The three astronomers want to point a radio dish at the star to look for wavelengths associated with technological civilizations. And the first observations could be ready to take place as early as January, with follow-up observations potentially coming even quicker.

“If things go really well, the follow-up could happen sooner,” Wright told The Atlantic. “If we saw something exciting… we’d be asking to go on right away.”

Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures' orbiting star near the Milky Way | World | News | The Independent

Choosing a Business Structure for A Self Employed Contractor

Hi everyone

I am looking for some advice for starting a corporation in Texas. I have no idea how most of the US company and tax system works so I am looking for a heap of advice if possible.

I am moving from Australia to the USA in January. Currently I am a self employed contractor who takes a wage out of my company here in Australia. I need to set-up the same kind of structure here in the USA for when I arrive here in January.

The Structure I have at the moment is as following.

Pty Ltd Company with Company name
I take a regular Full time wage from my company
My Wife takes a regular part time wages from the company (She does all the books, accounting stuff and replies to emails contracts etc, as I work away offshore for extended periods of time)

How the Tax System and Company Structure works in Australia is as following

Company takes in money in form of invoices, lets say for a financial year we take in $100 000 in invoices

We have wages and expenses come out, lets assume we have $70 000 in wages (including tax) and $20 000 in expenses for the year, this totals up to $90 000

there for the company is left with $10 000 profit for the year. The company pays 28% tax on all profits for the year. (This is the Australian Corporate Tax Rate)

Now when it comes to our wages I have to explain how the tax system works here. Using round numbers for an example, say on a month my wage is $10 000, and I pay tax of 30% so, $3000 goes to the tax man and $7000 goes to me. On top of that we pay a thing called superannuation which is sort of equivalent to national insurance. At the moment it is at 9.5% of your gross income, the company must pay this. So even though i have taken $10 000 out of the company as wages, i need to also take $950 out of the company and put it in superannuation for the "employee" being me. (this is also the same for my wife)

I think this works the same way sort of like national insurance of 6.2% in the US, but instead of company paying it all, company in the USA pays 6.2% and 6.2% comes out of your personal income, can you correct me if I am wrong.

At the end of the day I want to set it up the same way i do it in Australia. Company that employs 2 employees. Employees take separate wages etc. At the end of the year we do tax returns for both employees and then the company need to do a tax return.

Would an LLC be the right structure or an S-CORP?

Seams to me an S-CORP is the way to go, but all the information is hard to follow being a foreign person from the USA.

Can someone please help me out here and nudge me in the right direction?


How do you identify and fix a Google Penaly?

I would like to know what steps you need to take in order to find out what google penalty your website has been hit with.

Just to be clear I am not talking about manual penalties that you can check in google search console. I am specifically referring to google algorithm updates.

For example if you have been hit by panda, penguin, hummingbird or mobile gedon how would you identify and fix it.

mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Feedback on Business Name

Hello Friends,

I am looking for feedback for selecting a name for my business. It is marketed towards Sustainability Startups. We provide services for them.

Couple of names that we came up with,

1. Sustup (Implying Sustainability Startup)

2. Mustard Seeder

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you.

I just gotta say

Question as to efficient market research methods

Hello, everyone.

I am a newbie would-be self-educated market research assistant. I have been learning the ropes for some time now and I will continue to do so. Even though I am doing fine enough, I am making projection about how I will be good enough than I am doing now in terms of market research in particular. That point is hard to guess because I just wonder how can I find more companies to contact in Internet 5 years later than I do right now as long as I employ similar method. So my question is:

What is the most efficient way to find list of companies on Internet? Does any body know whether there is a sole database that categorize the types of companies, in high numbers in fact. Because you know , using google to find them isn't convenient way to come up with a list of companies in hundreds thousands, for example, in Romania or Italy because even a proper Internet research only enables you to find a handful of companies but the thought is, there gotta be lots of companies existing. You can't expect yourself to accept that there is actually few flooring contractors , for example in Romania, which has 20 million citizen,( I could found only 14 flooring companies in Romania, is that a joke?), but unfortunately I haven't been able to find more than score for any country.

That kind of thought led me to think that how I should revise or improve my research methods in order to come up with more companies. I deeply appreciate your kind comments, recommendations, clues etc.

Thank you.

Transistioning from full time job to running small business full time - need advice


My name is Anthony and I am 28 yrs old, currently working as a product development manager full time (50K before taxes). About 3 years ago my wife started selling home décor on etsy. After a year I started helping her and now we are at about $25,000 in six months (not just on etsy) with 55% margins, with almost no marketing or advertising. I want to quit my job and go full time into our business, however I am now in a dilemma. Due to the extra hours invested in work (and a family, I have 3 boys) and loss of sleep I am having some blood pressure issues and need to cut back on the hours invested. We recently used a lot of our savings to get out of student loan debt and We have reinvested almost all profits back into the business purchasing equipment and a building, so my cash reserves are low.

The question is would you advise that I quit my job and go for it with about 3 months savings for expenses? Or just slow everything down and wait until I have months to a year of living expenses saved?

all advice would be considered and appreciated.

