samedi 15 mars 2014

i actually hired someone today

8 years thinking about it....the day finally came today....I hired my 1st employee

a laborer for $15 an hour- part time

I narrowed it down to 3 applicants

1. was older than me but very experienced...and seemed to have a similar personality..6 years in the army....he has his own part time design business, so its a perfect matchup(he isn't using the job as his only income).....negs- he's old and sure how he will handle the heavy lifting....I guess its not my problem...he's agreed to it

2. was young. showed up 1/2 hour drivers license, drunk driving 5 years ago, car is all smashed up.....talks stupid(young), said negative stories about himself when I asked about his work history.......pos..he's young/strong and could easily handle things......his work experience would make him an excellent.....neg...his brain and his drunk driving

3. never showed up

I called #1 tonight....he has actually been a plumbers helper.....same hyper personality.....were similar in many ways, but I can tell he's more of a free spirit...51 years old and has earings and had very long hair within the past couple of years (I saw his drivers license) hes clean cut(except for the earings)

I think he will be a excellent worker.....we will see if a tiny 150lb 51 year old can carry a water heater by himself......he didn't seem to know if he could or not

I trust him....that's why I didn't look for more...he struck me the right way from his 1st email on

because he has another side job I don't need to guarantee him anything.....if I give him 4 hours he doesn't care....he even said he'd work 2 hours if it were close by

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