mardi 18 mars 2014

Hello from Illinois

Good morning everyone. Just a quick introduction about me and my business. We are a small family owned laser manufacturing and custom fabrication business located in the northern suburbs of Chicago. We have been in business for going on 33 years, but have not been overly successful in growing the business. This company was started by my grandfather, my father, and 2 of my uncles. These men are extraordinary workers and they have a vast knowledge of doing the work, however when it comes to being small business owners they lack the fundamentals for creating a sustainable business. They have done a wonderful job of creating and maintaining jobs for themselves but have neglected the business as a whole. I have been part of this company for the past 14 years and just recently acquired stock ownership due to the retirement of my grandfather. This business has tons of potential and is at a cross roads in terms of direction and new beginnings. I am here to gain some insight from other members such as myself to aid me in the successful transformation of this business to ensure that it continues for a long time to come. I am more interested in making this corporation successful and sustainable on its own so that it can reap the benefits of growth and open new doors and possibilities to become a cornerstone of the industry.

I look forward to meeting others who share the same passion for their businesses that I do and learning from them on how I can help better my company.

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