Thanks Need Feedback from customer's point of view

Please go to Value Tech Repair as if you were a customer and provide feedback, tips, concerns here on what you think of the website. I need critiques so I can move forward. This is a Tech Repair Business so we compete with small pc repair companies, Best Buy's Geek Squad, Fry's, etc.

Need input about current website design

I need some input on my website, Talking with a SCORE mentor, she says what she "would like to see is my product and the ordering done on the first page not the last page." She feels this is why I am not getting sales. With checking on several other websites with similar products, none have their ordering on the first page. They are set up similar to mine except with a couple specials on homepage to order.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

I have been working with SEO on site also, but my knowledge is somewhat limited. I have added keywords and phrases for all of products, and most of meta descriptions, but not getting much traffic to site. Need Feedback from customer's point of view

Please go to Value Tech Repair as if you were a customer and provide feedback, tips, concerns here on what you think of the website. I need critiques so I can move forward. This is a Tech Repair Business so we compete with small pc repair companies, Best Buy's Geek Squad, Fry's, etc.

Salutations from a copywriter


My name's Sajun, I'm a copywriter living in the beautiful gloom of Whidbey Island, Washington (don't tell anyone how nice it is here)...

You can take a look at my site at: Sajun Becker Launch Copywriter

I've been briefly lurking on this forum and have been delighted to see a surprisingly warm community; a rare thing indeed on the internet these days.

My intentions couldn't be more blatant: I'd like to connect with a few good people and lend a hand where I can.

Don't be afraid to bark up my inbox.

Take care,

mardi 13 octobre 2015

Roll out of instagram ads.

I would love to learn from anyone here that has implemented instagram ads. What are your tips and tricks that you can teach the forum?

How to get more sales with a trip wire

So I've implemented something in my business that has gotten me many many sales in the recent weeks, it's called a trip-wire. A trip wire is something that you offer almost at a loss to yourself to gain the customer as a client. Once they become a client, you can offer them something at a higher cost. It's infinetley more difficult for a customer to reach in their pocket to pay you money the first time but way easier to pay for something the second time. A trip-wire also has a much higher conversion rate. It's much better to get a conversion of 10% on a low cost offer and get more clients then it is to get a low conversion rate of .5% at a higher cost. Why? because you'll have more customers and customers are way easier to sell to.

Tell me what you guys think or if you have any tips that can help the forum.

LinkedIn Articles

I'm experimenting with publishing articles on LinkedIn's Pulse platform and I'm starting to see some signs of a return on my investment of time.

At the moment I'm playing around with different formats (quick tips, top 10 lists, infographics etc) to see which works best. (Top 10's are working really well).

The trouble I'm having is getting people from the LinkedIn article to my website. I don't really want to go down the route of turning my articles in to full on advertorials so I have just been using small bio's at the bottom of the article. So far the conversion rate is just under 1%.

How do I get this conversion rate up? What do other people do to convert articles in to site visitors?

Hi from the Welsh!


My name is Carl Nixon and I'm based in Wales (the bit that sticks out of the left side of the UK).

I'am an Excel / VBA programmer who specialises in automating clients Excel and Microsoft Office based systems.

Recently I have seen a growing number of clients come from the US (hence me being here today).

Happy to exchange and swap tips and tricks.

Away from the spreadsheets I'm involved with fundraising and working for a few children's charities.

Looking forward to chatting

lundi 12 octobre 2015

Should I buy this business?

A friend of mine mentioned his family member wants to sell his businiess he has. It's an online site selling retail goods. Been doing it for a few years now. He has proved to have increased sales 15% year over year....

This business is priced much lower (40% lower) than what a business with their earnings size should be priced at, due to not forming an official 'company'... He instead was running it out of his house and tracking sales and profits through auditing his checking account. Never formed a company of any sort...
But I have looked at his financial statements and was able to verify the earnings he stated. (Now if I intend to buy this business, I will take extra measures to ensure the statements are legit and so fourth, but lets just assume they are.)

My thoughts are to buy the business and make it legit (formally) , maintain or grow the earnings for 2 years, then turn around and sell the company...
I would already be buying it at a discount, so I already have "40% equity". Then keep the same or grow more earnings with clean books and records and sell it off...for full value... I am thinking this would be a good "business flip".

Does this sound nuts? Would you do it?


How do you delete your threads on here? Thanks , mrtrash

Help me figure out what my Business is worth and what I should sell it for.

I would like some advice from others on what they percieve the value of my retail website business to be based on the data I provide. I am trying to determine what to sell my business for: Your input is greatly appreciated!

What it is: Online clothing retailer (no store front). I hold no inventory in a warehouse. my suppliers drop ship for me.
My only method of advertising currently is facebook. I work roughly 25 hours per week. Profit margins are approximately 70%.

years in business: 3.5

Estimated Sales and Pre Tax Profits:

2012: Gross Sales $127,000 Pre Tax Profit: $94,000
2013: Gross Sales $147,000 Pre Tax Profit: $107,000
2014: Gross Sales $175,000 Pre Tax Profit: $123,000
2015: Gross Sales $250,000 Pre Tax Profit: $178,000 (estimated earnings)

A little over 15% year over year growth. But in 2015 I have over 40% growth...

