jeudi 3 octobre 2013

Is this illegal or not?

First off, I do not own a business. I do not know very much about small businesses and how they run. This is why I came to this forum. Hopefully there is someone here who could help me. Here is my question:

A person that I know has a small masonry business. He has a business license. He has about 4 employees. He doesn't have them fill out all the paper work you would fill out if you got a job like at McDonalds for example. The employees don't fill out W2s. When he pays them, he writes them checks but they are personal checks, not "company checks". He also works with this employees. He doesn't say "Be at this place tomorrow at this time", they all go together and work together. When tax time comes around his employees barely get a refund or they end up owing. Is this legal what the owner is doing? Also, with the new healthcare law, is he breaking some type of law(s) by doing this? Who would I report this to?


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