dimanche 30 mars 2014

Does my situation sound like I should make a non-profit or corporation?

So I run multiple websites (with FB pages and hosted programs and in-person consultations) explaining autism to the public and helping people on the autism spectrum. I do not make any profit from these and do not plan to, at least not in the immediate future. My father suggested I do something to limit my liability in case I were to, whatever reason, get sued. We live in a rather litigious society, so while there's no reason for anyone to sue me, things can happen and the website and my related work is only going to expand in the future so I'd rather be prepared. (While I try to play it very neutral in the websites, the autism community is a very controversial place and people literally get death threats for particularly controversial views, so I figure a lawsuit wouldn't be out of the question either.)

My question is, what kind of organization should I start? It's just me running it at this point, with limited consultation from another person. And for a non-profit it seems like you need a board of directors? So I don't know if that's possible. But a corporation seems, well, to be implying that I'm making money from this. And I'm not.

I'm sure you all know much more about this than me, which is why I'm turning here for advice. What do you all think best suits my situation?


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