Why a jump in growth in 2015? Only thing I can think of is that I changed the "style" of clothing I was selling. I switched up some products that seemed to be hotter trends.

What multiple would be appropriate to value my business? 2-3?

Made Redundant & Going Self Employed... Need a Business Name

Sorry if this is something that gets asked all the time but I really need some feedback and ideally some ideas.

I've been made redundant and finish work this week. I've been self employed in the past and fancy taking my chances at doing my own thing again. The business I am setting up is an events business in which I have experience over the last 5 years or so. I will be specialising in car sales events but will also be looking into other retail sales events and maybe some business / shop opening events. What I need is a half decent name. I knw success depends on the product / service but a good name would at least be a good start. The names I'm considering so far are:

Planet Events (Plan It Events)
Event Worx
Revolution Events
Top Mark Events (my name is Mark)
Top Marque Events (brings my name and the car element into it)
Premier Events (a bit common I think)
Prestige Events (again its a common name)

Any feedback, suggestions or good places for inspiration would be much appreciated. Cheers

RMS Software

I am looking for some good RMS software for my store. It should be something which can handle billing and inventory management. Can someone help?

Giving access to a freelancer

I am facing some technical issues with my blog. I am intending to assign a freelancer to handle these issues. I found that I have to give here administrator access to the wordpress dashboard to solve the problem. I am not really very comfortable about this although I know the freelancer personally.

What do you think about this? what you do if you need freelancer help with wordpress issue?

dimanche 11 octobre 2015

Choosing shipping companies

I am in the process of setting business accounts with shipping companies.
I already talked to many of them, and I received proposal from UPS, and Fedex. Revising the two companies proposals, I found just slight difference in prices, where in some cases UPS will be better than Fedex and vice versa. (The services provided are almost the same)

My question is that should I accept the proposal from both, and list both options for the customers, and let them choose? or will it be better to only sign with one company, so that I can maintain good profile with them?:confused:

Note: I want also to add free shipping option using the postal service.

Best way to store business contact

Dear all forumers,

I'm running a small trading business. Been working on it for 3 years. I find out that it is very important to store all business contacts that we have spend so much time and efforts to engage with them in the first place. Not only to store them but to able to utilize them and extract the data at your finger tips.

The old fashion way of storing in name card holders are long gone.

Even with point of sale system is very hard to extract all contact emails at once and notify all your existing customers on your latest updates and offers.

Recently I came across is app, CAMCARD. They are on all platforms from android, iPhone to pc.

Anyone have any great experience with it? Feel free to share with me.

My aim objective is to keep in touch with my customers every once in awhile and also to be able to blast emails to them when I got any new offers that could benefit them. (Don't worry it will not be like those junk mails where you receive on daily basis) it would be at most frequent 4 times a year.

samedi 10 octobre 2015

Where the sad plight of orphaned brothers.

The Story
1. story

I was born from 1 wealthy family. when I was 14 years old, my father left my mother, to follow others. three I have left one parent companies, mother and assets, but my mother did not have the experience. the company was plunged into crisis after one year. the year of the mother struggled to keep the company, she has done it all. but then to 4 years, the company has gone bankrupt and owes $ 500,000 making the mother cried.home lost, I am helpless, I was 18 not do anything for her. after that, mother had to work to feed my two brothers, so we get to class as other students, she did it all.
she cried tears dry, I just stand there. The grand mother, present some difficulty with my $ 500,000 debt. I hope benefactors please help me pay $ 500,000, or less part also. Please help our mother, so that we may one day live in peace.
every day they come to collect my debt, should we not be there.

we would like to thank everyone who helped. we would like to wish everyone have one life fun.

if one day get a chance I will repay you.

I thank you very much. Please help us.

or share this information for sites you know. we sincerely thank.
support click here
Attached Images

Looking for horror stories about how tax agencies treated you

My name is Jacob Smith and I'm running a tax escape service for small and medium businesses. I've also started a blog where I want to share people's bad experience with tax agencies from all around the world and write about stupid or ridicules tax laws that are making life miserable for normal people and business owners.
I'm looking for people that has been treated bad or unjust by their tax agency, business owners or private persons.
Do you run a business and have some bad experience with your tax agency? Please share your story

Have you been in trouble with your tax agency as a private person because of some stupid tax law? Please share your story.
Since we have a climate of very politically correctness when it comes to taxes, I do understand some of you don't want to reveal your identity, or your business you're in, in fear of being recognised full anonimity allowed.

Sends me a pm here or contact me at orcleardot.gif write your story directly on our blog at Home

Hello Everyone

My name is Johnson. I look forward to connecting with other business owners for tips and possible collaboration opportunities!

vendredi 9 octobre 2015

Buy-Sell Agreements

In the next 2-3 years I will have an opportunity to buy into a contracting company with annual revenue of $18M. I know how to make money in this business, but I'm not familiar with this type of transfer. Currently the company has 1 sole owner and has been in business for 25 years. What type of agreement should I expect that the current owner will want? I'm assuming that because of tax reasons, he's not looking for a lump sum buyout? Also, how can I raise the money that will be required up front for due diligence (and I assume I'll need a broker as well to facilitate an agreement)?

