dimanche 30 mars 2014

The Best Online Business For Beginners

I wanted to make a post for anyone who's looking to start an online business, but doesn't know where to start; and looking at a lot of the posts in this forum, it's clear that a lot of people are in that arena.

So, I'll just get straight to the point, while there are A LOT of online business that a beginner can take part in, in my opinion, Affiliate Marketing is by far one of the best for beginner to get into, and here's why:

1. Low Start Up Cost

2. Recurring Income

I'm completely aware that there are online businesses that offer both of these incentives that do not fall into the category of Affiliate Marketing, however, there are very few that can provide someone with the FREEDOM that comes with being a successful Affiliate Marketer, and this freedom comes by making a conscious decision to market a product/service that offers RECURRING INCOME.

Recurring income, simply put, will pay you many times for making one sale. So if you are marketing a product/service that charges a monthly fee, you will receive a commission every time the customer is charged for the service. So you would only need to make one sale, in order to receive payment for that sale every month as long as the customer stays subscribed to the product/service.

Imagine if you marketed a product/service that charged $50 a month to be a part of, and you received a 40% commission on each sale you made. That means for every sale you made, you received $20 in commission every month as long as the customer stayed subscribed to the product/service. If you only made 100 sales and quit marketing, you would make an additional $2000 a month, every month!

Clearly there is a lot of potential to getting involved in Affiliate Marketing and there are many websites that teach how to successful become an Affiliate. I'd recommend visiting Clickbank's website (I am NOT an affiliate for clickbank) to better understand what products/services you can market that will bring you a recurring income. Also, I'd like to stress that this is just MY OPINION of Affiliate Marketing, but it's something that I truly believe in. Of course, there is work that is involved to make your business successful, but if you stick with it, you will find that the work was well worth it. :D

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