mardi 18 mars 2014

How to move forward with a landing page and product?

The catch-22 is that my product is finished as far as a prototype. Looks nice, but will look a whole lot better when professionally manufactured.

Three things that I would like to do, but the big question is viability - which I think there will be demand. It's an outdoor/camping/survival component.

Anyways, the three things that I was planning on doing is: patent, engineering drawing compiled, manufacturing.

However, after reading several small business sites, etc. they recommend a "landing page" before moving forward with the more expensive (above) steps.

The big question is, do I screw myself my creating a landing page, before securing intellectual content, or should I not be concerned about that, since I would only show pics, and maybe a video on how it works - or should I be concerned?

What is the best option to move people to the landing page to get a good cross section of online users, etc. to actually record how many people visit, and potentially interested? Advertising? If so, best exposure method?

What would be the best option to implement the viability with costs, to make sure the product has a customer base before dumping **** tons of money into it? Thanks.

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