Any advice is appreciated.

Moving to a New Server

Hey All,

Thought I'd let everyone know, I'm having the site moved to a new server. I think it's going to start sometime tonight (10/9/2105), though it may be tomorrow.

You shouldn't notice anything while things are being moved, however when I change name servers there will be a time where some people see the site on the current server and some see it on the new one. I'm mentioning this because it's possible if you post something over the weekend you might end up on the current server even though the site is on the new server, in which case it may not be there in a day or two when all the changes have gone through.

Just wanted to let you know in case you post something over the weekend and don't see it on Monday. It's possible it ended up on the wrong server.

I apologize in advance if something you write seems to disappear. If that happens let me know. Odds are I'll be able to access things and add them after everything is moved.

Listing Contact or Office Hours. Yea or Nay?

I have this conversation with just about every client and would like to hear some opinions.

I believe you should put your office hours on your website and all of your marketing materials to give people a accurate expectation of when they can contact you and speak to a real person to do business with.

I've heard a lot of people, who ARE NOT 24 hour businesses, try and make the case that putting hours is limiting and gives the impression that they can't call anytime.

They say "I want people to know that I'm available to them 24/7". But that's BS because most business owners aren't available 24/7 and no one expects you to. But they do want to know WHEN you ARE open.

M-F 9-5 is the expectation that most people have for a business to be open, but businesses have varying hours so that's not always a given especially if it's not posted somewhere. It doesn't make you look bigger by putting no hours. It actually makes you look smaller by making them guess when you're available, if this is even a full time business, or if you're open at all.

If you're open after hours, then SAY THAT.
If you're 24 hours, then SAY THAT.
If you're open weekends, SAY THAT.
If not, then tell people when you're open for business.

And for pete's sake, if you do business nationally or internationally put a time zone or location information so that I know when to call you. Just putting an area code is not good enough.

What do you guys think?

Need help understanding how products get distributed to sellers

I want to make a product that will be competing with I am new to business and have made my own magnetic screw guides that are superior to their screw guides. They say they are looking for "distributors". What does this mean exactly? I can't find info on how global distribution of a product works. I keep finding a distributor in an automobile, or a GDS (Global distribution system) for hotels and air planes. I just need a clear understanding about how global distribution of a product works and how I can set up my competing product to also get global distribution. I am seeking to try and knock screwmat from the #1 spot for disassembly screw guides in the world. Thanks for your help and explanation. (remember, please explain in plain words, I am new to the business aspect of product distribution and manufacturing.)

jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Insurance payout for business taxable?

I own a small business and operate off land that I own. I had some storm damage to my large fabric style building that we lease to own. Insurance paid out $49k for materials + shipping and labor to get it fixed. They estimated X amount for materials and X about for labor. What they didn't know is that the company we bought the building from already owed us replacement materials for defective fabric so they shipped it all down on the same truck for free so the total cost was only ($4k to replace the part with storm damage). Since we built the building ourselves originally, we decided to use a portion of the insurance money to purchase a large used man lift ($14k) to use to repair the building and keep for future repairs and maintenance. There was further damage done while the roof was off that wasn't originally assessed by the claims guy. That maybe cost a couple of grand to fix. We also had to do some work to fix the lift ($2k) and of course we lost a bunch of business over the several months that the building was down.

So in the grand scheme of things, we used about half of the money for repairs and the other half to pay off business debts. So my question is.... do I have to pay taxes on a portion of the payout? Do I need to depreciate the lift or call it even? If I do need to pay taxes on it, is there a way to set it up to pay as little tax as possible on it?

Also... I do have a CPA that I work with but I wanted to get a general consensus so that I'm charged for as little time as possible. :)

HI from (digital marketing)

Hi Team!

My name is Dave. I look forward to connecting with other business owners for tips and possible collaboration opportunities!

Beyond being the CEO at evolvor, another entry point to gain clients has been creating business videos for other small business at Starting at $5, I create 1080p videos with excellent audio. This helps me to connect with businesses and introduce

Nice to be a part of this community! :)

Very best,
Dave Koji

Recording of Wages and Opening Balance Equity

Hello, first post here. Nice to meet you all.

Our company has an official incorporation date of July 1, 2015. Taxes on wages payed up until July 24, 2015 were deposited by our payroll servicer under the EIN of the previous entity, a sole proprietorship. Bookkeeping for the new company started on July 1, 2015. Should the wages up until July 24 be recorded in the books of the sole proprietorship or the corporation? If under the sole proprietorship, then for the corporation how should I account for paying those wages? Should I just change the effective starting date of the corporation to July 24? Can I do that? How can I do that?

The owner wants the Opening Balance Equity to be a loan from him to the corporation, as he will have to pay taxes on this amount (net income from the closed sole proprietorship). Will this balance stay the same even though wages were payed under the previous entity's EIN after incorporation and acquisition of a new EIN?

mercredi 7 octobre 2015


Just 31% of fortune 500 enterprises.
Now maintain an official blog, down from 34% in 2013.


used personal credit card for business what?


