jeudi 20 mars 2014

Hello Everyone, Just a friendly Background of me!

I am a motivated,passionate, young go gett-er and have always been interested in entrepreneurship. I am 21 and have had some business experience. I recently got out of my latest business venture which was owning a small landscape company. It was fairly profitable where we had about 10 regular clients we did various task for every other week or so. I got out of that business because of the labor preformed, i don't mind it i just would rather do something with bigger profitable margins and my partner and i were having issues on which way we saw our company going so he offered me a buyout. I finished up at a JC in California and am eager to make my next step. Not sure whether to jump back into school and get into student loans route at a state or UC. Or just try and start up my own business. I have lots of ideas, and feel like i have lots of good skills sets necessary. But would lack reputability starting another business model because of my age.


thanks and interested in meeting you all!

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