mercredi 19 mars 2014

Marc and a newbie in every sense of the word

Greetings all!

First some background. My name is Marc, and I live in Chicago. I'm 47 and want to be my own boss. Since I've never been in the same job for more than 7 years, I'll likely be looking for the “next job” in perpetuity, which doesn't appeal to me at all. I understand the risks of starting a new business are great, especially in retail, but I'm a risk taker and willing to take the plunge if it’s feasible.

When I see a small business doing what I'd like to do, sell sports team apparel and whatnot, I wonder to myself (1) how have they stayed in business all of these years because, when I shop there, I'm the only customer in the store, and (2) why can't I do it, too?

The first thing I did was sit down and do a quick feasibility assessment. The numbers, namely, the volume of product I need to sell monthly, really took me aback. After some brainstorming, I was wondering if anyone here does business as an outlet? I could contact the suppliers and agree to sell their products exclusively. Of course, I’d ask for a discount beyond what they offer online for direct purchases. If you have done this, or do this now, what pitfalls might arise especially if the supplier is located overseas.

Thanks in advance for the input!


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