I recently launched a Recording Studio in Connecticut. While going through the process of getting together equipment I needed, I had to use my personal credit card to cover some immediate business expenses. My plan now is to sign up for a business credit card so that I can keep the business expenses separate going forward, but I need to figure out how to pay the debt on the personal credit card now that I am up and running in a way that doesn't screw up my taxes. I also work a full time job, which is the majority of my income (at least for the next few years).

I am an LLC. I've kept track right to the penny of every single purchase I made for the business on my personal credit card. Business is a single member LLC using my SSN. I'm also the sole credit card holder. I would like to do one of the following things, but I'm not sure which is best.

Option 1) Since I plan on getting a business credit card, I was hoping to do a balance transfer of the exact amount I spent on business expenses. I could then take advantage of 0% promos and so on, as well as making my payments cut and dry (business bank account to business credit card). My concern here is whether or not this effects my tax situation at all. I have every receipt and statement showing balances. My concern here is paper trail I think...

Option 2) Write payment checks from my business account to my existing credit card not exceeding the balance I used for business purposes. Can I do that or will it look strange making a payment to a personal credit card from a business account.

Option 3) Write myself checks from the business account (so that I'm taking a pay check) and deposit into my personal account. Then use my personal account to make a payment to the personal credit card. This is a lot more steps then I want to take, but if I have to do it this way, I will.

Essentially, I would like to know which of these methods is OK for me to use. If I've documented all the expenses, does it really matter which one I use? Any advice I can get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Hi There

Hi everyone I am glad to be here to learn from others and offer my help.

Need your help to evaluate my business

Dear All,

I built Sragon in Vietnam to provide software testing services with BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) model. The idea is:

- You want to build a software testing team in Vietnam and pay salary for engineers at local labor rate (very cheap). But you don't have any connection or you don't have experience building the team in Vietnam and you need help?

- BUILD: Sragon can help you to build the team as your expectation. All works are free at this step. The team can start working for you after you approve all team members.

- OPERATE: Sragon will operate the team for your at least 2 years. All expense to operate for your team will be paid by you (it is very cheap in Vietnam). Sragon will charge 15% per expense that you pay for each engineer.

- TRANSFER: After 2 years, Sragon will transfer the team to you. All works are free.

I am appreciated for your concern or question which help me to build perfect services for worldwide customers. Please don't hesitate to let me know if the idea is not good and nobody use the services.

Thanks so much,


Need your opinion!

Hello, I am about to start my first Kickstarter campaign. Guys, I want to see if anyone had some advice on my device.

My device is an OBD-II scanner based on Android OS with a preloaded software. There are a lot of features such as: GPS and Wi-Fi tracking, it sends notifications about car accident and after you can see a 3D model of a moving car during the accident, monitoring of a car condition, you can see data about engine level and temperature, current speed, fuel consumption, it will read error codes, also it will be a Wi-Fi hotspot in a car. You will be able to monitor with our special app on the phone or in your account. You can control your car everywhere in the world. And this is not the end. We have more features, sensors. If you have questions - ask) What features would you like to use in such device. What will be useful?

Any help is appreciated!

mardi 6 octobre 2015

Last Will and Testament

I was wondering if my last will or testament need to be signed by a lawyer so it's valid ?
I thought, I simple write a piece of paper, that includes all points for my last will.

Wealth, and who get's what.
And finally, I just go to an UPS Notary Service and let them sign this paper.

Is this not enough ?

Ohh yeah, living in the USA.

Legally covering every aspect of my Tech Repair Business

So far I haven't gotten too far in this area. I've copied and pasted some legal forms and made it applicable to my company but you have to pay to have them signed. I also added some disclaimers on my website. I still need to produce a general contract for services, invoices, and all other legal documents I might need. I'm not sure what all legal documents I might need.

I know when you're working with customer's computers you have to produce a contract to release liability in case of damages. I'm not sure what other liabilities might come up.

lundi 5 octobre 2015

Reasonable salary for S-Corp with low profits?

I'm confused by what a reasonable salary has to be before I can start taking dividends.

Last year my income from my ecommerce sole proprietorship was about $40,000. I'm considering creating a wholly owned S-corp, with the intention of lowering my tax liability by paying myself a lot less than $40k in salary, and taking the rest in dividends. It would have to be a big enough difference to offset the $800 CA annual corporate tax and possibly hiring an accountant for the more complex structure I'm faced with.

The below article seems to suggest that a "reasonable" salary that an employee must take before taking dividends is determined by the IRS looking at several factors, including similar professionals' benchmark salaries, the % of net sales, and how much personal effort the employee puts into the business.

Forbes Welcome

With my business, many people simply place orders online, so some of it runs with minimal work required daily. I'm engaged in other pursuits, and going forward I expect to work about 20 hours a week in this business. Maybe I should figure I'm paid minimum $20/hr and therefore $21,000/yr is a reasonable salary?

Is there even a tax form that clarifies why I'm taking only $21,000 in salary?

What if my business made only a meager $15,000 one year? Would it be unreasonable to take any dividends at all, given that $15,000 isn't even a very big salary for the work I'm putting in?

