dimanche 16 mars 2014

Hootsuite University Social Media Classes. Anyone else try it?

I started using Hootsuite again to manage my social media accounts for my new blog.

I used to use it a few years back, but haven't in a while. It has come a LONG way. They've put together some nice SM management tools and integrations.

For an additional charge they offer classes called "Hootsuite University" on how to better use the tools, and the options available to you on different social media sites, as well as best practices for growing your brand on Social Media.

I'm finished with the first set of classes and got my initial certification. It's very good. I thought it would be cheesy and a bunch of stuff that I already knew, but I'm actually very impressed. They've put together an extensive and well organized collection of tutorials, webinars, downloads and other educational materials that are actually pretty easy to follow.

Even though I've been dabbling with Social Media since My Space, it's amazing how much I didn't know. It has answered a lot of questions that I've always had about how the big brands do it and now I see the difference between a well managed campaign, and just posting hoping to get lucky.

Has anyone else has taken any of the courses? Or use Hootsuite to manage your accounts?

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