dimanche 30 mars 2014

Astu : A platform for finding your next big business idea.

Hi All,

I had posted on this forum a couple of weeks back as to what is the most important thing for small business. I got a couple of feedback where people were interested

in finding out what people want.

What is Astu:

Astu is a platform for both end users, enterprenuer or any one who wants to start a business.

1 ) Astu is a platform were end users tell their requirements , the problems they face on a day to day basis and if there are any existing products which doesn't work for them.

2) As an enterprenuer you want to build something which people use rather than something which is cool but of no use. Astu provides you with that information in making required decisions looking at the data.

3) If you have a solution to the problem which people are describing you can create a business on Astu which solves their problem

Please let me know you feedback on this.


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