Advice please

I have a business that has been in business for 2 years now. Sales are up 74.55% this year, unfortunately all my profits have went toward replacing broken things this year. I had a goal of expanding the business for 2016. It is very important for this to happen because if I don't do it someone else will. I can not find any help for financing what so ever. Our YTD sales are 41k- which is double the sales from last year. I don't need much .. 25k at the most to make this happen. Any advice? Friends and family are out because I have no support system. I work full time as an area supervisor for a corporation currently which forces me to employ three people. All my money goes toward bills and college as I am a full time college student as well. That leaves me managing my business instead of being a hands on owner in which I hate. Advice?

Looking To Bring Huge Assets To Potential Partnership!

We are at a stage in our business we believe that allows us the luxury to acquire a like minded company to partner up. In terms of strategically complimenting one another in a way that allows us both to evolve towards new levels of business success. You will notice we bring quite the production/ branding arsenal. We have been quite successful in our first year of business, and our portfolio speaks all day for our blessed business endeavors; we have showcased these accolades on our website:

Let us know more about your small business, and how our strategic pairing of skillets can position us in a more effective and profitable business stance. Can't wait to here about some new and exciting companies who operate on a high energy level.
-The Creative Doorway Team

Hi! I do Online courses, podcasts

Hello there,
I have a small consulting and technology firm that builds online courses for organizations and universities. I make money because I like to experiment and learn new technologies. I think I know something about outsourcing, online courses, and software development. So if ever want to pick my brain on those things, please reach out!

Always looking to learn more about customer acquisition and building/maintaining a small company culture.

I also produce a podcast about small business owners. We interview gritty, funny, small business owners about how they got started and how they make money. It's at


Event planning

Hey am planning to start an event planning business and am confused on the name to settle for. I have three ideas, let me know which one captivates you most;
1. Mellow Shindigs
2. Mellow Fests'
3. Mellow Shindies

I love the name mellow as it represents something smooth or rather flawless. Suggestions are most welcome.

Hiring hourly base employee.

I have been blogging since one year and half. I tried my best to consider the blog as a job, and blog regularly, however as this is a DIY blog a lot of work is needed. This blog is related to the online shop I am intending to open. The success of the shop is strongly connected to the success of the blog.

Now I am thinking of hiring a girl (She is still studying in the collage) that I know to help me with the blog operation, like:
-Taking photos and editing them.
-Creating videos.
-Creating the online shop.
-other technical stuff.

For the time being I don't have an office to share it with here, it will only be some meetings in a coffee shop to delegate the work to her, and I will rent a room for photo shoots.

I didn't contact her yet, but I would like to ask, what should I write in the email?
Should I mention the hourly rate? I am not even sure if it is hourly rate, or project base? I am undecided.
Should I ask her about her hourly wage?

What do you think? I need your help, it is my first time to hire!:confused:

dimanche 4 octobre 2015

Do you think this idea is gimmicky enough?

Ok so in the next one or two years, I am planning on setting up my first small business at a local farmers market. I want to sell bottled juices, and I have very high goals. My goal is to create a high quality juice which is affordable and not pasteurized, all natural and made with 100% fruit unlike Tropicana. As I've said, I have big goals and it'd be wonderful to compete with Tropicana (I know, it is cringe worthy considering I haven't even started yet and I am not even 18 yet). I do have high hopes though. I already have my idea set out and a very large portion of money saved and college costs covered, so money won't really be a big issue.

A bottled juice business sounds very typical I realize, but I plan on making this brand distinct by using eco-friendly bottles (yes, it would be costly, but it can still be profitable), keeping prices low, and the goal would be to donate anywhere from 3-10% of all proceeds to arctic conservation groups if this idea were to go somewhere. Also this may sound ironic, but I want to name my brand "Penguin Juice". I think it is catchy enough and the wildlife donation thingy sounds pretty gimmicky to me.

My goal is to start small at a local farmers market next year just selling basic, cheap juices such as carrot, naval orange, watermelon (if its the summertime), concord grape and fuji apple. I already have contacts with bottle suppliers and graphic designers who can create the logo and graphics for the stickering. Now I have to figure out how I'll be able to get the produce -- I am considering buying stuff in bulk at Costco when I first start out, and then looking at buying in bulk from other vendors.

Anyway, do you guys think my idea has potential? My goal would be to start selling my juice at a few local health food stores or generic supermarkets IF I see that my brand is liked by the consumer, and if it is selling of course. And if it really did well at a few health food stores, I'd start a Kickstarter campaign and try to raise money to buy my own farm to produce my own produce for the juices which would allow for further profits.

ANYWAY, do you guys think my idea has some potential?

30 Day Free Trial Of My Digital Coupon Software

I am offering members of this forum a 30 day free trial of my digital coupon software. My digital coupons will work on all smartphones, tablets and computers, without any app installation needed. You just log in to your trial account and create your coupon and test it. I will close the 30 day free trial when all of the slots become filled. If you have any type of business that will benefit from mobile coupons please check us out. visit my site Digital Coupons for more information.
Here is the sign up link
Please use this link to sign up. The link in the header of my site will not give you the 30 day trial.

