lundi 24 mars 2014

Prince from Dallas


My name is Prince. I run A business online and I have specialized in internet marketing for quite a while.

Many people have come to me for advice on how to generate FRESH and Highly quality leads on the internet...

I have been sharing my knowledge on how to do so for awile now.

Personally in my career I used to be A door to door day I got really tired of cold calling

on people with no proven marketing plan. I ran into problems such as....

  • Running low on gas

  • Running low on people to call on

  • Losing motivation

  • Facing fear and rejection

So one day I went home and tried to figure out ways to do business better. Anyways...that is A bit of my

story. I will be sharing here what I know on the internet and try and help as many people as I can.

Thank you for the chance to join this forum!

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