Our mobile coupon builder functionality:
WYSIWYG editor for creating coupons
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Hiring: Can you judge a resume in 6 seconds? Put yourself to the test.

Did you know that according to one study, hiring managers only spend an average of 6 seconds before deciding to keep or trash a resume?

As a professional HR, how does that sound to you -- like an outrageous exaggeration, or like a nail on the head?

We’ve created a quick test to help discover the truth, and we’d love for you to participate.

Take our 6 second resume test, and let us know what you think -- it’ll only take one minute!

Begin The 6 Second Resume Challenge

Are 6 seconds enough to properly judge a resume?
Attached Images

Help with our new business

We need some help. So far todate, we have moved a good amount of goods. But still not up to our standard. I was hoping you all in this forum, could provide some guidance along with suggestions on how to get more out of our new business.

Let me know what you think.... FatElvis Goods - Online Retailer, Consumer Goods | Arlington, TX

Thank you all in advance.

Which methods are for equipment

Hi, Friends!

I decided to create own manufacture. What exactly it will be - I'm not decided yes. But for now, I'm interest for business plan what methods of receive equipment issue? I know:
- Buying
- lease
- win tender
- friends or friends of friends
- ?

Thank's for any ideas and knowledge.

Sorry, if this questions already asked...

New business tax question

I registered a new business and received my tax id (Indiana) but life happened and business never got started. What do I need to do from here?

samedi 3 octobre 2015


Hi guys!

I'm Keith, I'm a webmaster for about a decade now, and I currently work with a web hosting company.

Looking forward to contributing to this community! :)

Hello from Slovakia

hello to everyone from Slovakia,

we are a business consulting company in Slovakia.

in case you are interested to make business in Slovakia
pls do contact us .


vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Id card printing: Is it profitable?

I am planning to start a printing business at my locality (india). There are many schools near my place. So, I think I can get some of them as my potential clients. In schools every year, they provide ID for each students. So this business will only run once a year not the whole year.
I browsed some printers for it at internet, I found it starts from Rs. 50,000.
The school authority usually charge like Rs. 50 from each students. So I guess I could charge them like Rs.20.

Please give me some advice if it is good, if you already own a similar business.

Question about ethics/morals regarding business partners?

I've recently partnered with a locally owned business helping the owner sell trading cards online. I earn a 10% commission, and he wants my commission to be removed from the cash flow. However, I want to reinvest the money in the venture. I realize he's concerned both with the money getting mixed up and not knowing who paid for what, as well as my investments undercutting his product acquisition and profits. However, I'm keeping an incredibly detailed record of purchases and sales, and I was planning on alternating every 50$ invested in product purchased between his money and mine, thus preventing any unfair growth. Would it be considered overly sly and/or poor taste to go through with this plan without his consent? I'm 100% sure I could move forward and prevent any potential issues such as confusion towards ownership, unfair/unequal profits etc. The only realistic consequence would be him getting upset at the fact that it's happening, should it come to light(which i'm sure it eventually would, given the nature of the business). He's a very stubborn man, and I highly value the partnership and potential for growth, however I feel like what I do with my money should be my business. That being said, I'm conflicted because I understand his concerns, and all of the initial investment/product was his. Any advice/insight?

LLC just formed: Not Piercing the Veil!

I buy and sell merchandise online and buyers make their checks out to me, personally.

Because I sell every single day of the year, I receive these checks every single day of the year.

Today, I formed an LLC (effective formation date = today!).

Of course, I notified all my buyers to begin making their checks out to my LLC name. However, before I became an LLC today, my buyers wrote their checks out to me personally, and those checks are in the mail as we speak.

What am I supposed to do with all those checks which are made out to me personally, that will be arriving here in the mail over the next couple weeks?

I know there is probably some special procedure to follow so that my "Veil" is not Pierced -- I'm sure I cannot simply deposit them into my LLC Bank Account, because that would be toooo easy! haha. So, legally, what is the best thing to do with those checks? If I were to take a totally uneducated guess, I think I should make a note in my LLC Master Operating Agreement that I'm funding my LLC with those exact checks! And then as they arrive, save them all up in a box, and then in one big lump sum (probably around 4 thousand dollars), dump them into my LLC bank account and then write that "action" down in my "Official LLC Minutes Planner."

What do you all think?

Which are Popular Social media sites, which can give me some Traffic?

Hey Everybody,

I just wanted to know the name of Popular social media sites, which i can use to drive traffic to my blog. I Just start with a Brand new blog and now looking to get visitors.

Where to find guest bloggers for my site?

I am little busy nowadays and looking for some quality guest bloggers for my website.

Can anyone tell me that where I can find guest bloggers in my niche?

How to reduce Bounce rate?

Hi All

I am observing that my site is getting high bounce rate from the traffic coming from social media sites and also from Google. Does it have any bad impact on search engine rankings? Also how to reduce bounce rate on my website?

jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Satyam hair transplant cenre

Satyam hair transplant cenre
When should we be worried about the fall? If excessive hair loss continues for more than three months, ideally go to a dermatologist or doctor. Chronic hair loss can mean that something is not right internally. The most common causes of hair loss are long-term deficiencies of iron, vitamin D and vitamin B12, as well as hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

Good idea or bad idea please help

So I work full time but I'm looking for something to invest in so I'll have another income besides my full time job income. My parents started a business a year ago doing land service work which to them is just tractor work but they only do like 1 small job a month there retired so it's ok for them I guess. They were going to drop there business name and everything because of taxes and they really don't know what to do with the business so I asked if I can take over snice they already have a name llc tax ID and other documents I figure I'll roll with it and my wife's dad mows yards he has been for about a year he does good surprised me he make about 600 a week in just mowing yards he has alot of clients so I was thinking of starting a lawn care business under my parents business name and hire my wife's dad to keep doing what he is doing and I was gunna put him on a hourly rate hire him a hand get another mower some more equipment with this to they can do twice as many yards plus we can get into Comercial business lawns as well and for big jobs there's my parents tractor. The plus side for him would be he would have a legitimate job to file taxes with and he would make more in the long run seems ok to me am I missing something or am I on the right track? Any input would be appreciated thanks.

Hey everyone! Graphic Design firm

Hey guys, my business is a Graphic Design firm. I've been in the field for over 9 years. I started out doing freelance graphic design and eventually started a firm. We specialize in strategic graphic design , branding and identity and advertising. We also recently got into design consultation.

I joined this forum to share ideas with people, gain advice and even share some advice of my own on business.

Welp thats pretty much it! Feel free to shoot me a pm if you have any questions :P

P.S. My firm name is not my profile name incase anyone was wondering.

Community Renewal, Real Estate

Hi all,

I wanted to get your opinions on a thought that I had been considering in recent months so that I can better refine my business plan.

I should start with my own professional background: I have worked within a non-profit, affordable housing development for a few years. In that time, I have gained quite a bit of experience in housing pre development, grants, relationship building, etc.

I would like to start my own business in community renewal of my home town. This town has a number of distressed properties and has been heavily hit by capital flight, i.e. loss of manufacturing jobs which provided most of the employment in the area. As a result, there are a number of economically depressed areas.

In many ways, I see this venture as being a hybrid of a non-profit and a for-profit business. The venture will concern itself with sustainable development of the community, as well as being partially dependent upon the financial support of its members and grantmakers in the short term. The ultimate goal of this venture will be to acquire rental properties which I will then rent out to "income qualified households" --- a process which will likely be done in house, basing the rent of roughly 30% of a household's income (per the legal understanding of affordable housing), in addition to various other services which could be offered, (assisting families with Section 8 applications).

My business idea has two stages:

Stage 1 -- Develop relationships with members of the city and those in foundations which I will later appeal to for grant money. In this stage, I will work to primarily raise capital through seeking grants. This will be difficult, however, as I intend on create an LLC, and most grant making organizations limit their funding to non-profits. I have considered creating a non-profit, but the organizational difficulties of creating a board, additional legal paperwork, etc. seem to be a large start up cost for what I am wanting to do; moreover, I would like to have a greater financial stake in this venture.

Within stage 1, I will be working to organize the community, providing outlets for community voices and engagement. However, more of my focus will be in the creation of opportunities for college aged students. I have been in the process of forming relationships with other organizations which would allow opportunities for internships for students from disadvantaged neighborhoods. Secondly, I envision creating some small scholarship to assist with higher education attainment.

In all parts of this initial stage, my primary objective will be to 1) gain community support, 2) grow the influence and recognition of my brand within the local communities.
I believe that these two objectives are important to continue to stage 2 of my business. Moving to the second stage will be dependent upon raising capital/support to acquire my first property.

Moving into stage 2, I am hoping that I will have community support and developed relationships with key city/county officials which will allow me to purchase a distressed property; or to have acquired grants and private donations which will allow me to purchase a property and make needed repairs.

Once the property is obtained, stage 2 will concern itself with purchasing and developing more properties, as well as developing a series of programs targeted towards undeserved families.

7 Remarkable Habits of Consistently Successful People

Read this the other day and thought of this section of the forum.
#4 hits home to me and to me is one of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur:


Some people quickly decide that they’ve chosen the wrong path and go off to try something else. Others doggedly put their heads down and keep doing what they’ve been doing, hoping that if they’re stubborn enough, eventually they’ll get what they want.

Consistently successful people do neither. When things don’t work out, they take a second look at how they’ve been approaching the problem, and make adjustments that may help improve things going forward. Then they go forward. They don’t give up until they’ve tried every conceivable approach, and then some.
Source: 7 Remarkable Habits of Consistently Successful People |

I've come across a lot of people both here and in life that have one plan, one vision, and can't possibly conceive of doing things any other way...and those people usually fail. IMO if you aren't able to pick yourself back up, brush it off, learn what you did wrong and fix or improve on it then you're kidding yourself that you can be successful in business and in life.

I actually go into some things knowing that I don't have all of the answers, but confident that what ever kinks present themselves will be the additional information and education that I need to fine tune the idea.

What do you guys think?

Staring Business at Night

Hi everyone, i'm from Brazil and I don't speak english well. Do you think open a small store or cantina with an employee during the day and work on it at night is a bad idea? Does Bussines like that work in your cities? thanks